Esp. 2 Semana del 1 al 5 de mayo de 2017
►lunes, 1 de mayo
-more practice with the Additional Vocab. for chapter 4B (find list at the end of this weekly plan)
-talk about the week’s highlights and expectations. Take notes and see weekly plan.
-go to my teacher web page and open online textbook to get to the Additional Vocab for this chapter. Then go to google classroom to do today’s work online. You’ll be writing the words 2 times each on a Word Doc. Read the Instructions provided.
Asignación: Start memorizing the new vocabulary words for Quiz on Thursday and Test on Friday!! DON’T FORGET TO SUBMIT YOUR 2 X EACH!!
►martes, 2 de mayo
-further practice with the additional vocabulary words for Chapter 4B.
-Oral Practice
-now, open chromebook. Go to and add the 46 new vocabulary words.
-after inputting them, play the matching and then Gravity.
Asignación: Continue preparing for your Quiz on Thursday and your Test on Friday!!
►miércoles, 3 de mayo
-more practice with the Additional Vocab for Chapter 4B
-oral practice
-go to Google Classroom to read the instructions for the making of your FAMILY TREE
-You must include at least 20 family member vocab words: mama, papa, tío, tía, hermana, hermano, abuelo, abuela, primo, prima, etc. etc.etc…. Check mine!
-this family tree concludes with an Oral Presentation, where you will share with us all the roles you play on your family! Some of you are already uncles and aunts! How awesome!! DUE TO PRESENT ON FRIDAY, MAY 12TH!!
-Have fun creating your family tree!!
Asignación: Continue preparing for your Quiz tomorrow and your Test on Friday by playing matching, gravity and test on your Voc. Adicional del Cap 4B made by you on!!
►jueves, 4 de mayo
-further practice with the Additional Vocab for Chapter 4B
-oral practice
-Respond to Voc. Adicional del Cap 4B Quiz “Buena Suerte”
-Afterthequiz, prepare: Repaso para examen del Voc. Adicional del Cap. 4B
Nombre/ Periodo/ 4/5/17
Pagina 1: A- Words to express Special Celebrations: 1-7
B- Words to name the Family members (8-17)
Pagina 2: A-Words to describe us as a child 18-22
B- Words to talk about childhood toys 23-29
Pagina 3: A- animals 30-46Fairy Tale
-when done, go back to Google Classroom and work on your FAMILY TREE!
Asignación: Study from your review or by playing the games in the Quizlet you created!!
►viernes, 5 de mayo
-respond to Vocabulario Adicional del Cap. 4B “Buena Suerte”
-after the test, continue working on your Family Tree Project!! Due May 12th!!
Realidades 2 Español 2
Las expresiones para los eventos especiales (SpecialCelebrations)1. agradecer(c→zc)to be gratefulfor, to be appreciative of
2. el bautizo baptism
3.brindar to propose a toast
4. el Día de Acción de Gracias Thanksgiving
5. el Día de San Valentín Saint Valentine’s Day
6. la Nochebuena Christmas Eve
7. la Víspera del Año Nuevo New Year’sEve
Los miembros de la familia (Thefamilymembers)
8. el bisabuelogreat-grandfather
9. la bisabuelagreat-grandmother
10.el cuñadobrother-in-law cuñadasister-in-law
12.el nietograndson nietagranddaughter
14.el padrinogodfather madrinagodmother
16.el sobrinonephew sobrinaniece
Las expresiones para describir cómo era de niño(a)
(Words to describe us as a child)
18.creativo, -a creative
19.inquieto, -a restless
20.juguetón, juguetona playful
21.mentiroso, -afibber/ a liar
22.prudente prudent, sensible
El equipo para niños (Childhoodtoys)
23.el cajón de arena sandbox
24.el carrusel merry-go-round
25.el columpio swing
26.el patio de recreo playground subibaja seesaw
28.el tobogán/ la chorrera slide
29. los toboganes/ las chorrerasslides
Los animales en las fábulas ( Fairy tale animals)
30. el águila eagle
31. las águilaseagles
32. el conejorabbit
33. el cuervoraven
34. la gallinahen
35. el gallorooster
36. la ovejasheep
37. la ranafrog
38. el torobull
39. la vacacow
40. el zorro (m) fox
41. la zorra (f) fox
42. el lobo thewolf
43. el caballo (m)horse
44. la yegua (f) horse
45. el unicornio- unicorn
46. el cerdito pig