Errigal Truagh Community Alert Text Alert

Over the past few months, members of the Errigal Truagh Community Alert Committee have been working with the Gardai and Muintir na Tire to set up a text alert service within our community. At our Annual General meeting in January, the Gardai and Muintir na Tire gave presentations on how the text alert scheme works in other areas. If a member of the scheme or general public finds something suspicious within the neighbourhood they telephone the Gardai (Community Alert number) who once they have substantiated the notification, relay the information via a communication service back to the community by text message. Already established in Tydavnet and Aughnacloy, this service has proven a great benefit to communities there. We would see that our establishment of a text alert in the North Monaghan area will add value to those in Tydavnet and Aughnacloy.

Benefits of Community Text Alert

·Enhanced crime prevention status for Community Alert with improved community/Garda participation and joint practical activities

·Reduction in crime

·Community feels safer

·Increased communication amongst local residents via the text system

·Increased communication between An Garda Síochána and the community

·Better relations between An Garda Síochána and the community

·Gardai are now able to get information to the community instantly

·Gardai can canvass subscribers in an instant should they require information

·We are exploring the possibility of sharing information with Tydavnet and Aughnacloy Text Alert groups to further improve community safety


The cost is based on a 6c cost per text sent out by the text service company. The estimated cost is approximately €10 per subscriber per year. This service will work better with greater numbers noting what is going on within the community and relaying information on suspicious activities to the Gardai. The involvement of the Gardaí is crucial to ensure that the suspicious are genuine.

To-date Monaghan County Council Community Fund awarded us funding to get set up with insurance and cover administration/ registration fees. Soon you will see Community Text Alert signs go up across the neighbourhood containing the Text Alert number that should be phoned to alert Gardai of unusual activity.

Area Covered

Presently a Community Text Alert is being set up in the Glaslough and Tyholland areas. This means that the Errigal Truagh group are aiming to cover the area of North Monaghan marked below.

Errigal Truagh Community Text Alert area is defined by the Mountain water in the west but runs south along the N2 to Ternaneil and the eastward extreme by Mullaghboy and Monmurry.

If members of this wider community have not already signed up for the Community Text Alert it would be wise to do so before the launch event on the 23rd or it is possible to sign up on the night.

At the Launch Event on the 23rd at 8pm in Blackwater Learning Centre we will have invited guests such as Carol Lambe from Community and Enterprise, Monaghan Co. Co., Garda Patrick O’Connell and members of neighbouring Community Text alert schemes.

If you are considering membership you are more than welcome to attend or contact our committee for more information.

Angela 047 87055; Eamonn 087 2511645; Genie 086 0266000; Gretta 087 9828228