Part B (Frequently/Previously asked semester questions)
1. Define and write the causes, effects and preventive measures of
a) Air pollution b) water pollution c) soil pollution d) marine pollution e) noise pollution
f) Thermal pollution
2. Waste is wealth – How? OR Explain in detail: Solid waste management.
3. Explain the role of an individual for the pollution prevention programme.
4. Explain the social issues: A) Depletion of ozone layer B) Acid rain C) Global warming
Part – A (Frequently/Previously asked semester questions)
1. Give any four major secondary air pollutants that are present in the environment.
PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate), ozone, formaldehyde, acid mist, etc
2. Mention the A) Point and B) Non – point sources of water pollution?
A) Industrial effluent and sewage B) Excess fertilizers and pesticides from agricultural lands
3. Mention any two effects of thermal pollution.
A) The hot effluents reduce the dissolved oxygen in water and severely affect the aquatic organisms.
B) It changes the physical and chemical properties of water.
C) It creates toxicity to the water.
D) The warm water released from industries disturbs spawning of marine organism and destroys the laid eggs.
4. Distinguish between sewage and effluent.
A) Sewage: The waste water released from the domestic, commercial, municipal, hotel, hospital, institutions, etc are called sewage. B) Industrial effluent: The waste water discharged from various industries like textile, dye, cement, paper is called effluent.
5. What are hazardous wastes? Give any two major sources of hazardous wastes.
The waste which causes potential or substantial threats to public health or the environment is called hazardous waste. Mining waste & nuclear waste are two major sources of hazardous wastes.
6. What is Composting? How does it occur?
The combined process of decomposition and stabilization of solid waste by suitable biochemical bacteriological method are called composting. It occurs through aerobic and anaerobic decomposition.
7. What is called thermal pollution?
The addition of excess of undesirable heat to water that makes it harmful to aquatic life and cause significant changes to aquatic organisms is called thermal pollution.
8. State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution.
A) The population stabilization to be achieved to avoid further environmental pollution.
B) The concept of Reduce, Re-use and Recycle (3 R – Mantra) must be followed.
C) The usage of chemical fertilizers must be banned and natural manure should be allowed.
D) Every individual should educate others about environmental degradation and control, impact through pamphlets, printed folio, etc
9. What are the various sources of radioactive pollution?
A) The leakage of radiations from nuclear reactor, nuclear research laboratories, etc
B) The transportation, disposal and storage of radioactive waste, etc
C) The process of mining and refining of radioactive metals, U, Th, Pt, etc
D) Nuclear test, the radioactive isotopes mixed with atmospheric air and bring pollution.
10. Write any two causes of soil pollution.
A) Unplanned urbanization.
B) Construction of dam C) Mining and processing activities.
D) Effluent from leather industries containing Cr, Mn, Ca, Ni ions affects the soil.
11. When a sound causes noise pollution?
1) Blaring of loudspeaker in public places.
2) Bursting of crackers, Road traffic, air craft taking off, massive industries, etc.
12. Define soil pollution.
The degradation of soil and land due to industrial, agricultural and other man-made activities is called soil pollution.
13. What is meant by anthropogenic sources of pollution?
The pollutants discharged into atmosphere by man-made activities are called anthropogenic pollutants. Ex. Oxides of S, C and N, CFC, Ammonia, sewage, etc.
14. What is meant by eutrophication?
The algae bloom in the surface water can produce bad taste, odour and green colour to the fresh water, so that the water is unfit for drinking due to the lack of dissolved oxygen. This process is called eutrophication.
15. What is meant by e – waste?
E– Waste means discarded electrical or electronic devices. It includes discarded computers, office electronic equipment, mobile phones, television and refrigerators, etc.
16. List any two air pollutants and their effects on human beings from automobile emission.
A) Carbon monoxide – causes headache, dizziness, vomiting and may be unconscious
B) Hydrocarbon – Giddiness, narcotic effect and cardiac arrest.
17. State the objectives of treatment of waste water.
A) To remove the heavy metal (Fe, Mn, Ni & Co) contamination from industrial effluent
B) To reduce the toxicity present in the effluent and sewage
18. What are the types of solid wastes?
A) Bio-degradable solid waste: The pollutants which are rapidly decomposed then they are called bio-degradable pollutants. Example. Sewage and effluents.
B) Non-bio-degradable solid waste: The pollutants which are not rapidly decomposed then they are called non bio-degradable pollutants. Example. Mercury, plastics, glass, etc.
19. Write any four major water pollutants.
A) Sewage B) Effluent from textile, dye and paper industries C) Acid rain D) Algae and fungi in water bodies
20. Write briefly how human activities can introduce thermal pollution in to streams.
A) The municipal, domestic sewage raises the stream temperature to a measurable extent.
B) The textile, paper, pulp industries also release hot water to the lesser extent.
C) The nuclear power plants emit about 15% more heat per unit of electricity produced than the coal power plant.
D) Thermal power plant, electric generator are the sources of thermal pollution.
21. List out the methods which used for control Thermal Pollution.
A) The efficiency of the power plant to be improved to reduce thermal pollution.
B) The hot water released from industries should be sent through cooling tower.
C) Arranging cooling pond and artificial lake near power plants is suggested.
22. Give some examples of greenhouse gases.
Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and CFC’s.
23. What are the causes of air pollution?
A) The toxic substances released atomic and thermal power plant, smelting of sulphide ores, decay of organic matter, burning of fossil fuels, etc.
B) The CO gas emitted from motor vehicles.
C) Smoke from fire crackers and oil refineries
D) Domestic fire, incineration, etc
E) Natural disaster like forest fire, volcanoes, dust storm, etc.
24. Define Noise pollution. Give any two controlling measures.
The excess sound created by human activities is called noise pollution.
A) Source reduction – It is process of stopping the noise before it gets started.
B) Planting trees and shrubs along roads, the hospital, college, industries, etc help in reducing to considerable extent.
25. Give any four major soil pollutants.
A) Bio-medical waste from hospitals
B) Industrial effluents and sewage
C) Insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers, etc
D) Non-biodegradable materials such as plastics, rubber and glass, etc
26. Write any four control measures of nuclear hazard.
A) The radioactive waste can be buried deeply into the ground or ice sheets like Antarctic or Greenland.
B) The nuclear testing should be banned.
C) The nuclear plant should have proper safety measures.
D) A heavy nuclear war must be avoided which destroy the entire ecosystem.
27. What are the risks associated nuclear power plants?
A) The radiation from nuclear power plants causes health problems
B) The nuclear accidents causes severe damages to biodiversity
C) The nuclear waste disposal to be isolated.
D) The huge investment in installation.
28. What are the causes for landslides?
A) Movement of heavy vehicles on the unstable sloppy regions.
B) The tectonic stresses and earthquake shocks
C) Internal drainage after rainfall
D) Erosion is the hilly region due to run-off water
E) Excavation in the sloppy region
29. What is marine pollution?
The dumping of waste and oil spillage in the oceans cause threat to marine ecosystem is called marine pollution.
30. State the environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources.
A) It leads to earth quake
B) It causes land degradation
31. Differentiate between recycling and reuse.
A) Recycling is processing of used materials (waste) into new products of useful materials.
B) Reusing is the process of using older materials for decorating or other purposes.
32. Mention the causes and effects of acid rain.
Causes: A) The hydrocarbon, oxides of S and N are concentrated in the atmosphere due to
industrial activities. B) Decay of organisms and volcanic activities.
· It creates global ecological problems and transfrontier pollution.
· It affects the aquatic ecosystem. Water bodies like rivers, lake and ponds, etc are severely affected and they become unfit for aquatic living organisms.
· It is danger for young plants in germination and development.
33. What is acid rain?
The rain water has an average pH value of 5.6 and below this, the rain is said to be acid rain.
34. List any two air pollutants and their effects on human beings from automobile emission.
The CO and CO2 gases exhausted from automobiles causing respiratory problems.
35. List out the ill effects due to ozone layer depletion.
· It creates heavy damage to living organisms.
· It causes skin allergies and cancer.
· Disturbs the photosynthesis activities of plants and reduces the agricultural productivity.
· It causes irritation to eyes, lungs and respiratory tracks of human beings.
· It causes damages to aquatic ecosystem.
· It creates genetic defects.
36. What are the impacts due to ozone layer depletion?
· It creates heavy damage to living organisms.
· It causes skin allergies and cancer.
· It causes irritation to eyes, lungs and respiratory tracks of human beings.
· It causes damages to aquatic ecosystem.
· It creates genetic defects.
37. List the consequences of global warming.
· It creates melting of mountain glaciers and polar ice bergs, which causes sea level rise.
· It changes in the world map.
· It changes in climate and rainfall pattern.
· Reduction in food production and food shortage.
· Declining of biodiversity.
· Change in earth’s surface temperature and ocean temperature, affects marine ecosystem.
· It creates flood and drought.
Prepared By: Dr. M. Manivannan. M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D, AP / Dept of chemistry, CNCET.