ESP Well Data Form

A Well Data
1.Well number and field name: Date:
2.Well site(Province, city or other):
3.Equipment: New( )or Design Again( )
4.Oil Reservoir:
5.Reservoir Type(sandstone, limy sand, or other)
6.*API Casing: O.D.: Wall Thickness : From ft to ft
7.*Liner O.D.: Wall Thickness: From ft to ft
8.*Other Specific Dimension I.D.: From ft to ft
9.*Naked Hole:
10.*The Total Depth: ft The Manual Downhole Depth: ft
11.*Perforation Section: ft From ft to ft
12.*The Well-head Equipment Type and Dimension:
13. *API Tubing O.D.: Screw Thread: Grade:
B Reservoir Data(gained from well testing and producing data)
1.*Existing Production: Fluid: BPD, Oil: BPD, Water: BPD
Swabbing( ) Artesian Flow( )
2. Static Pressure at The Mid Oil Reservoir Psi, at ft
3. Flowing Pressure at The Mid Oil Reservoir Psi,
at BPD
at BPD
4. G&O Ratio: m3/m3
5.* Water cut: %
6.*API: °API Density: Relative Density:
7.* Water Relative Density:
8.* Gas Relative Density:
9.* Temperature at The Mid Oil Reservoir °F, Depth ft
10.*Oil Viscosity (1) mPa.s or SSU(The Temperature is °F)
(2) mPa.s or SSU(The Temperature is °F)
11. Pressure, Volume, Temperature Data
Solution G&O Ratio , Formation Volume Factor , at Psi
Solution G&O Ratio , Formation Volume Factor , at Psi
Solution G&O Ratio , Formation Volume Factor , at Psi
Solution G&O Ratio , Formation Volume Factor , at Psi
12.* Saturation Pressure Psi
C Technical Requirements of Specification Selection
1.* Predicting Production: Liquid: BPD, Oil: BPD, Water: BPD
2. Predicting Pump Setting Depth (at pump intake): ft
3. Predicting Intake Pressure: Psi
4. Required Well-head Pressure: Psi
5. Gas Volume Through Pump: %(of total gas volume)
6. Power Supply: V Hz
7. Casing Pressure: Psi
8. Deviated Well:
9. Special Problem: Sand content( ) Rust( )Corrosion( )Wax( )H2S( ) CO2( )
Recorder: Date:
* indicates these data must be provided

No. 678, Huanghe Road, Dongying, Shandong Prov, P. R. China

Tel: 86-546-8708237,8708463, 8772069 Fax: 86-546-8225914
