Course #: IT 140 Page 2
North Seattle Community College
Business, Engineering and Information Technology
Course Outline
Fall 2003
Division: Business and Engineering TechnologyProgram/Dept: / Network Technology
Course Number: / IT 140 / Credits: / 5 / Variable:
Course Title: / Unix Shell Scripts with Perl
Inst. Intent: 21 Vocational Preparatory / CIP: / 11.0901
Fee: / CL / Type: / Computer Lab Fee
Degree/Certificate Requirement: / Yes
Name of Degree/
Certificate Requirements: / Network Administration – Certificate program
Distribution Requirement for AA/AAS: / Yes
Transfer Status to 4-year institution: / No
If yes, please describe:
Course Length: / Based on 11 wks/qtr. / Class Size: / 28
Course Contact Hours: / 55
Lecture: / 55 / Lab: / Clinical: / Other:
Prerequisite: / Yes / If yes, please describe: / IT 138 or instructor permission
Required Placement Tests: / No / If yes, please describe:
Course Description:
A task analysis of current industry standards and occupational analysis was used to develop the content, which includes, but is not limited to, Unix host administration with shell scripts and the use of the Perl language for administrative functions. This class also deals with basic Internet operations on Unix systems, with a focus on data collection on the WorldWide Web.
Course Outcomes/Learning Objectives:
Upon successful completion, the student will:
1. Describe the organization of Unix hardware components
2. Describe the organization of the Unix operating system software
3. Perform basic Unix administrative command tools to control access, tune the system, account for resources used.
4. Describe advanced administrative concepts and considerations
5. Use Unix tools for multi-tasking and networking
6. Identify operational considerations
7. Describe networking aspects of Unix and the Internet
8. Describe Unix communications protocols
NSCC General Education Outcomes and/or Related Instructional Outcomes (for technical courses) Met by Course: (list each outcome):
Outcome 1. Think critically in reading and writing.
A. Develop the attitudes that support problem solving and reasoning.
B. Apply thinking skills to diagnose hardware problems.
Outcome 6. Work and communicate effectively in groups.
A. Develop effective listening and speaking skills.
B. Develop skills to facilitate group work.
Topical Outline and/or Major Divisions:
I. Organization of Unix-based hardware components
A. The processor
B. The kernel
C. The disk system
D. Communications hardware
II. Organization of the Unix operating system interface software
A. Shells
B. Selecting one shell versus another
III. Introduction to basic Unix administrative commands
A. Administrative tools to control access
B. Tuning the system
C. Accounting for resources used.
IV. Introduction to advanced concepts
A. Multi-user
B. Multi-tasking
C. Time-sharing
D. Networked communications, including e-mail
V. Unix tools for multi-tasking and networking
A. Spoolers
B. Daemons
C. Schedulers
VI. Establishing user accounts, access and permissions for data sharing
A. Establishing, controlling and managing user accounts
B. Revoking access and permissions
VII. Administrative considerations
A. Security
B. Remote access
C. Performance monitoring
VIII. Operational considerations
A. Host initialization
B. Suspension and termination
C. The physical environment of the system
IX. Unix and the Internet
A. The Internet environment
B. Threats to corporate data
X. Unix communications
B. smtp and sendmail
C. Mailx, Pine and Elm accounts
Course Requirements (Expectations of Students)
- Attending class sessions
- Reading as indicated by instructor
- Completing course assignments as indicated by instructor
- Completing course exams
Methods of Assessment/Evaluation:
Graded on case/lab performance and written exams.
Required Text(s) and/or Materials:
Instructor will assign a text on a quarterly basis, including on-line resources and/or instructor materials.
Supplemental Text(s) and/or Materials:
Outline Developed by: / DC Shoemaker / Date: / 11/15/99Revised by: / DC Shoemaker / Date: / 12/09/99, 9/11/03, 10/24/03