Pre CLB 1 Winnipeg School Division

Adult EAL Program

Essential Skills Assessment.

Level: Pre CLB 1


When should I administer the pre-assessment?

The pre-assessment can be administered at the end of the school year or mid-stream.

What should I do if the learners are nervous about test taking?

Class participants do not have to be made aware that they are being assessed. In order to reduce stress levels and performance anxiety, tasks can be incorporated into regular class activities.

Why do I need to assign scores? And do I have to give the scores to someone?

The scoring system is optional. Each task has a place to score the task, and a summary page is included at the end of this package.

Scoring is an option as a method of determining if progress has been made, and this information is helpful for report cards.

What if the tasks on the assessment are not relevant to my curriculum?

These assessment tasks are only suggestions. Teachers should adapt or change Essential Skill tasks to fit the needs of the learners.

How many assessments are in this package?

This package contains one sample pre-assessment and one sample post assessment for each Essential Skill.

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program

Task 1 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Reading

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions: Read the email.

To: All employees
Subject: Meeting

Hi Everyone,

There is a meeting on Monday at 10:00 am.




1.  What day is the meeting? ______

2.  What time is the meeting? ______

3.  Who is the manager? ______

Can the learner read the memo?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Reading

Author: Heather Currie adapted by J Bell level: Pre CLB 1

Task 2 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Writing

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions: Read the letter.

February 21, 2010
Dear Ms. Tassie,
I have a doctor’s appointment on March 12, 2010. I will not be at work in the afternoon.
Thank you,
Yan Jing Yu

Copy the letter.

______, 2010
Dear ______,
I have a doctor’s ______on March 12, 2010. I will not be at ______in the afternoon.
Thank you,

Can the learner copy the letter?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Writing

Author: Heather Currie level: Pre CLB 1

Task 3 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Oral Communication

NAME: ______DATE: ______


This task sheet is for teacher use only. Record responses and comments to inform how you score the participant on this tasks.

You can say to the participant:

“I will ask some questions. I want you to answer me. For example, I say “hello” and you can say “hello”. Okay, let’s try it. I say “What’s your name? You say, ______. Good, let’s begin.”

1.  “What country are you from?” ______

2.  “What language do you speak?”______

3.  “When did you move to Canada?”______

4.  “Do you like Canada?”______

5.  “What do you like Canada?” (or “What don’t you like Canada?) ______

Comments: ______

Can the learner answer the questions?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Oral Communication

Author: Heather Currie level: Pre CLB 1

Task 4 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Use of Documents

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions: Please use a pencil to complete this form.

Information Form

Write your:

First Name: ______

Last Name: ______

Street and Number: ______

City: ______

Province: ______

Postal Code: ______

Telephone Number: ______

Can the learner complete the form?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Use of Documents

Author: Heather Currie level: Pre CLB 1

Task 5 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Thinking Skills

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions: Tell your teacher or point to what is wrong with this picture.

Can the learner spot the dangers? (not assessing language, so even pointing is fine)

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Thinking Skills

Author: Heather Currie adapted from Canadian Snapshots level: Pre CLB 1

Task 6 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Working with Others

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Can the learner:

·  Work independently on tasks?
·  Work jointly with a partner or on a team?
·  Participate in leadership activities?

Work Independently

2 / Can do independently.
1 / Can do with support.
0 / Can’t do yet.

Work jointly with a partner or on a team

2 / Can do independently.
1 / Can do with support.
0 / Can’t do yet.

Participate in leadership activities

2 / Can do independently.
1 / Can do with support.
0 / Can’t do yet.

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Working with Others

level: Pre CLB 1

Task 7 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Numeracy

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions: Look at the ruler. How long is the line?

The line is _____ cm long.

Can the learner identify the length of the line?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Numeracy

Author: Heather Currie level: Pre CLB 1

Task 8 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Computer Use

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Instructions for teacher:

Can the participant

1.  Turn the computer on? Yes _____ No _____

2.  Open Word? Yes _____ No _____

3.  Type their name? Yes _____ No _____

4.  Type their phone number? Yes _____ No _____

5.  Close Word? Yes _____ No _____

6.  Turn off the computer? Yes _____ No _____

Can the learner do basic tasks on the computer?

2 / Cc Can do independently
1 / Can do with support
0 / Can’t do yet

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Focus: Computer Use

Author: Heather Currie level: Pre CLB 1

Task 9 Pre CLB 1 – Essential Skill Assessment Continuous Learning

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Does the learner:

·  Come to school everyday?
·  Pay attention in class?
·  Participate in class?

Come to class

2 / Almost always.
1 / Sometimes.
0 / Not Yet.

Pay attention in class

2 / Almost always.
1 / Sometimes.
0 / Not Yet.


2 / Almost always.
1 / Sometimes.
0 / Not Yet.

Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program - Essential Skill : Continuous Learning

level: Pre CLB 1

Essential Skill Assessment Summary Page

Name of learner: ______

Indicate if this assessment is:

____ pre-assessment _____ mid-stream assessment ______post-assessment

Check off the Essential Skills assessed and insert scores:

CLB Outcome

Essential Skill

/ Score (indicate a number or n/a for not applicable)
1.  Reading Text / /
2.  Writing / /
3.  Oral Communication / /
4.  Use of Documents / /
5.  Thinking Skills / /
6.  Working with Others / /
7.  Numeracy / /
8.  Computer Use / /
9.  Continuous Learning / /

Essential Skill focus needed for this learner: ______



Winnipeg School Division Adult EAL Program Essential Skill Summary Page