Center For Food Safety: The True Food Network
Our Mission: The Center for Food Safety works to protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture. CFS has offices in Washington, DC and San Francisco, CA
The True Food Network is CFS’s grassroots action network, with over 180,000 members across the country. The True Food Network is where concerned citizens can voice their opinions about critical food safety issues, and advocate for a socially just, democratic, and sustainable food system. Join the Network to receive free action alerts and stand up for True Food!
Recent Center for Food Safety Victories
Stopping GE Sugar Beets: In January 2008, CFS filed a lawsuit against USDA on behalf of farmers and conservation groups challenging the deregulation of herbicide-tolerant “Roundup Ready” sugar beets. On September 21, 2009, CFS prevailed and a Federal Court ruled that the Bush Administration’s approval of genetically engineered (GE) “RoundUp Ready” sugar beets was unlawful. The Court ordered USDA to conduct a rigorous assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of the crop on farmers and the environment. This represents another huge victory for CFS and protecting consumers and the environment from the hazards of GE crops. More than 100 food companies have also signed on toour Non-GM Beet Sugar Registry, pledging to avoid GE beet sugar in their products.
Tell Mars and Hershey's to say no to GM Beet Sugar
Tell Mars and Hershey's to sign the Non-GM Beet Sugar Registry
Say No to Genetically Modified Beet Sugar and Sign the Non-GM Sugar Beet Registry
In 2001, Hershey's and M&M Mars told consumers they would not use genetically modified sugar. But now that GM sugar
beets are being planted commercially, you have made no such assurances. As a customer, I am very disappointed.
I have always looked to sugar as one of the few ingredients I could count on to be GM-free, unlike corn syrups and some other sweeteners. Without labeling of GM products, I have to rely on companies that have publicly stated that they will avoid GM sugar in order to make my purchasing decisions.
Please renew the opposition you voiced in 2001, and do not accept genetically modified beet sugar for your products. Over 70 food companies and retailers have joined the new Non-GM Sugar Beet Registry which lets consumers like me know that they plan to avoid GM beet sugar, at
ngm_sugar_beet_registry_display.cfm. Please sign on to the Registry so I can continue to purchase your products with confidence.