Domain: 6A/B My Room & The House & Chores
Cluster: 6A: Talk things in my room/ to talk about electronics/ colors/ indicate location of things and verbs: dormir and poder
6B: Talk household chores and the layout of a house.
Standard(s):SVS Spanish I and II courses are based on the 5 Cs of the National Foreign Language Learning Standards: communication, cultures, comparisons, connections, and communities. The Common Core State Standards of reading, writing, and speaking and listening are represented in the three components of the Language-Learning Communication standard: Interpersonal (speaking-listening or writing-reading); Interpretive (reading, listening, viewing); and Presentational (writing, speaking, visually representing). The Common Core Language strand is described in proficiency levels that outline three key benchmarks achieved in world language programs given sufficient instruction over time: Novice (the beginning level, regardless of age or grade); Intermediate; and Advanced.
SpanishContentObjectives6A / Vocabulary / Teacher’sResources and Notes
I can:
- Talk about things in my bedroom
- Talk about electronic equipment
- Talk about colors
- Describe things (pretty/ ugly/ large/ small/ important/ same/ own)
- Indicate location of an object (to the right (of), to the left (of))
- Compare and contrast things (better/ worse than, smaller/ bigger than, older/ younger than and the superlative e.g., the best/ worst).
- Conjugate the stem-changing verbs ‘dormir’ (to sleep) and ‘poder’ (to be able to).
- El dormitorio/ la cómoda, el espejo, la mesita, la pared, el estante, el cuadro, las cortinas, la alfombra.
- El disco compacto, el equipo de sonido, el lector DVD, el televisor, el video, la videocasetera
- ¿De qué color es/ son…?, los colores, amarill@, anaranjad@, azul, blanc@, gris, marrón, morad@, negr@, roj@, rosad@, verde
- bonit@/ fe@, grande, importante, mism@, pequen@, propi@
- a la derecha (de)/ a la iquerda (de)
- major(es)/ peor(es) que, el/la major/ peor
- duermo, duermes, duerme, dormimos, dormís, duermen/ puedo, puedes, puede, podemos, podéis, pueden
- 1st Semester Spanish II Teaching Partner’s Lesson Plans Unit 6A
Spanish ContentObjectives 6B
I can:
- Talk about where someone lives
- Talk about houses and apartments
- Name household chores (and conjugate the verb associate with each chore)
- Cerca de/ lejos de/ vivir
- El apartamento, el baño, la cocina, el comedor, el cuarto, el despacho, la escalera, el garaje, el piso, la planta baja, el primer piso, la sala, el Segundo piso, el sótano
- Arreglar el cuarto ayudar, cocinar, cortar el césped, dar/ dar de comer al perro, hacer la cama, lavar (el coche/ los platos, la ropa), limpiar el baño, pasar la aspiradora, poner la mesa, quitar el polvo, sacar la basura.
- 1st Semester Spanish II Teaching Partner’s Lesson Plans Unit 6B
- Realidades text book,
- Realidades leveled vocabulary and grammar workbook ‘Core Practice & Guided Practice’.
- Readlidades Audio Program
Assessment / Unit6A Test Part I and II.
Unit 6B Test Part I and II, Communication Evaluation and Portfolio Project “Mi Casa.”