CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by MayorMike Aulieat 6:00 pm.


ROLL CALL: Council members present: Mayor Aulie, Leonard, Severson

Absent: Nixon, Richau


MOTION:A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2013 regular meeting. All in favor. Motion carried.

CLAIMS LIST: The claims list presented to the council totaled $18,774.14.

MOTION: A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to approve the claims list as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: The Mayor added Resolution 2013-1 to the General Government section of the agenda. Also the Comprehensive Plan was moved from General Government to the Engineer’s section of the agenda. No other changes.


ENGINEER’S REPORT: Dick Grabko from Community Resource Development was present to ask the council to adopt Resolution 2013-2 Authorizing the City to make application and accept funds from IRRRB Public Works Grant Program. This is to fund the approximate $600,000 Cross Drive Project.

MOTION: A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to adopt Resolution 2013-3. All in favor.

Greg Kimman from SEH was presented an update on the Wellhead Protection project. Since the IRRRB is going to be requiring updated Comprehensive Plans from cities requesting funds in the near future, SEH offered to update the city’s Comprehensive Plan at a cost of $8,200. Deerwood will be submitting a request for 50% grant reimbursement for this cost. Deerwood already has verbal commitment from IRRRB for approval of this reimbursement. Resolution 2013-3 was presented for adoption along with an agreement for this service from SEH.

MOTION: A motion was made by Severson and seconded by Leonard to amend the Wellhead Protection agreement with SEH to include the Comprehensive Plan at a cost of $8,200 making the total cost of 19,100 and to adopt Resolution 2013-3 Authorizing the City to make application and accept funds from IRRRB Comprehensive Plan Grant Program. All in favor. Motion carried.

OCTOBER 7, 2013

PUBLIC WORKS REPORT: Patrick Radtke, Public Works Supervisor, presented the council with a snow removal agreement with Holmvig Excavating. It is a one year agreement which included the fall of 2013 through the spring of 2014. Cost will be $85 per hour for the plow truck and $87 per hour for use of the grader.

MOTION: A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to approve the snow removal contract with Holmvig Excavating as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

Radtke also asked the council to approve the Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Maintenance Policies and Procedures and presented a draft for review. The city has replaced all of its street signs in to comply with the rules of retroreflectivity and this document is necessary to comply with federal law.

MOTION: A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to approve the Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Maintenance Policies and Procedures as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

Radtke updated the council on the drainage issue with the Deerwood Bank. He stated that water is running off the bank and is draining onto the sidewalk next to the bank. During the freeze season, this can drainage can be a hazard. Radtke told the council that a letter had been written to the bank last spring and it still was not addressed. He asked the council if the city could send another letter with a deadline for correction. The council suggested that the building inspector write the letter.


FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT: Chief John Taylor was present and provided his monthly written report of department activity. Taylor also requested the purchase of gas monitors at a cost of $1,600. He stated that the department received a check in the amount of $500 from Minnesota Energy to help with the cost.

MOTION:A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to approve the purchase of gas monitors for the fire department at a cost of $1,600. All in favor. Motion carried.

POLICE DEPARTMENT:Chief Harry Gottsch was not present for the meeting. The city clerk asked the council to amend the Auditorium Policy to include the option of using General Security Service Company GSSC or a licensed police officer for an event held at the Auditorium. The cost of security or the officer would still be $30 per hour would still be

incurred by the auditorium renter.

MOTION: A motion was made by Severson and seconded by Leonard to amend the Auditorium Rental Policy as discussed. All in favor. Motion carried.

OCTOBER 7, 2013

CITY CLERK - TREASURER REPORT: The City Clerk–Treasurer updated the council on his meeting with Mark Babcock of Babcock, Langbein and Company – the auditing firm the conducted the 2012 audit. The clerk stated that he found several errors in the 2012 financial statements during his meeting with Babcock and informed the council Babcock would be correcting the errors. Also, the clerk prepared a request for proposal for the city auditor. The council will look at said proposals next month.

The city clerk also asked the council about the reason the clerk has a debit card for operational purchases and public works has a credit card. The clerk stated that the debit card purchases come directly out of the General Fund and therefore cannot be approved by the council before payment. A credit card would provide a statement and allow the council to approve payments with regular claims. The council agreed and suggested a $5,000 limit be approved for the Deerwood Bank credit card account and that the debit card be cancelled.

MOTION: A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to add the City Clerk-Treasurer to the city’s credit account with the Deerwood Bank and raise the spending limit to $5,000. All in favor. Motion carried.

GENERAL GOVERNMENT:The City Clerk -Treasurer presented Resolution 2013-1 Renewing Self Insured Worker’s Compensation Insurance at an annual premium $17,828 with a $250 deductible.

MOTION: A motion was made by Severson and seconded by Leonard to adopt Resolution 2013-1 as presented. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Mayor asked for input on whether or not to have a second meeting in October. As there was nothing pressing to cover before the November 4, 2013 meeting, it was decided to forego the second meeting in October.

There being no other business to come before the council, the following motion was made:

MOTION:A motion was made by Leonard and seconded by Severson to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m. All in favor. Motion carried.


Jeff Turk, City Clerk/Treasurer


Mike Aulie, Mayor