Cloudera Certified Software

Technical Brief

Product Information

Product name:

Product version:


Cloudera endeavors to preserve compatibility on minor and point releases (eg CDH5.x) for products that use endorsed interfaces, for example:

  • Public client/server APIs
  • Data formats
  • Configurations
  • Packaging and deployment
  • Binaries (no recompilation required)

Therefore, partner products using those interfaces are not required to certify on new minor releases of CDH.

Does the product adhere to the CDH compatibility policy? If not, which non-endorsed interface does it use?

Please specify the scope of compatible releases that this certification is subject to on the partner’s side (eg “Partner Product 2.x.x for CDH5” or specifically “Partner Product 2.6.2 on CDH 5.7.1”).

What is the release cadence of the product? (eg “major release yearly, minor release quarterly, patch releases as required”)

Integration Points

An integration point is a Cloudera component that is used by the partner product. Example integration points are included, but not limited to the following:

  • Hadoop CLI
  • Flume
  • Kafka
  • Sqoop
  • Avro / Parquet data formats
Batch Processing / Analytics
  • MapReduce, Hadoop Streaming
  • Apache Spark
  • Apache Pig (including UDFs, PigServer, Datafu)
  • Apache Hive (including custom SerDes, UDFs, etc)
Machine Learning
  • Oryx
  • Mahout
/ Query/Interact
  • Apache HBase (please share schema design and workload assumptions)
  • Apache Accumulo
  • Apache Impala
  • Apache Spark
  • Solr / Cloudera Search
  • JDBC/ODBC (specify driver)
  • Cloudera Hue
Infrastructure and Metadata
  • Cloudera Manager parcels
  • Cloudera Manager API
  • Cloudera custom CSDs
  • Cloudera Navigator
  • YARN (custom applications)

Please specify the integration points used by the partner product and provide detail where appropriate:

Architecture Diagram (1): Cloudera Centric

Insert or attach an architecture diagram highlighting the Cloudera integration. It should illustrate dataflow between Cloudera and the product at a high level.

Architecture Diagram (2): PartnerCentric

Insert or attach a product architecture diagram irrespective of the Cloudera integration.

Architecture Diagram (3): Customer Centric

How does the product fit in a customer’s environment?


Is the product generally available for purchase as a supported shipping release, e.g. “GA” or “FCS”?

Is CDH listed as a supported platform in the product documentation? If possible, provide a link to, or copy of the relevant section of the online documentation.

Provide a link to, or copy of the section of the online documentation detailing how to install and configure the product to work with Cloudera.

Does the product require any special configuration of the CDH cluster? If so, describe those requirements. Are those requirements clearly stated in the product documentation? If possible, provide a link to the relevant section of the online documentation.

Does the company submitting this application for certification commit to internally validate in a timely fashion all subsequent releases of CDH of the same major version as the version stated? Failure to do so may be cause to invalidate the certification.


If your product subjects your customer to additional limitations (for example, does it require a dedicated cluster, dedicated hosts, does it limit the customer to a specific scheduler, etc) please describe here. Limitations do not preclude certification. In fact, documented limitations are better than unknown limitations.

Operations and Multitenancy

Describe the level of support and testing for multitenant environments where the product runs on a cluster in conjunction with other products and users. Does the product require a dedicated cluster? If not, what kind of tuning is possible to administrators?

Can the integration points used by the product (egHBase, HDFS, MapReduce) exist on different clusters or must they all be on the same cluster?

Please describe (or link to) special considerations or operational procedures pertaining to backup / recovery, cluster sizing / architecture, or debugging?

Client Environment

Describe the client environments supported by this product, specifically OS, JVM.

If the client environment includes Hadoop (and associated projects) client libraries, please specify which ones and where they’re obtained? (Only CDH libraries of the same major release are certifiable).