1211 Jersey St Apt 103Bellingham, WA98225
Cell Phone: (253) 722.8782 Email:
Community Health Related
/ Since 6th grade, I have served my community by participating in several different volunteer projects each year. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, I help the Lakewood Rotary Club give out giving baskets filled with food, games, and books to the underprivileged in my hometown. In high school I gave my time as a mentor to a school on Western State Hospital’s property to help kids with behavioral issues learn how to adapt to life outside of a hospital. I also have helped hospitals, schools, and churches with their gardensand upkeep maintenance work.In college I have continued with helping out the Rotary each year but on top of it, I have helped the city of Darrington, WA by planting trees next to the river and other planting needs that the community needed in order to bring back their plant life that was once there. In addition, this last year I was blessed with the opportunity to help out Blue Skies for Children with their annual shoe drive from April to the end of May.
Community Service / Mentoring at Lakes High School—25.5 hours
Waving Levy Signs—1 hour
Delivering Giving Baskets with Rotary—2 times every year
Volunteering at Western State Hospital—6 hours
Volunteering at Lake Louise Elementary—4 hours
Volunteering at Woodbrook/Hudtloff Middle School—2 hours each
Volunteering at a Rotary Function—4 hours
Volunteering with Christ Lutheran Church—10 hours
Stadium clean up at Harry E. Lang Stadium—20 hours
Help give shoes at Blue Skies for Children, Bellingham, WA—10 hours
Re-plant trees in Darrington, WA—6 hours
/Secretary/Front Desk06/2013-09/2013
Northwest Properties (253) 584.3633- Calling Utilities/Contractors/Tenants
- Bank Runs (depositing rent checks)
- Mail Outs (sending letters to tenants and home owners)
- Emailing
- Answering the phones
- Copying/Scanning
- Making sure that whoever comes through the door or calls, knows that Northwest Properties is going to help them with whatever they need.
Day Camp Counselor
Steve and Kate’s Camp-Tacoma 05/2014-08/2014
- My job was to make sure that this free-range camp was a well-oiled machine
- I was in charge of 25 fourth grade boys and girls, my job was to make sure they connected with each other during our debriefs three times a day. Whether that was through games, talking about their favorite activities they did that day, or sharing a project they made.
- If I was putting on impromptu games shows or debriefing my vivacious fourth graders, I was in the Style Studio designing dresses and super hero masks. I helped guide kids by teaching them how to knit, sew, crochet, and any other creative outlet you can think of.
- It was one of the best summers I’ve ever had
Employer Rebecca Brethauer (360) 201.196609/2014-Present
- Picking up the boys from school (4 days a week)
- Helping them with homework
- Making them nutritional snacks—I make sure candy isn’t in the picture and that the boys eat healthy.
- Everyday of the week, all day long during this last 2015 summer
- Driving them to and from practices
- Watching them on any weekends or random days the parents need me
- Bonding and playing with the boys instead of letting them watch TV all day
- I make sure they get outside and play outside after school or play board games
/Lakes High School 09/2009-06/2013
I graduated Lakes High School in 2013 as an honor graduate with a 3.7 GPA. During my years there I played on the soccer and fast-pitch varsity teams all four years. My Junior and Senior year I was captain of the soccer team and my senior year I was also co-captain of the fast-pitch team. My sophomore year I was inducted into the National Honor Society, held a position for Key Club, and got accepted to be in the Ignite Mentoring program at our school. I continued these three clubs for my last three years.Western Washington University09/2013-Present
Currently I am enrolled at Western Washington University with a Junior standing. I am a Community Health BS major in the Health and Human Development Department.Skills
/ Throughout my volunteer experience and time spent at WWU I have captured a confidence that has allowed me to more easily talk to new people, connect on a deeper level, and share my ideas with ease. Balancing full time enrollment and maintaining a consistent work schedule has only reinforced me as a hardworking, dedicated, and passionate individual. Learning new things is a passion of mine, and understanding the complex is a challenge that I graciously accept, once I’m taught something I make an effort to not just memorize but to understand, and I do so in a quick and efficient manner.References / Laurel Jacobs
(253) 241.6762
Bellevue Director of Steve and Kate’s Camp
Debbie Olson
(253) 278.2650
Neighbor/Family Friend
Sarah Morris
(910) 551.8893
Employer (baby sat her kid all throughout high school)
Coworker (worked with her at Northwest Properties)
Rebecca Brethauer
(360) 201.1966
My current Employer
Marcy Schafer
(253) 307.4396
Lakes High School Ignite Mentor teacher/leader