ESD for Warehouse Process Training
ESD Work Area Layout Assessment
Purpose: Develop an ESD Work Area to Meet Compliance
Step / Action1 / Read and understand the Warehouse ESD Spec
2 / Assess current capability of facility environmental controls to meet spec Temperature and Humidity requirements
3 / Assess process steps to take place within ESD work area to understand required number of work stations, material storage and travel in and out of work area
4 / Identify all locations within the ESD work area where exposed product will be handled to include movement (travel path) from one work station to another
5 / Layout work area to reduce travel of exposed product
6 / Identify dissipative flooring required based on exposed product handling area and travel path
7 / Install ESD Table or table with ESD table mats for all work surfaces where exposed product will be handled
8 / Install proper ESD grounding for tables and table mats and test to appropriate requirements
9 / Test flooring in areas where product will be handled to include travel paths of product. Assess if they meet the ESD flooring requirements as outlined in the Warehouse ESD spec
10 / If flooring does not meet the spec requirements the flooring must be change and re-evaluated until it passes the required value
11 / If ESD Floor mats are used they must be grounded and tested to the requirements in the Warehouse ESD Spec and cover all areas where exposed product are handled ti include travel paths
12 / Based on process steps during handling ESD sensitive product – Identify the location on the work surface that product will be placed. You must evaluate the movement of the product during all aspects of the process. The area on the table surface where product will occupy will be identified as the product work area
13 / Next identify a 12” (305mm) buffer zone around the product work area in all directions 360 degrees (left, right, in front, behind, above and below) – This will be a keep out zone- all material that could have a potential static charge will need to stay outside of this Keep Out Zone and the product work area. Keep in mind all movement of the product to include the operator lifting the product during handling
14 / With your product work area and keep out zone identified you can now locate other items on the work surface that are needed for process steps – It is recommended to keep all non essential items off of the ESD work table
ESD for Warehouse Process Training
ESD Work Area Layout Assessment
Step / Action15 / It is recommended to identify the product work area and the keep out zone with a permanent marking method to ensure process workers an identify these areas on the work surface
16 / Identify the entrance areas for the ESD work area – this should be kept to a minimum
17 / Install adequate number of wrist strap ground plugs at each of the ESD work stations, There should be enough ground plugs for the number of operators, auditors, trainers or others that would be in the work area handling product. Each ground point must be tested to earth ground after installed
18 / Place ANSI Standard signage at each entry locations and on the each ESD Work stations
19 / Install a footwear/wrist strap testing meter at each of the entrances to the ESD work area – there should be instruction posted next to the meter
20 / Develop and place an ESD test entry log next to the footwear/wrist strap test tool
21 / Install a Temperature and humidity meter in the ESD work area to monitor daily values. Develop and install a log sheet next to the temperature/humidity meter to capture the daily temperature and humidity data
22 / Identify if chairs will be used in the ESD work area and if so acquire ESD chairs (caution should be used if chairs are to be used on ESD floor mats). Test chairs to the requirements in the Warehouse ESD spec
23 / If product will be stored on shelves and the product is exposed the shelves must have dissipative surfaces and be groundedcorrectly. All shelves must be tested and pass surface to surface and surface to groundresistance testing before product is placed on the shelves
24 / If a movable cart is used with exposed product the wheels on the cart must provide conductivity to the ESD floor. The shelves must be dissipative and you must complete surface to surface and surface to ground testing of each shelf and pass before using these items. Note: The floor along the travel path of an ESD cart when containing ESD sensitive product must be dissipative. The travel path will need to be tested along the complete pathway. Additionally consideration for surrounding material passed during transport must be evaluated to meet the minimum 12” (305mm) clearance of potentially static charged material
25 / Identify all Indirect Materials that must be used in the ESD work area. Each item will need to be evaluated for resistivity and static charging. Items that are outside of acceptable levels should be replace with a different material that passes resistance and static charge evaluation
26 / Items that must be I the work area and do not meet this minimum acceptance level for resistance and static charge must be kept at a minimum of 12” (305mm) away from static sensitive product. It is recommended that locations for these items are physically identified and personnel are trained to place these items in the identified locations
27 / An Indirect material list should be kept with listed tested items and any restrictions identified. This can be used by auditors to verify items rather than having them tested while they are present
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