Equipment and Kit List

We look forward to meeting you on the gifted and talented residential course. Please make yourself aware of this list and the documents that follow so that you are fully prepared to make the most of the course, activities and opportunities that are presented to you.

Residential Kit in addition to your normal clothing:

·  Packed Lunch and a drink bottle for the first day (please do not include nuts in case another child on the course suffers from a severe allergy)

·  Sleeping bag or single duvet cover (no need to bring the actual duvet)

·  Pillowcase and single under sheet (Beds will be made upon arrival)

·  Clothes suitable for getting messy and / or an art apron

·  Outdoor shoes (trainers suitable for walking on grass / wellington boots), a thick fleece or similar, a waterproof jacket, hat, gloves and scarf for going out – please bring these whatever the weather as our weather can be so unpredictable

·  Indoor shoes / slippers

·  Towel

·  Toiletries

·  Medication if required

·  Torch


·  We prefer it if students do not bring mobile phones as there is no mobile reception at the centre. The Centre will accept no responsibility for any phones which may be lost or damaged and they must not be misused if they are on their person. (e.g. Inappropriate photographs should not be taken using a camera phone, but photographs of the artwork as it progresses are acceptable during workshops.)

Material equipment to bring:

·  A camera to record your development and progress if permission to bring it (cameras are brought at your own risk and should have your name on it but can be locked away out of workshops should you need it to be – please ask). Please see photographic and moving image form with regards to photography and mobile phone cameras (to follow).

·  Yr6 – an ice cream/butter/equivalent plastic tub with a lid

·  Yr5 – a pair of old tights

·  KS3 – a rucksack/shoulder bag

Please retain this list for your own reference

Pixies Holt landline in the case of an EMERGENCY during the residential course: 01364 631500

Beaford Arts landline for contact prior to and after the residential course: 01769 572573