Essay #1: Analyzing a Text
As mentioned in the syllabus, your first paper is a critical analysis of a text. It will be the centerpiece of your first portfolio due Tue. 4/20. The contents of this portfolio are noted on the syllabus. Any folder with pockets will work fine for your portfolio.
The object of your critical analysis may beany of the readings we have scheduled throughout the term fromThe Presence of Othersthat looks interesting to you with one exception: the Smith piece, "Questioning the Promise of Science." It is itself a critical analysis anda good example of what you will be writing.Please note that it was written by a student as a critique of the essay "Enemies of Promise" (237-243). For the definition of a critical analysis and some tips for approaching and writing one, see the section "Writing a Critical Analysis" in The Presence of Others, page 20. Also familiarize yourself with the "Analyzing" section on page 19; it also contains some very useful suggestions for an analysis.
Let's face it, you're going to be writing a lot of papers over the next few years. I cannot emphasize enough what a great resource theOSU Writing Center (Waldo Hall) is in helping you to improve bothyourlong-term personal writing skillsand the particular paper you are working on. To encourage you to familiarize yourselves with the writing center, I'm going to ask that youtake a full draft of this paper to the center for review before turning it in. You will need to call or visit the writing center to set up an appointment, and this appointmentmust be scheduled such that you have at least a couple of days to revise before the due-date. Obviously youwill need to finish your paper before your writing center session, so please plan accordingly. After your session, askyour writing assistant for a "blue slip" for WR121, this slip must be handed in with yourportfolio for full credit.
This is to be a 3-4 page paper, double-spaced, one-inch margins all around and written in12-pointfont (see pages 68-70 and 448-455 in Rules For Writersfor standard MLAformat). Research is not required on this paper, but it will be rewarded if it effectively supports your point and is documented in MLA style (454-455, Rules For Writers). Should you choose to do some research, the Works Cited page will not be included in your essay page count. If you have any questions, feel free to either e-mail or ask in class. Chances are, if you're wondering about something, somebody else is too.