Willow Lane Extended Day Program December 2012

We are hard at work on our Holiday Giving project!

We are hard at work getting ready for our upcoming Bake & Craft sale. Sale dates are before (6:45 - 9:15) & after (3:45 – 5:45) school on Tuesday, December 4th through Thursday, December 6th. If you are interested in donating baked goods to our cause, we would welcome that! Please see one of the staff to coordinate details. We will also have raffle items. Tickets will be available for $1 each. All proceeds from our three day event will be gifted to the Angel Fund. *In our schools, the White Bear Lake Area Educational Foundation's "Angel Fund" is an important source of confidential support for students and families, offering food, clothing, supplies and emergency shelter.

We cannot believe how quickly November has come & gone! It was an awesome month filled with creativity and camaraderie. We started the off the month learning about Trains. We made a variety of them, though the shoebox pull behinds were definitely the most popular! Next came Native American, a highlight was the dream-catchers the children had the opportunity to make. We talked about what we are thankful for, the children writing their thoughts on feathers that filled up our turkey on the bulletin board. As always, our weekly ‘food projects’ were a hit. In the community service department we had a Veteran’s Day collection & decorated a batch of Meals on Wheels bags for the Senior Center.

People will forget what you said, people will forget what
you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

- Maya Angelou

We will be using email to communicate with families now! Please make sure we have yours so you don’t miss out on anything! Thank you~

Non School Day forms for the upcoming holiday / winter break were recently put into your family files. Registration for these non-school days closes on December 12th & the drop-off / pick-up site is here at Willow Lane. To refresh your memory of the school calendar for this winter break December 24th & 25th (no school / Extended Day is CLOSED) December 26th & 27th (no school / Extended Day is OPEN by registration ONLY) December 28h, 31st & Jan 1st (no school / Extended Day is CLOSED).
Late Registrations will be put on a waiting list & if space is / becomes available an additional $15 will be charged to your account.
~ Thank you

Thank you very much to those of you who took time to attend our Accreditation kick-off event at the end of November! We are hard at work and underway to becoming an accredited before & after school care program! The good news is … it’s not too late to get involved. Please ask a staff or email Carrie @ if you’re interested. Also, if you have not had the time to do so, we’d really appreciate you taking the time to fill out the parent / family survey. ~ thank you.