- Overview
1.1. High Level Summary
- Applicants
2.1. Age
2.2. Disability
2.3. Ethnic Origin
2.4. Gender
2.5. Gender Identity
2.6. Marital Status
2.7. Maternity
2.8. Religion / Belief
2.9. Sexual Orientation
- New Starters
3.1. Age
3.2. Disability
3.3. Ethnic Origin
3.4. Gender
3.5. Gender Identity
3.6. Marital Status
3.7. Maternity
3.8. Religion / Belief
3.9. Sexual Orientation
- Staff In Post
4.1. Our Workforce
4.1.1. Senior Management / Executive Team
4.1.2. Staff Groups
4.1.3. Pay Bands
4.1.4. Working Patterns
4.2. Age
4.2.1. Age & Divisional Business Units
4.2.2. Age & Pay Bands
4.2.3. Age & Working Patterns
4.3. Disability
4.3.1. Disability & Divisional Business Units
4.3.2. Disability & Pay Bands
4.3.3. Disability & Working Patterns
4.4. Ethnic Origin
4.4.1. Ethnic Origin & Divisional Business Units
4.4.2. Ethnic Origin & Pay Bands
4.4.3. Ethnic Origin & Working Patterns
4.5. Gender
4.5.1. Gender & Divisional Business Units
4.5.2. Gender & Pay Bands
4.5.3. Gender & Working Patterns
4.6. Gender Identity
4.7. Marital Status
4.7.1. Marital Status & Divisional Business Units
4.7.2. Marital Status & Pay Bands
4.7.3. Marital Status & Working Patterns
4.8. Maternity
4.8.1. Maternity & Divisional Business Units
4.8.2. Maternity & Pay Bands
4.8.3. Maternity & Working Patterns
4.9. Religion / Belief
4.9.1. Religion / Belief & Divisional Business Units
4.9.2. Religion / Belief & Pay Bands
4.9.3. Religion / Belief & Working Patterns
4.10. Sexual Orientation
4.10.1. Sexual Orientation & Divisional Business Units
4.10.2. Sexual Orientation & Pay Bands
4.10.3. Sexual Orientation & Working Patterns
- Sickness Absence
5.1. Age
5.2. Disability
5.3. Ethnic Origin
5.4. Gender
5.5. Gender Identity
5.6. Marital Status
5.7. Maternity
5.8. Religion / Belief
5.9. Sexual Orientation
- Leavers
6.1. Age
6.2. Disability
6.3. Ethnic Origin
6.4. Gender
6.5. Gender Identity
6.6. Marital Status
6.7. Maternity
6.8. Religion / Belief
6.9. Sexual Orientation
- Conclusions & Recommendations
- Overview
1.1. High Level Summary
Equality Monitoring IndicatorsDivisional Business Unit / Age / Disability / Ethnic Origin / Gender / Gender Identity / Marital Status / Maternity / Religion / Belief / Sexual Orientation
Largest Age Group / % Declared A Disability / % White British / Male / Female / N/A / Married / Civil Partnerships / % Currently On Maternity Leave / % Christian / % LGBT
Community Services Bury / 50 - 54 / 4.97% / 92.13% / 5.18% / 94.82% / No Data / 65.42% / 3.52% / 64.80% / 0.41%
HMR Community Services / 50 - 54 / 1.65% / 84.56% / 5.70% / 94.30% / No Data / 65.52% / 2.85% / 42.88% / 0.15%
Oldham Community Services / 50 - 54 / 3.58% / 87.68% / 8.62% / 91.38% / No Data / 57.78% / 2.58% / 56.10% / 1.79%
Trafford Community Services / 50 - 54 / 2.95% / 81.45% / 10.57% / 89.43% / No Data / 59.58% / 2.95% / 25.92% / 1.47%
Bank Workforce / 35 - 39 / 3.65% / 68.23% / 26.20% / 73.80% / No Data / 43.57% / 0.67% / 54.22% / 3.07%
North & South Divisions / 50 – 54 / 5.38% / 86.79% / 18.26% / 81.74% / No Data / 50.46% / 2.52% / 48.21% / 2.06%
Specialist Services / 45 – 49 / 4.04% / 81.62% / 22.69% / 77.31% / No Data / 48.76% / 1.56% / 50.46% / 2.22%
Corporate Services / 45 – 49 / 4.07% / 87.48% / 25.35% / 74.65% / No Data / 51.80% / 1.72% / 54.30% / 1.41%
Medical, Dental & Pharmacy Services / 35 – 39 / 3.00% / 61.42% / 34.08% / 65.92% / No Data / 65.92% / 4.12% / 39.33% / 1.50%
Total Community Services / 50 – 54 / 3.19% / 85.93% / 7.91% / 92.09% / No Data / 61.39% / 2.91% / 45.89% / 1.09%
Total Mental Health Services / 50 – 54 / 4.93% / 80.09% / 19.75% / 80.25% / No Data / 49.89% / 2.20% / 48.97% / 2.11%
Total Whole Organisation / 50 - 54 / 3.89% / 82.25% / 16.97% / 83.03% / No Data / 54.38% / 2.29% / 48.62% / 1.75%
For the purposes of this report, the Health Improvement directorate has been counted as part of Oldham Community Services / Community Services is comprised of the following: / Mental Health Services is comprised of the following:
Community Services Bury / North & South Division
HMR Community Services / Specialist Services
Oldham Community Services
Trafford Community Services
- Applicants
2.1. Age
2.2. Disability
2.3. Ethnic Origin
2.4. Gender
2.5. Gender Identity
Information on gender identity is not currently collected.
2.6. Marital Status
2.7. Maternity
Not applicable – we would not expect any new persons applying for a position to currently be on maternity leave.
2.8. Religion / Belief
2.9. Sexual Orientation
- New Starters
3.1. Age
The figures presented here show the number of new starters with Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust during the period 1st Apr-14 to 15th Sep-14. The figures are categorised according to Divisional Business Unit and overall totals are provided for Community Services, Mental Health Services and the organisation as a whole.
3.2. Disability
Overall 4.09% of new starters considered themselves to have a disability. Almost 10% preferred not to disclose this information.
3.3. Ethnic Origin
Overall 75.70% of new starters described their ethnic origin as “White British” whilst 22.51% described themselves as belonging to a Black, Minority or Other Ethnic group. 1.79% preferred not to state their ethnic origin. The Medical, Dental & Pharmacy DBU had the largest proportion of BME new staff members at 83.33% which is a substantial outlier in comparison to the make up of the other DBUs.
3.4. Gender
Overall, 79.03% of new starters were female whilst 20.97% were male. The DBU with the most equal male/female ratio was Medical, Dental & Pharmacy Services with 44% male and 56% female. In HMR Community Services only 3.13% of new starters were male.
3.5. Gender Identity - Information on gender identity is not currently collected.
3.6. Marital Status
Overall, 43.22% of new starters described themselves as either married or in a civil partnership. The largest individual group amongst new starters was single which accounted for 42.20% of all new starters.
3.7. Maternity - Not applicable. We would not expect any new starters to be on maternity leave.
3.8. Religion / Belief
The most common religion / belief overall was Christianity which accounted for 58.57% of all new starters. The next largest group was Atheism at 10.74%. 8.44% described their religion / belief as ‘Other’ whilst 14.07% preferred not to disclose their religion / belief.
3.9. Sexual Orientation
Overall 2.81% of new starters described themselves as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual. 12.53% did not wish to disclose this information. 100% of new starters in Oldham Community Services described themselves as Heterosexual.
- Staff In Post
4.1. Our Workforce
4.1.1. Senior Management / Executive Team
4.1.2. Staff Groups
The largest group of staff is “Nursing and Midwifery Registered” which accounts for just over a third (34.64%) of all employees.
“Administrative and Clerical” is the next largest staff group and accounts for 23.23% of the workforce.
23.13% of the workforce belongs to “Additional Clinical Services.” These are Healthcare Assistants and other Support Workers on Agenda for Change pay bands 1 to 4.
Staff Group / Headcount / WTE / PercentageAdd Prof Scientific and Technic / 299 / 259.05 / 4.22%
Additional Clinical Services / 1637 / 1003.37 / 23.13%
Administrative and Clerical / 1644 / 1201.51 / 23.23%
Allied Health Professionals / 556 / 451.48 / 7.86%
Estates and Ancillary / 218 / 132.48 / 3.08%
Healthcare Scientists / 52 / 43.07 / 0.73%
Medical and Dental / 170 / 139.69 / 2.40%
Nursing and Midwifery Registered / 2452 / 1831.72 / 34.64%
Students / 50 / 50.50 / 0.71%
Total / 7078 / 5112.87 / 100.00%
4.1.3. Pay Bands
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust employs their staff in line with the nationally agreed ‘Agenda for Change’ (AfC) pay banding system.
The largest cohort of staff are Band 6s which account for 20.56% of the workforce.
Band 1 staff make up just 2.19% of the workforce and are primarily domestic assistants.
2.50% of the workforce is on Non Agenda for Change pay bands. These consist of Medical Practitioners, Senior Managers, Consultants and other Ad Hoc pay grades.
Pay Band / Headcount / WTE / PercentageAfC Band 1 / 155 / 79.45 / 2.19%
AfC Band 2 / 1308 / 675.90 / 18.48%
AfC Band 3 / 921 / 645.42 / 13.01%
AfC Band 4 / 551 / 438.77 / 7.78%
AfC Band 5 / 1353 / 990.71 / 19.12%
AfC Band 6 / 1455 / 1136.43 / 20.56%
AfC Band 7 / 764 / 660.09 / 10.79%
AfC Band 8a / 251 / 223.14 / 3.55%
AfC Band 8b / 67 / 63.19 / 0.95%
AfC Band 8c / 31 / 26.55 / 0.44%
AfC Band 8d / 12 / 11.80 / 0.17%
AfC Band 9 / 5 / 5.00 / 0.07%
Dental / 28 / 23.39 / 0.40%
Other / Non AfC / 177 / 133.03 / 2.50%
Total / 7078 / 5112.87 / 100.00%
4.1.4. Working Patterns
Based on headcount, the number of staff working full time and the number of staff working part time is almost an exact 50/50 split. However, it should be pointed out that a large percentage of those staff listed as Part Time are bank workers and do not necessarily have set working hours.
Therefore, based on WTE, the number of staff working full time and the number of staff working part time is 68.44% full time and 31.56% part time.
Working Pattern / Headcount / WTE / Headcount % / WTE%Full Time / 3498 / 3499.00 / 49.42% / 68.44%
Part Time / 3580 / 1613.87 / 50.58% / 31.56%
Total / 7078 / 5112.87 / 100.00% / 100.00%
4.2. Age
4.2.1. Age & Divisional Business Units
4.2.2. Age & Pay Bands
Over 52% of the total current workforce is in their 30s or 40s. Under 20s make up less than half a percent of the workforce whilst 7.83% are aged 60 or over. The most common pay bands are bands 5 and 6 which account for over 40% of the current workforce. 5.33% of the workforce are at Band 8a or above.
4.2.3. Age & Working Patterns
In all but three age ranges there are a higher number of staff working part time than full time. The exceptions to this are staff aged 25 – 29, 45 – 49 and 50 – 54.
4.3. Disability
4.3.1. Disability & Divisional Business Units
Overall less than 5% of the current workforce considers themselves to have a disability. However, almost 30% of the current workforce has not declared.
4.3.2. Disability & Pay Bands
4.3.3. Disability & Working Patterns
Overall, 275 members of staff consider themselves to have a disability. Of those, 139 current work full time whilst 136 currently work part time.
4.4. Ethnic Origin
4.4.1. Ethnic Origin & Divisional Business Units
Overall 82.25% of the current workforce describe their ethnic origin as “White British” whilst 14.03% describe themselves as belonging to a Black, Minority or Other Ethnic group. 3.72% prefer not to state their ethnic origin. The Medical, Dental & Pharmacy DBU had the largest proportion of BME staff members at 35.58% followed by the Bank Workforce with 27.83%
4.4.2. Ethnic Origin & Pay Bands
BME staff members account for almost 45% of staff on ‘Other / Non AfC’ pay grades with a further 45% “White British” and the remaining 10% who have not stated. BME staff account for just over 10% of staff members at Band 8a or above.
4.4.3. Ethnic Origin & Working Patterns
4.5. Gender
4.5.1. Gender & Divisional Business Units
Overall 83% of the current workforce is female. Medical, Dental & Pharmacy Services has the closest ratio of male / female staff with 34% male and 64% female. Almost 95% of staff in Community Services Bury are female. Over 91% of the total Community Services staff are female.
4.5.2. Gender & Pay Bands
Men account for more than 50% of staff on “Other / Non AfC” pay scales. Men also account for 20.77% of staff on pay bands 8a or above.
4.5.3. Gender & Working Patterns
4.6. Gender Identity - Information on gender identity is not currently collected.
4.7. Marital Status
4.7.1. Marital Status & Divisional Business Units
Overall almost 55% of the current workforce are either married or in a civil partnership. 30.74% are single whist 4% have not stated their current marital status.
4.7.2. Marital Status & Pay Bands
4.7.3. Marital Status & Working Patterns
A greater proportion of married staff or staff in a civil partnership work part time than full time whilst for staff members who are divorced, legally separated or single there is a greater proportion that work full time than part time.
4.8. Maternity
4.8.1. Maternity & Divisional Business Units
Overall just over 2% of the current workforce are currently on maternity leave.
4.8.2. Maternity & Pay Bands
This graph shows that the pay band with the highest proportion of staff currently on maternity leave are those staff on Dental pay grades with just over 7%. No staff members of pay bands 8b, 8d or o9 are currently on maternity leave.
4.8.3. Maternity & Working Patterns
4.9. Religion / Belief
4.9.1. Religion / Belief & Divisional Business Units
The most common religion / belief overall was Christianity which accounted for 48.62% of the current workforce. The next largest single group was Atheism at 7.31%. 5.64% described their religion / belief as ‘Other’ whilst 33.85% preferred not to disclose their religion / belief.
4.9.2. Religion / Belief & Pay Bands
4.9.3. Religion / Belief & Working Patterns
Generally Full Time / Part Time working patterns were quite even for each religion / belief.
4.10. Sexual Orientation
4.10.1. Sexual Orientation & Divisional Business Units
Overall 1.75% of the current workforce described their sexual orientation as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual. Over a third (34.08%) do not wish to disclose this information. Both HMR Community Services and Trafford Community Services have a high percentage of staff who have not disclosed this information.