Prof. Kerryn Phelps MBBS(Sydney), FRACGP, FAMA
Summary Of Current Activities
- Adjunct Professor, University of Sydney Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health and Discipline of General Practice
- Founder and Medical Director, uclinic Integrative Health Clinic, Surry Hills
- Founder and director, healthyu health food store and healthyuonline
- Founder and Principal, CooperStreetClinicDoubleBay
- General Practitioner since 1984
- Past President, Australian Medical Association (2000-2003)
- Recipient, Centenary of Federation Medal for services to Medicine and Australian society
- Fellow of the RoyalAustralianCollege of General Practitioners
- Fellow of the Australian Medical Association
- Honorary Member and Advisory Board Member, Australian Integrative Medicine Association
- Member, Medical Advisory Board, Journal of Complementary Medicine
- Board member, Colorectal Foundation
- Australian Women’s Weekly, Health Columnist
- Columnist, Medical Observer
- Columnist, Selector magazine
- Medical consultant to Lancome Paris
- Medical consultant to Jenny Craig
Media / Professional Experience and Presentations
- 2007: AIMA conference presentation: Establishing an Integrative Clinic: Getting the Mix Right
- 2007: Convenor, multidisciplinary educational workshops on integrative practice for students from University of Sydney health faculties and Australasian College of Natural Therapies.
- 2007 Complementary Medicine working party, University of Sydney
- April 2007: Meetings with Lancome scientific personnel in Paris
- May 2006: Founded uclinic integrative health clinic and healthyu health food store in Surry Hills Sydney
- 2005: Chair, Review of NSW Cancer Council
- April 2005: Plenary Address, Childcare Queensland, “Self Care for Carers”
- March 2005: Gold Coast Businesswomen’s Network: “Leadership”
- 2004:Consultant, organizational and leadership strategy, Australian Computer Society
- 2003-2004: Surgical Assistant, Orthopaedics, with A/Prof. Michael Neil, St Vincent’s Hospital
- 1998-current: Surgical Assistant, Urology, with A/Prof. Phillip Stricker, St Luke’s Hospital
- 2003-2004: AMA nominee to Health Services Advisory Committee, ACCC
- November 2004: “Managing Menopause: an Integrative Approach”, national public seminar series.
- November 2004: Evidence-Based Natural Medicine Seminar for GPs, Series 2.
- October 2004: Keynote Address, Gawler Foundation Conference. “Best of Both Worlds: Why Integrative Medicine?”
- October 2004: Keynote Address, ARCHI Conference, Surfer’s Paradise “Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Towards Integrated Healthcare”
- August 2004: interview for Sixty Minutes story on integrative medicine, Nine Network.
- June-July 2004: Consultancy for NSW Cancer Institute re NSW tobacco legislation.
- June 2004: Indigenous Health Conference, Uluru: Keynote Address “Raising Media and Political Interest in Indigenous Health Issues”
- May 2004: Evidence-Based Natural Medicine seminar for GPs, Series 1
- May 2004: Debate,University of Sydney on PSA testing. Participants Prof Alan Coates, A/Prof Phillip Stricker, Prof. Kerryn Phelps
- March 2004: Aged Care Queensland presentation, Cairns: “Let’s Get Personal: Aged Care for the 21st Century”
- February 2004: Co-author (with A/Prof Phillip Stricker) and publication of book “ PSA For General Practitioners”, distributed free of charge to all Australian General Practitioners
- 2001-2003: Member, Australian Medical Council
- September 2003: Appointed Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney
- September 2003: "The Challenges of Being a Relevant Professional Society" Australian Computer Society
- September 2003: "Working With Doctors for a Better Health System", Ramsay Health Care Conference, Coolum Queensland
- July 2003: 15th Women and Management conference, Macquarie Graduate School of Management: "Lessons in Leadership"
- June 2003: Presentation to senior management, Johnson and Johnson, "The Medicopolitical Environment"
- June 2003: Speech for Royal Blind Society "Things I Now Know that I Wish I had Known Then"
- May 2003: Keynote Address, Australian Integrative Medicine Association Conference.
- May 2003: Melbourne Doctors' Rally for Medical Indemnity in Victoria.
- May 2003: Address to National Press Club, "The Future of Medicare?"
- April 2003: Awarded Centenary of Federation Medal for services to Medicine and Australian society.
- February 2003: Presentation to senior police and correctional services officers, NSW Institute of Police Management: "Encouraging Diversity in the Workplace"
- February 2003: Keynote Address to Medicolegal Conference: "From Here to Indemnity"
- February 2003: Speech to Australian Financial Review 5th Annual Health Congress: "Medical Indemnity: The Search for a Solution".
- February 2003: Clean Up Australia Community Service Announcement for Australian television
- February 2003: Sydney Institute speech: "The Future of Medicine"
- 1991-2002: HEALTH EDITOR, TODAY SHOW, Nine Network Australia.
- December 2002-January 2003: ABC Radio Presenter
- November 2002: Presentation to Amnesty International Conference, Sydney: "Homophobia as a Health Issue"
- 2002: Commissioned first AMA Report Card on Indigenous Health
- August 2002: Presentation to ATSIC National Treaty Conference, Canberra. "A Treaty for Better Indigenous Health"
- August 2002: Presentation to Law Institute of Victoria, Melbourne. "Medical Indemnity: The Law is an Ass- a Idiot".
- July 2002: National Press Club, Canberra: "Medical Practice: An Uninsurable Risk?"
- June 2002: Medical Indemnity national satellite broadcast, Sydney: "Solving the Medical Indemnity Crisis"
- June 2002: AMAQ Medical Indemnity Rally, Brisbane: "Government Covers the Short Term: More Work to do"
- May 2002: Opening of Bula Bula Health Project, an Initiative of the Asylum Seeker resource Centre, Footscray Victoria: "A Healthy response to the Needs of Asylum Seekers".
- May 2002: Keynote Address, 11th Tasmanian Aged & Community Care Conference, Launceston Tasmania: "Getting Wiser About Getting Older".
- May 2002: Economic Development of Australia (CEDA), Sydney: "The Australia Health System: Caught Between Department Regulations, Commonwealth/State Conflicts and the ACCC-surely we can do better!"
- April 2002: Australian Government Medical Indemnity Summit, Canberra
- April 2002: NSW Summit on Rural Doctor Shortage, Tamworth NSW: "Where Have All The Doctors Gone?"
- April 2002: 2002 AMA National Drug Summit, National Press Club, Canberra: "Party Drugs: A New Public Health Challenge"
- March 2002: National Health Summit, Sydney: "Is the Current Healthcare Financing Structure Working? What Is The Future of General Practice?"
- March 2002: Australian Orthopaedic Association Conference, Melbourne: "Doctors as Patients: Looking After Our Own Health"
- March 2001: Keynote Address, Australian and New Zealand Adolescent Health Conference, Melbourne: "Building Better Bridges in Adolescent Health"
- February 2002: AMA Parliamentary Breakfast, Canberra: "The Quest for Evidence-Based Health Policy."
- November 2001: Learning Lessons: Approaching Indigenous Health Through Education, opening address "Doctors as Agents of Social Change in Indigenous Health"
- November 2002: Learning Lessons: Approaching Indigenous Health Through Education conference: "Time to Act"
- November 2001: Medico-legal Society of NSW, Sydney: "Corporate Medical Practice: Who Comes First - The Patient or the Shareholder?"
- November 2001: Aged Care Summit, Canberra
- October 2001: "The Corporate Good?" Eastern Sydney Division of GP, Medical Corporatisation seminar
- July 2001: National Youth Health Summit 2001, Canberra
- July 2001: National Press Club, Canberra :"Musings of a Militant Trade Unionist."
- June 2001: Alternative Therapies Seminar: "Is There Proof in the Tofu Pudding?"
- May 2001: Presidential Statement, AMA National Conference, Melbourne: "The Year of Lobbying Decisively."
- May 2001: AMA(WA) Health Symposium 2001: Competition Laws and Principles: "Trade Practices Act and Doctors: Competition or Persecution?"
- May 2001: NASOG-RANZCOG Conference, Sydney: Medical Indemnity: Obstetrics in Crisis"
- April 2001: Adelaide Press Club: "A Bed! A Bed! My Kingdom for a Hospital Bed!"
- March 2002: National Health Summit, Sydney: "The Road to Health policy is Paved with Good Intentions".
- March 2001: AMA Parliamentary Breakfast, Canberra. "Health in an Election Year."
- March 2001: Natural and Complementary healthcare Summit, Canberra: "Evidence is the Umpire"
- February 2001: Gold Coast Medical Association: "Doctors: Getting Our Messages Heard"
- September 2000: Launched Western Australia’s telemedicine facility at UWA.
- June 2000: National Press Club speech: “No More Band Aids”.
- 2000: Established AMA Presidential Taskforce on Indigenous Health
- 2000: Established AMA Expert Advisory Committee on Complementary Medicine
- 2000: Commissioned report on Australian General Practice Workforce by Access Economics.
- May 2000: Elected Federal President, Australian Medical Association
- April 2000: The Sydney Institute. Invited Speaker. Topic: “Hospital Crises. Who Cares?”
- March 2000: Chair, Health Law Seminar Series “Contract law Issues in Health Law Practice: Insurance and Competition”. SydneyUniversity Faculty of Law.
- November 2000: Emerging Healthcare Leader Conference, Sydney: A Collective Vision for Healthcare Leadership."
- October 2000: AustralianMedicalAcupunctureCollege Conference: Opening Address
- October 2000: NSW Women's Lawyers Association: "Tort law Reform"
- July 2000: National Press Club, Canberra: "No More Band-Aids"
- January 2000: Australia Day Ambassador, Burwood.
- June 1999: Commenced as a Federal Councillor, AMA
- May 99: Elected President, AMA (NSW)
- March 1999: Addressed Heads of Federal Government Departments (NSW)
- March 1999: Melbourne Herald Sun. Speaker, Women in Business Lunch
- January 1999: Australia Day Ambassador, Griffith NSW
- October 1998: Poetry Reading for Life Force Foundation (Cancer Support Group) Wharf Theatre, Sydney. With Ruth Cracknell, Hazel Hawke, Arthur Dignam, John Bell and Pat O’Shane.
- September 1998: Garvan Institute for Medical Research, Briefing for health journalists on menopause issues
- June 1998: WONCA conference, Dublin. World Conference of General Practice.
-Presention of a workshop: "The Ethics of Health Reporting"
-Presentation of a workshop: "Media Skills for Health Professionals"
- May 1998: Presentation to Drug Information Association. "Media Skills and Analysis of Media Health Reporting"
- March 1998: Seminar for GPs, Port Douglas. Workshop: "Analysis of Health Media
- November 1997: Address and press conference to launch National Medicines Week, Melbourne.
- November 1997: Keynote Address, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists Conference, Albury NSW on “The Relationship between the Medical Profession, Occupational Hygiene and the Media.”
- November 1997: Keynote Address, Australian Physiotherapy Association on “The Media and the Health Professions”
- November 1997: Addressed Kuringai District Medical Association: "The impact of Media on Medical Practice"
- October 1997: Facilitator, Launch of Federal A.M.A. Strategy for General Practice.
- September 1997: Examinations for Fellowship of RoyalAustralianCollege of General Practitioners.
- August 1997: Keynote Address, AMA (NSW) Leadership and Public Relations Workshop: "The Effect of the Media on Medical Practice and the Evolution of Health Reporting
- August 1997: MC media launch of Baker Medical Research Institute data for Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation.
- August 1997: Seminar on GP-pharmaceutical representative visit for Merck Sharp and Dohme.
- May 1997: Presented seminar for editorial staff of Medical Journal of Australia on Medicine and the Media.
- May 1997: Elected Chairman, AMA (NSW) Medical Practice Committee.
- April 1997: Visited University of California San Francisco and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota to meet with clinicians and researchers to report on advances in research and clinical practice for TODAY show.
- January 1997: Australia Day Ambassador, Ballina area.
- September 1996: Keynote Address, "Young People. Their Future: Our Challenge";
- 1996: Australian Drug Foundation conference, University of Sydney.
- September 1996: Debate, Victorian Workcover Authority Health and Safety Week. “That Money is the Only Motivator for Good Health and Safety Performance”. Grand Hyatt, Melbourne.
- September 1996: AMA NSW Branch Councillor, Member Medical Practice Committee.
- July 1996: Launched National Medicines Week
- May 1996: Presentation to APMRG (Australian Pharmaceutical Marketing and Research Group) Conference: "Improving the Quality of Pharmaceutical Representatives' Visits to General Practitioners.
- March 1996: Discussion panel: "Future of General Practice"; General Practitioner Conference and Exhibition, University of Sydney.
- January 1996: Walked the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea for Nine Network's "A Current Affair" documentary on events of World War II.
- January 1996: Australia Day Ambassador, Wollongong region.
- October 1995: Presenter, Satellite telemedicine conference on Cervical Screening for the NSW Cancer Council.
- October 1995: Launch Australian Red Cross First Aid Manual,Melbourne.
- 1995: Member, Advisory Panel AMA (NSW) Charitable Foundation.
- May 1995: Commenced as health columnist for the Australian Womens Weekly.
- July 1995: Presented series of Womens Health Seminars in Queensland for MBF in Rockhampton, Mackay, Brisbane, Gold Coast.
- January 1995: Australia Day Council Ambassador, Walcha region.
- 1993-1995: Presenter, "Good Food, Good Health" nutritional messages, for the Australian Dairy Corporation.
- 1994: Member, Executive Committee, AIDS Councilof N.S.W.
- 1994: Judge, National Heart Foundation Healthy Hearts Local Government Awards.
- 1994, 1995, 1996: National Judge, MBF Health Media Awards
- May 1994: Queensland A.M.A. Centenary Scientific Meeting Theme Lecture "The Public Doctor: Medicine and the Media".
- April 1994: Opening Address, Queensland Health HIV Conference and Australasian Sexual Health Conference.
- 1994: Member, Executive Committee, AIDS Council of N.S.W.
- April 1994: Presenter, MBF Womens Health Seminars...Brisbane, Townsville, Cairns.
- December 1993: Member of Selection Panel, Royal Australian College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology/ Mayne Nickless Women's Health Fellowship.
- November1993: National judging panel, MBF Health Media Awards
- November1993: Presenter, MBF Queensland Wellbeing / Womens health Seminars.
- April1992 to June 1993: Presenter-Reporter and Medical Consultant for the "SEX" series on the Nine Network.
- 1993: Commenced health column for News Limited newspapers.
- 1993: Appeared on U.S.A.'s Entertainment This Week to discuss "SEX" series.
- 1993: Appeared on "Good Morning America" (satellite telecast from Brisbane) to discuss Australia's health system.
- April 1991: Joined the Today Show, (Nine Network) as Health and Fitness Editor.
- 1991-1993 Presenter National Satellite Teleconferences for The Australian Medical Association (medicopolitical themes).
- 1991: Cohosted "Today" Show with Steve Liebman for two weeks, Nine Network.
- July 1990: Commenced work on "Everybody" health series for ABC TV. Devised the concept of the program from pilot stage, in conjuction with the National Better Health Committee, representatives of the State and Federal Departments of Health, and A.B.C. T.V Production Staff. Responsibilities included presenting, reporting, and writing, and advising on all medical content. Conducted regular radio interviews on Health issues raised in the series, including talkback.
- "Everybody" health series first broadcast on ABC television 14th February 1991
- April 1991 joined the Communications Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council Advisory Panel .
- November 1991, Keynote Address to ACHPER (Australian Council Of Health, Physical Education And Recreation) State Conference, HobartTasmania.
- 1989-1990 Regular Medical Correspondent for "'Til Ten" for the Ten Network.
- 1986 -1987 Presented two weekly radio programmes for 2UE, concentrating on medical news and current affairs, preventive health and fitness.
- 1985 weekly medical presentation and talkback on Radio 2BL, Breakfast Show.
- 1985-1990 : Medical Reporter for Good Morning Australia on Channel Ten.
- University And Post-Graduate Training
- Graduated from the MedicalSchool of the University Of Sydney in February, 1981
- Completed post -graduate training at Sydney's Royal North Shore Hospital.
- Vocational training for General Practice was undertaken with the Family Medicine Program of The Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners.
- Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners examination, awarded in 1997.
General Practice
- May 2006-present: Founder and principal in uclinic integrative health clinic, Surry Hills
- January 2001- present: principal in Cooper Street Clinic general practice in DoubleBay, Sydney. Teaching practice for University of Sydney and University of NSW
- 1985-2000: Founder and principal, group general practice, Mosman, Sydney. This practice was a preceptor practice for the University Of New South Wales and the University of Sydney.
- Accredited surgical assistant at St Luke's PrivateHospital, Prince of Wales PrivateHospital and St Vincent's PrivateHospital
- In 1987 appointed as the General Practice representative on the Northern Metropolitan Health Board Community Health Services Committee, advising the Area Health Board on matters relevant to G.P.'s and patient care.
- During that year, with the support of the Health Board, became involved in establishing the first Department Of General Practice at RoyalNorthShoreHospital, incorporating an ongoing educational program for General Practitioners, in conjunction with the Department of Internal Medicine.
1©Dr Kerryn Phelps 2003