US History
Fort Burrows
11.3 – Unity and Division
Despite some tensions between different sections, the nation enjoyed an “era of good feelings” after the War of 1812.
Era of Good Feelings - the eight years of James Monroe’s presidency, 1817 to 1825, when the
democratic republicans dominated the nation’s politics
sectionalism - loyalty to a state or section rather than to the whole country
American System - program for economic growth promoted by Henry Clay in the early 1800s;
called for high tariffs on imports and federal funds to improve transportation
internal improvements - improvements to roads, bridges, and canals
interstate commerce - trade between different states
intrastate commerce – trade within one state
___McCulloch v. Maryland - 1819 Supreme Court case which ruled that states had no right to
interfere with federal institutions within their borders
___Gibbons v. Ogden - 1824 Supreme Court case which upheld the power of the federal government
to regulate interstate commerce
What is Court Case #1 ______
advocate – person who argues for or supports a cause or policy
ambitious – having a desire to be successful
charter – to establish
dispute – an argument that often involves fighting for control of a thing or place
regulate – to make rules or laws that control something
stronghold – an area where the people have the same beliefs or values
An Era of Good Feelings
In 1816, Republican James Monroe easily defeated the Federalist, Rufus King
Election confirmed how seriously the Federalist party had declined in popularity
Monroe was the last Revolutionary War officer to become President
Monroe was 60 years old, wore dated clothes and a powdered wig
Americans like his ‘old-fashioned’ ways
He made a goodwill tour of the country and created a new sense of national unity
This time period was called the “Era of Good Feelings”
Monroe ran for a second term in 1820 and no candidate opposed him – Federalist party had disappeared
Three Sectional Leaders
disputes between sections of the nations increased
3 ambitious men took center stage in Congress
Each represented a different section of the country and played key roles for 30 yrs
Calhoun of the South
John C. Calhoun, from South Carolina, spoke for SOUTH
Calhoun had immense energy and was nicknamed “young Hercules”
He was slim and handsome, had deep set eyes and a high forehead
Supported the War of 1812
Defended of SLAVERY
Opposed policies that would strengthen the power of the federal gov’t
Webster of the North
Daniel Webster, of New Hampshire, spoke for the NORTH
Webster was the most skillful public speaker of his time
He was an impressive sight – a “great cannon loaded to the lips”
Opposed the War of 1812
Felt slavery was EVIL
Wanted gov’t to take a larger role in building the nation’s economy
Clay of the West
Henry Clay, from Kentucky, spoke for the WEST
He charmed both friends and rivals – “Gallant Harry of the West”
Clay was leader of the War Hawks
Pushed for the War of 1812
Favored a more active role for the central government
During his long service to his country, Henry Clay was a firm defender of the Union. Clay helped guide his country through some of its most difficult crises. Three times he helped resolve bitter disputes that threatened to tear the nation apart. One office that eluded him was the presidency. He was defeated three times in efforts to become President. Yet, he was proud that he had held to his principles. Once, when asked if he was bitter about his failure to become President, he responded: “No, I had rather be right than President.”
¿¿ What was Calhoun’s (SOUTH) view ? ______.
What was Webster’s (NORTH) view ? ______.
What was Clay’s view (WEST) ? ______.
Helping American Businesses Grow
After the War of 1812, Calhoun, Webster and Clay had to deal with serious economic issues
The US economy faced severe problems due to the lack of a national bank
The charter for the Bank of the US ran out in 1811
The economy suffered without the Bank to lend money and regulate the nation’s money supply
Republicans like TJ and Madison opposed a national bank but many believed it was needed by 1816
They supported a law to charter the second Bank of the US
By lending money and restoring order to nation’s money supply, the Bank helped American businesses grow
Protection From Foreign Competition
Another problem facing the US was foreign competition – Britain!
Embargo Act and War of 1812 kept British goods out of the US
In response, the US established their own mills and factories and the industry grew until 1815
A Flood of British Goods
With the end of the War of 1812, British goods flooded the US
British could make and sell goods more cheaply
British manufacturers sold cloth in the US for less than it cost to make it hoping to hook Americans and put rivals out of business
Congress Passes a Protective Tariff
The British plan caused dozens of New England businesses to fail
Angry owners asked Congress to place a protective tariff on all goods imported from Europe
Congress passed the tariff of 1816 which greatly raised taxes on imports
The increase made imported goods far more expensive than US goods
Higher tariffs led to angry protests from southerners who had few factories
They did not benefit from the tariff and bought many British goods
Southerners felt the tariff made northerners rich at the expense of the South
¿¿ How did the Tariff of 1816 affect…
the North ? ______.
the South ? ______.
Clay’s American System
The bitter dispute over tariffs reflected the growth of sectionalism
Sectionalism is loyalty to one’s state or section rather than to the whole nation
Americans identified themselves as southerners, northerners and westerners
Henry Clay wanted to promote economic growth for ALL sections
His program was called the American System
-supported effort to charter a new bank
-called for high tariffs on imports
-urged Congress to use money from tariffs to build roads, bridges, canals
American System never fully went into effect so tariffs remained high and little money was spent on internal improvements
The Supreme Court Expands Federal Power
After Congress chartered the second Bank of the US, Maryland tried to tax the bank to drive it out of the state
James McCulloch, the Bank cashier, refused to pay the tax
In the case McCulloch vs. Maryland in 1819, the Court ruled that the states had NO right to interfere with federal institutions within their borders
The ruling strengthened the federal power and allowed the Bank of the US to continue, which helped the economy expand
In Gibbons vs. Ogden in 1824, the Court upheld the power of the federal gov’t to regulate trade between states
Court struck down a NY law that tried to control steamboat travel to NJ
Only the federal gov’t had the power to regulate interstate commerce
This decision helped the economy by making it easier for gov’t to regulate trade
1. What role did sectionalism play in the nation during the Era of Good Feelings ?
*** 2. What was Henry Clay’s American System ?
1. ______
3. How did these three Supreme Court give more power to the federal government ?
Marbury v. Madison states: ______
McCulloch v. Maryland states: ______
Gibbons v. Ogden states: ______
1 of 11.3 Printer Notes JAN 2018