THT2114 Sustainable Operations and Destinations Sem 1, 2017

Task 1C. Considerations of Global Challenges in Tourism and Hospitality

Guidelines for the Individual Assignment on Global Challenge Considerations in T&H.

The following guidelines are provided for your assignment submission:

  • Task 1C = Approx. 400 words (Excluding Case Comparison Table and Reference page)
  • Make sure that you have a cover page that includes:
  • Your full name and student ID number
  • Date and code / name of subject

TASK:Compare two destinations that are in different phases of the Destination Cycle (Butler Sequence) using the concepts of:

  • SustainableDevelopment
  • Destination Development Scenarios (Weaver and Lawton, 2014: 344),
  • the Triple BottomLine approach
  • Carrying Capacity,

Discuss each destination using:

  • One topic chosen from the 13 global challenges (see page 11 of text) for each example

Section 1 - An introduction which briefly:

  • Provides an overview of the global challenge. Your goal is to outline the main issues and summarise the challenge in a general understandable way.
  • State what you are doing (comparing two entities) and reason for comparison
  • Indicates key theories anddefine key termsincluding:
  • Sustainability and Sustainable Development
  • Carrying Capacity and Destination Scenarios (Weaver and Lawton, 2014)
  • Describes the main products and experiences offered by the destination of your choice (appropriately referenced e.g. Thredbo Ski Resort website) and the stage of the destination cycle.

Section 2 -Is in a table format (see templatebelow) and should compare two destinations that are in different phases of the Destination Cycle; have similar geography / climates / attractionsusing Destination Development Scenario (Weaver and Lawton, 2014: 344).

  • Identify a region or locale in your country or in Australia and its development stage (See Butler Sequence) and Destination Development Scenario (CAT/DAT/SMT or UMT)
  • Discuss the likelihood that this destination has experienced/will experience an alternative scenario that can affect such a destination, according to the broad context model of destination development (Weaver and Lawton, 2014, p. 344)
  • Compare and contrast the findings from the various destinations

An example of template to use for comparison (Note: this is not included in your word count of

Alternative Tourism (DAT / CAT) / Mass Tourism (SMT / UMT)
Pristine Island – (CAT) / Island – Hong Kong
Wildlife Safari at Ningaloo W.A. (DAT)
Sail Ningaloo - EcoTourism W.A.
Wildlife Safari - Ningaloo Reef W.A / Wildlife Safari – Africa (SMT)
Rhino Africa Kruger National Park Safaris responsible-rhino-tour
Antarctica / Ski Resort (Europe, Japan, Aust etc)
Wildlife tour Rwanda (CAT)
video of Gorilla & Ane / Phillip Island Nature Park (SMT)
Galapagos Islands
Wildlife Safari – Africa (SMT)
Desert Eco-Tour / Uluru
DAT = Deliberate Alternative Tourism
CAT = Circumstantial Alternative Tourism / SMT = Sustainable Mass Tourism
UMT = Unsustainable Mass Tourism

Section 3 - should address Sustainable Management and Carrying Capacity Issues. Using one (1) topic chosen from the 13 global challenges (p.11 of text) explain:

  • The role of regulation (ie how and why carrying capacity may need to be managed in each destination due to the global challenge chosen and sustainability)

Illustrate the possible paths of evolution of each location (See Weaver and Lawton 2014: 344) in terms of:

  • deliberate alternative tourism (DAT)
  • sustainable mass tourism (SMT)
  • unsustainable mass tourism (UMT)

Ideally these should be bullet points with brief elaboration (one sentence) of the point made and illustrated (see figure 11.10 Weaver and Lawton 2014: 344)

Final section- Conclusion which summarises the key points in your answer and anyrecommendations for your destination

  • You must include a reference list at the end which must include at least four references e.g. Weaver and Lawton (2014) as an academic source and the destination website as a relevant non-academic source. Failure to do this will mean that you will not be successful in passing this assessment.
  • You must also make sure that the references follow APA referencing guidelines (available on Moodle) in your reference list and are cross-referenced in the body of your report. Failure to do this will mean that you will not be successful in passing the assignment.