Name: ______



Equipment and Shop Safety

A. Reporting Accidents

•  Approximately 26,000 welders are injured at the job site each year.

•  Welders each day are exposed to:

Uv rays from welding arc- eyes and skin

Welding or cutting near flammable materials

•  Precautions must taken to prevent injuries

•  All accidents should be reported no matter how slight

Immediate attention can minimize the seriousness of the injury

B. Safety Colors

·  ______

·  ______

·  Yellow

·  Blue

·  ______

·  White

·  ______

·  ______

Red : ______



Yellow: Caution ( Yellow is used to identify parts of machines, such as wheels, lever and knobs that adjust the machine.

Blue: Information (Blue is used as signs of warning or caution) (Out of order)

______: Safety equipment, safety areas, first aid and medical practices

______: Radioactivity – Radiations Hazards

White: Traffic Areas- arrows show direction of traffic

______: Traffic markings, Barricades

______: Floors- Floors of the work area

C. Housekeeping

·  Cleaning work areas

·  Sweeping- ______

·  Keeping designated walking areas ______

·  Restoring equipment and tools after job is completed

D. Work Behavior

•  In the shop the following behaviors are prohibited due to safety concerns:

l  No running

l  No wrestling

Exhibiting this type of behavior can cause your removal from the Welding program

E. Safe Equipment Operation

•  Any tools and equipment should be used unless exact operating instructions have been received and understood.

•  Improperly using tools or using tools that are not properly maintained and inspected is prohibited-

•  Operators of tools and equipment should:

l  Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment

l  Equipment properly maintained and inspected

F. Safety comes first !!!!

·  ______

·  When working with heated objects, always wear gloves

·  ______

·  Learn to do a job the right way

·  ______

·  Observe all warning signs or tags

·  ______


·  Unless you have been taught to run a machine, don’t use it

·  Avoid wearing loose or overly baggy clothing when working with machinery

·  Be aware of people around you at all times.

·  ______

·  Know where fires escapes and ______