TRA Vaulting Club Meeting

MinutesSat. January 30, 2010

Members paid and eligible to vote:

Sarah and Rusty HillLennie Gomez Garcia

James and Julia CoxTina Lombardo Polselli

Charlotte HortonTiffany Mc Daniel

Doug UhlerDenise Esselborn

Ron and Holly ThompsonJoAnne Bentley

Jeff and Sally SherwoodMichelle Loftus

Members present:


Kim Bowden

Charlotte Horton

Sarah Hill

Julia Cox

James Cox

Lennie Gomez Garcia

Tina Lombardo Polselli

Meeting was called to order at 12:30.

Minutes from previous meeting were approved

Motion – Charlotte Horton, 2nd – Tina Polselli, Vote – Yes/approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Members reviewed the Treasurer’s Register

Net Balance as of 1/29/2010 $599.00

Checks numbered 1014 – 1019 were ratified.

Motion to ratify – Tina Polselli, 2nd – Julia Cox, Vote – yes

Treasurer, Charlotte Horton, verified that there were no upcoming expenses.

The Horsebucks Reporting Sheet was okay.

Old Business


Club members discussed the grants, and the reimbursement issues. We discussed that we would propose to put a cap of $200.00, for reimbursement fees for writing grants. The reimbursement form was reworded.

In addition, we discussed grants awarded by Ralph’s Market. Charlotte proposed writing a grant to be sponsored by Ralph’s and that would benefit all vaulters.

The Grant issue will be tabled until our next meeting in order for Julia Cox and Doug Uhler to further investigate the process of obtaining grants, and IRS laws concerning non-profit organizations and Grants.

Motion -- Julia Cox, 2nd – Lennie Garcia, Vote – yes

AVA Club Membership

The cost for AVA Club membership is now$65.00. Club voted to reimburse Sarah Hill in the amount of $15.00 she had paid for the fees.

Motion – Charlotte Horton, 2nd – Julia Cox, Vote – yes.

New Business

TRA “Fun in the Sun” Fest

Date: Sunday April 25, 2010

Club discussed the need for parent volunteers, and that we will all need to have watchful eyes in order to keep all participants and their families safe. EX: tack room, barn, cooking areas, horse stalls.

Barrel competition will be first in the morning, ending the day with the “Gambler’s Choice.”

It was further discussed if we would want to find sponsors for the ribbons and the High Points. Do we want to upgrade, how we will pay for them. This will be discussed in the next meeting. Sarah will bring examples to help us decide.


  1. See’s Candy money due March 13, 2010.
  2. Facebook – Cause and TRA page, members are encouraged to join the cause and invite family and friends to join and donate for their vaulters.
  3. Monies from the Ralph’s Cards will go to the general funds.
  4. Gift card order will be on Feb. 6, 2010, you can order on the calendar of the TRA Website.
  5. Do we want to have a “gold” party to raise funds?

It was proposed by Julia Cox that the fundraising monies could be used to help pay Sarah Hill for losses incurred in 2009 for the “Fun in the Sun Fest”. Sarah will document the losses.

Motion – Julia Cox, 2nd – Lennie Garcia, Vote – yes.

Meeting Adjourned 1:26