Effective Summer 2015

Eagle Recreation and Enrichment Instructor Application and Agreement

Submit Electronically to

Today’s Date______

Instructor Name______ZCS Staff: _____Y or ____N

Home Address______

Email______@______Cell Phone______

Course Title ______Fee*______+ 5%=______

Minimum participants______Maximum participants______

Write actual description to be published (will be copied and pasted): ______


______Adult ______Youth Grade Level(s)______

Days of the week of course/camp: _M _T _W _Th _ F _ Sat _ Sun

Time: Starting time:______Ending time:______

Exact Course Dates: First Day______Last Day______

If you could hold your course anywhere in the district where would it be?

(Summer/evenings – FC Only)

Building: ______Room #:______No Preference_____

Type of Space Desired:

____ gym ____classroom ___cafeteria ____LGI ___tennis court ___media center ___ pool ____ auditorium ____Learning Center

____SVH Stadium _____ practice field _____track _____middle school athletic field ____art room ____computer lab

Special instructions: (Field lining, etc.) ______

*ERE Overhead Fees: This fee will be published 5% higher to cover software and credit card fees. Instructor will figure the percentage of the fee on this application. NOTE: A check to ERE for $25 fee is to be turned in with this application. This check will not be cashed if requirements are met.

1.  Common sense practices for the school setting must be in place throughout your teaching/facilitation of this course. Supervision of participant will be constant, as though this is a school day experience.
2.  The instructor named in the above course information will instruct this course. No substitutes will teach this course without prior approval by ERE office staff.
3.  All instructors must have a current background check on file with ZCH-ERE at the instructors’ expense. See the BRAVO website for the full background link for $15.95. New instructors will be interviewed and must provide references.
4.  The instructor understands that all course fees flow directly to the ERE office, and that they will be compensated for their work after the course has been completed, as prescribed by the ending dated listed in the above course information. ERE will add 5% to the instructor’s course fee to cover software and credit card fees.
5.  Instructors must carry a working cell phone turned to the “on” position during all teaching/facilitation in case of emergency – the number must be listed on the course proposal form.
6.  There shall be no corporal (physical) punishment during Eagle Recreation and Enrichment courses.
7.  If you have a severely disruptive student contact the ERE office. ERE may unregister the student from the course without a refund. A courtesy call to parents should be the first step when behavior is unmanageable.
8.  The instructor understands that financial compensation is entirely dependent on families paying for this course. The course instructor will not be compensated for any participants who have not had payment remitted for their participation in this course. It is the instructor’s responsibility to make sure attendance matches registration. ERE cannot collect payment for enrollment disputes after the course is completed.
9.  Course cancellations can be determined by the ERE office staff for low enrollment or facility issues. The instructor will work with the ERE office to make the decision to cancel a course. Courses cancelled by the instructor could forfeit deposit depending upon the circumstance. Instructor may need to pay the
10.  Any participant attending an Eagle Recreation and Enrichment course MUST have a registration form, electronic or otherwise, on file with the ERE office. The instructor will be liable for all participants who attend a course without a registration. This liability includes, but is not limited to, incidents, actions taken by the participant, and/or supervision of the participant.
11.  All accidents must be reported on the approved form, within 24 hours of the accident, via hand-delivery to the ERE Office, or by fax to (317)873-8003. If there is a building related issue or other emergency and no administrator, custodian, or office professional is available at your course site, the on-call administrator is Sue Gregerson (317) 690-1434. This number will remain at the disposal of the instructor at all times during courses. IN THE CASE OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY/SEVERE INJURY, DIAL 911.
12.  Instructor will ensure that the Emergency Contact and medical information for participants are accessible at all times during courses. Nursing staff are not on duty before or after school hours or in the summer.
13.  Instructor agrees to notify the ERE Office in the event that a student participant is medically or otherwise jeopardized by participating in the course.
14.  All Eagle Recreation and Enrichment courses that involve participants will take place on the assigned dates and times, as prescribed in the above course information.
15.  Every attempt will be made to honor space and time requests regarding the scheduling of classes. However, in some situations due to the volume of courses submitted, there may be some duplication.
16.  Any technology class offered in one of the ZCS computer labs will need to be vetted through the Technology Director before approval of the course once the application is submitted. Non-staff must sign and submit the Acceptable Internet Use Policy found on the ERE Provider page.
17.  If school is delayed for inclement weather all morning ERE courses are cancelled. If school is cancelled for any reason every effort will be made to reschedule a make-up class.
18.  Course provider submits course proposal form to ERE office with a $25 per instructor fee. This uncashed check will be returned if all policies are followed. Deposit returned if:
a.  Course/camp is submitted by the deadline.
b.  W9 and contract are turned in prior to the start of the course.
c.  Background checks are completed for all non-ZCS staff. (Allow a week)
d.  The instructor does not cancel course. (Low enrollment is the exception if minimum is not met.)
19.  All Eagle Recreation and Enrichment courses are subject to enrollment restrictions per Fire Marshal code.
20.  Instructor agrees to the instructor’s revenue, minus what is outlined below as compensation for instructing the above mentioned course. 5% is added to all proposed registrations to cover software and credit card fees. ERE will add that before the course is posted.
Staff course/camp / 18%
Non-staff course/camp / 25%

My signature signifies that I understand and will uphold with all of these policies, procedures, and directives in regards to my instructor status with Eagle Recreation and Enrichment.


JAO 2-19-2015