Kindergarten Data Notebook

Table of Contents

1.  Parent Response Notes/Log

2.  Sherwood’s Guiding Principles

3.  Kindergarten Mission Statement

4.  My Job, Your Job, Our Job

5.  Our Class Ground Rules

6.  The Kindergarten Promise

7.  Letter Recognition

8.  Word Recognition

9.  Reading Level

10.  Samples:

·  Monthly Handwriting and Self Portrait Sample

·  Star Writing


Dear Parents,

This year your child will be monitoring his/her learning by using a data notebook. The data notebook will be an interactive tool that enables children to set goals and track their progress.

It will also be used as one way to communicate to you how your child is progressing as well as offering an opportunity for you to work with your child on possible areas that need improvement.

We encourage you to take time with your child to review the data notebook and discuss your child’s personal goals. We also hope that you will use this notebook as a means for communicating your ideas, questions, and concerns.

We will be sending home the data notebook several times each quarter. Included will be a parent guide that will help you to target focused areas for discussion as well as a parent reflection page where you may make comments.

We appreciate all that you do to support the teachers, staff, and students here at Sherwood Elementary and hope that the data notebooks will provide you with the information you need as we work together in making sure that our children are happy, healthy, productive, and capable kids!

Parent/Student Guide for Data Notebook Discussion

Items in Our Data Notebook / Points for Discussion
We have read and discussed the school mission.
We have read and discussed the classroom mission statement.
We have reviewed the school-wide and/or grade level goals in reading.
We have reviewed the progress data and discussed the trends.
We have discussed personal goals and ideas for improvement.
We have filled out the Parent and Student reflection sheet.

Sharing Responsibilities

What jobs do we all need to do in order to have a successful classroom of learners?

My Job (Students) / Your Job (Teacher) / Parent’s Job
Go to be on time
Get ready for school
Help other children
Play fair
Think first
Be respectful in class
Read every day
Try their best
Help at school and at home
Wash their hands
Respect others
Follow rules and directions
Ask questions
Do their homework / Read to us
Take care of us
Keep us safe
Give us homework
Make learning fun
Encourage the children to learn
Help us do work
Have patience
Be prepared
Listen to students
Respect students
Communicate to parents
Help us to learn / Provide food and shelter
Teach rules and good behavior
Prepare children for the school and the bus
Help with homework
Read books to children
Earn money at work
Provide a loving home
Encourage children
Show interest in the school day
Give children hugs and kisses
Listen to children
Help and volunteer

Our Job

Help each other Be a good Friend Listen to one another

Parent/Student Reflections

After reviewing the data notebook, please take a few minutes for reflections.

Parents’ thoughts:


Student’s thoughts:


The Promise

This year in Kindergarten

I will try to do my best

To listen and cooperate

With teachers, friends, and guests.

Sometimes I must be patient

Raise my hand and take my turn

I really must remember

Everyone is here to learn.

I’ll do work that I am proud of

And follow all the rules

Because if I’m responsible

I’ll do my best at school

Our Mission Statement

We, the kindergarten children, will learn all of our alphabet letters, will read all 25 words on our word wall, and will be able to write a sentence.

We will learn by working at centers, working at the 911 table in small groups, writing in writer’s workshop and in our journals, and helping each other.

We will think and try our best!

Our Ground Rules

1.  We should be in Magic 5.

2.  We should keep our body still.

3.  We should keep our hands to ourselves.

4.  We should share.

5.  We should take turns.

6.  We should have good manners.

7.  We should help each other learn.

8.  We should try to make others feel happy.

9.  We should always try our best.