COT 122 - Medical Typing and Transcription
FALL 2007, 3 Credits
Outlined Self Paced Course Syllabus
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Reviews medical terminology and develops the skill of listening to Audio CDs containing recorded medical case histories and records, and transcribing the material into accurate form on a computer using word processing software. Prerequisite: COT 102 or 40 words per minute keyboarding skill.
Some background in medical terminology is highly recommended.
TEXT:Hillcrest Medical Center - Beginning Medical Transcription Course, 6th Edition,
Novak/Ireland, Delmar 2004, ISBN #1-4018-4108-2
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to transcribe medical reports using correct capitalization, number, punctuation, abbreviation, symbol and metric measurement rules. Spell correctly both the English and medical terms and abbreviations presented, either by memory or by using a dictionary/reference book, increase proofreading and text revision skills. Define the knowledge, skills, abilities, and responsibilities required of a medical records transcribing professional. Students will demonstrate an in depth knowledge and proficiency
of general medical terminology.
METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Reading, hands on practice through transcription from the audio CD, tests and quizzes, and instructor assistance as necessary.
ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: Students are required to complete and turn in assignments as scheduled on a weekly basis. The course work must be completed utilizing Audio Transcription Exercises on CD.All medical reports for each chapter, as well as the four tests, will be contained on the CD. These dictation CDs are the property of Great Basin College and one copy will be signed out to each student, only for the duration of the semester.
ASSIGNMENTS: Please refer to attached course outline. There are 10 inpatient case studies with multiple documents. Due to the nature of this course, case studies will be graded primarily on submission provided error factor is not excessive or repeated per assignment. Each case study has a value of 50 points. Students will be required to repeat those lessons which do not demonstrate sufficient progress. Should student opt not to repeat or correct assignments, points will be deducted in accordance with test point system.
For each week assignments are turned in late, 10 points will be deducted. Assignments which must be repeated will not be considered late if they were originally turned in on time, corrected and
returned to instructor within one week from the date noted by instructor on that particular assignment.
Assignments should be turned in to the class specific file located on the corner of the instructor’s desk in the ASC. Each time you come in to turn in your weekly assignment(s), for tutoring, or to work in the Academic Success Center, you must sign in and date the ASC attendance log. Graded assignments will be returned to a personal file located at the front desk/reception area for reasons of student confidentiality. It is imperative that students take responsibility for checking this file on a regular basis in order to facilitate communication and succeed in course study. Please do not remove assignments until semester end.
Learner Outcomes / Measurements/AssessmentTranscribe medical case histories and records into report format using a word processor / Evidenced in weekly case studies,
quizzes and vocabulary exercises
Use correct capitalization, numbers,
abbreviations, symbols & metric rules / Quality of reports, weekly quizzes and skill exercises in each case study
Correctly spell both English and Medical terms by memory or utilizing medical dictionary / Master the vocabulary in each specialty area and successfully complete all related assignments
Implement your in-depth knowledge of medical terminology in a variety of transcription situations / Instructor observation of the quality and efficiency demonstrated in all types of medical reporting
Utilize the knowledge you have gained to execute the skills, abilities and responsibilities required of a certified medical transcriptionist. / Successful completion of Hillcrest
Beginning Transcription course. Receive your certification of completion.
QUIZZES and TESTS: Textbook, medical dictionaries, and on-line medical references may be utilized for test and quiz completion.
There are 10 written quizzes relating to the case studies. Quizzes consist of terms and definitions as presented in each case. Quizzes should be taken following completion of the case study to which it refers. For each week quizzes are turned in late, 2 points will be deducted. A maximum of 6 points per quiz will be deducted.
There are four inpatient (Hillcrest) transcription tests for this course. All tests will be documents transcribed from the audio CD. Tests will be graded on accuracy using a point system relative to error factors. The course outline stipulates when each test should be taken. Ten points will be deducted from individual test grade achieved should test not be completed as per outline.
Quizzes are available at the college center from any employee assigned to the front desk and must be completed at the college center. All dictation tests are transcribed from the audio CD. After you have finished a quiz or test, turn it in to your instructor (if available), or any employee at the front desk who will place it in the instructor’s mailbox. Tests will be graded, then placed in your student file for your review. Tests may not be removed from the college premises.
GRADING: All course work, including case studies, quizzes and tests, is worth a total of 1200 points as follows:
Case Studies 10 @ 50 points ea. =500 points
Quizzes 10 @ 20 points ea. =200 points
Tests4 @ 125 points ea. =500 points
Attendance/Participation Factored in all of the above
Extra Credit: Is intended to supplement performance on a particular assignment, quiz, or test.
Extra credit may be achieved through completion of one or all of the 10 textbook proofreading exercises. Proofreading exercises will be worth 20 points each. One point will be deducted for each error missed; however, students will receive an automatic 5 points for each extra credit assignment completed.
Test point system: The following point system will be utilized for grading on all transcription tests: English words misspelled - 1 point each
Medical words misspelled - 1 point each
Number usage incorrect - 1/2 point each
Punctuation, spacing, style and format errors - 1/4 point each
SCALE:1200-1122 pts=A
1121-1074 =A-
1073-1038 =B+
Incomplete=I (see requirements)
DROPPING THE COURSE: If you decide to drop the course, you must officially withdraw byNovember l6, 2007. Withdrawal forms are available at the front desk.
INCOMPLETE GRADE: An "I" (Incomplete) grade can be given to students who have completed at least three quarters of the course work and who maintain a “C” or better in the course. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor and request an "I" grade. Students must contact me prior to the last week of the semester, otherwise the letter grade earned will be the grade assigned.
PROGRESS: This is a self-study class and you are responsible to schedule your study sessions to complete all homework and tests, per course outline by semester's end. It is best to maintain regular study times to ensure progress, and enhance successful course completion. Communication is the key to success. Instructor realizes that situations may occur which prevent timely completion of assignments. Students are urged to communicate these situations to instructor as soon as possible in order to ensure equitable result. Instructor reserves the right to withdraw students submitting excessively un-excused delayed assignments or students who discontinue course work without contact.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students are required to complete all assignments independently. Students are required to observe all rules and regulations as stipulated by Great Basin College when visiting and utilizing resources available at the college center.
INSTRUCTOR HOURS: Will be established following completion of student orientation and determination of schedules to best facilitate students. Instructor hours will be posted in Learning Resource Center within the first three weeks of the semester.
Qualified students with physical or documented learning disabilities have the right to free accommodations to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Great Basin College. For assistance, contact the Disabled Student Services Office at (775) 753-2271.
Attachment: Course Outline
COT 122 - Medical TranscriptionCourse Outline
FALL 2007
Class / Assignment
Week 1, 08/27 / Orientation, review of text, begin Case 1
Week 2, 09/03 / Complete Case 1, and Written Quiz 1
Week 3, 09/10 / Complete Case 2, and Written Quiz 2
Week 4, 09/17 / Hillcrest Test 1 - Correspondence
Week 5, 09/24 / Complete Case 3, and Written Quiz 3
Week 6, 10/01 / Complete Case 4, and Written Quiz 4
Week 7, 10/08 / Complete Case 5, and Written Quiz 5
Week 8, 10/15 / Hillcrest Test 2 - Operative Report
Week 9, 10/22 / Complete Case 6 and Written Quiz 6
Week 10, 10/29 / Complete Case 7 and Written Quiz 7
Week 11, 11/05 / Complete Case 8 and Written Quiz 8
Week 12, 11/12 / Hillcrest Test 3 - Pathology Consultation
Week 13, 11/19 / Complete Case 9 and Written Quiz 9
Week 14 –11/26 / Complete Case 10 and Written Quiz 10
Week 15, 12/03 / Hillcrest Test 4 - Discharge Report
Week 16, 12/10 / Ensure all reports, quizzes and tests are submitted
**Special Note: All case studies and written quizzes must be completed and turned in no later than 12/7/07. Hillcrest Test 4 must be completed and turned in no later than 5 p.m.Wednesday, December 12, 2007.