Suppose that the supply schedule of Belgium Cocoa beans is as follows:

Price of cocoa beans
(per pound) / Quantity of cocoa beans supplied
$40 / 900
$35 / 700
$30 / 500
$25 / 400
$20 / 200

Suppose that Belgium cocoa beans can be sold only in Europe. The European demand schedule for Belgium cocoa beans is as follows:

Price of Belgium cocoa beans
(per pound) / European Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded
$40 / 100
$35 / 300
$30 / 500
$25 / 700
$20 / 900

a.Below is the graph of the demand curve and the supply curve for Belgium cocoa beans. From the supply and demand schedules above, what are the equilibrium price and quantity of cocoa beans from Belgium?

Now suppose that Belgium cocoa beans can be sold in the U.S. The U.S. demand schedule for Belgium cocoa beans is as follows:

Price of Belgium cocoa beans
(per pound) / U.S. Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded
$40 / 200
$35 / 400
$30 / 600
$25 / 800
$20 / 1000

b.What is the combined (total) demand schedule for Belgian cocoa beans that European and USA consumers buy?

Price of Belgium cocoa beans / U.S. Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded / European Quantity of Belgium cocoa beans demanded / Total Demanded
(per pound) / (pounds) / (pounds) / (pounds)
$40 / 200 / 100
$35 / 400 / 300
$30 / 600 / 500
$25 / 800 / 700
$20 / 1000 / 900

Below is the supply and demand graph that illustrates the new equilibrium price and quantity of cocoa beans from Belgium.

c.From the supply schedule and the combined U.S. and European demand schedule, what will be the new price at which Belgium plantation owners can sell cocoa beans?

d.What price will be paid by European consumers?

e.What will be the quantity consumed by European consumers?

Problem 2

On Tuesday nights, a local restaurant has a kid’s meal special. Nina’s son, Braden likes the restaurant’s chicken nuggets, but Braden seems to be growing bigger every day and the kid’s meal is usually not enough. The restaurant does allow for additional purchase of chicken nugget servings. Nina’s willingness to pay for each serving is shown in the table below.

Number of Chicken Nugget servings
(servings) / Willingness to pay for chicken nuggets
(per serving)
1 / $5
2 / $4
3 / $3
4 / $2
5 / $1
6 / $0
  1. If the price of an additional serving of chicken nuggets is $3, how many servings will Nina buy for Braden? How much consumer surplus does he receive?

b. The following week, Nina and Braden are back at the restaurant again, but now the price of a serving of chicken nuggets is $4. By how much does his consumer surplus decrease compared to the previous week?

c. One week later, they return to the restaurant again. Nina discovers that the restaurant is offering an “all-you-can-eat” special for $12. How many chicken nugget servings will Braden eat, and how much consumer surplus does he receive now?

d. Suppose you own the restaurant and Braden is a “typical” customer. What is the highest price you can charge for the “all-you-can-eat” special and still attract customers?

