Workforce Race Advisory Group Minutes
20 May 2008, LLUK Offices, London
Nicola Broady, AoC Tasleem Chaudary, Ofsted
Christopher Core, rep. CEL Sian Davies, UNISON
Mark Kaczmarek, DIUS (Chair) Robin Landman, NBP
Aisling Lyon, LLUK Paul Mackney, NIACE
Karen Murray, LSC Chris Nicholas, UCU
Saheema Rawat Nigel Smith, DIUS
Martin Steinmuller, CEL Joel Whittle, UNISON
Angela Young, LLUK Dawn Ward, BLI
Margaret Adjaye, CEL Margaret Bennett, QIA
David Hunter, LLUK Sunaina Mann, NESCOT
Stella Mbubaegu, BLI
Summary of Action Points
Action / By Whom / Deadline / Completed / Notes1 / Members to provide LLUK with any outstanding views on the future structure of the WRAG. / WRAG / ASAP / Additional comments received
2 / NB to feedback comments regarding impact assessment training to relevant contact in the LSC. / AoC
3 / TC to send draft handbook, OFSTED guidance for inspectors, to Group members for consultation and feedback. / TC / ASAP / 10 June / Circulated to Group members for comment
4 / DIUS and/or the LSC to provide an update on the ‘Single Voice’ agenda and ‘Framework for Excellence’ at the next WRAG meeting. / DIUS
LLUK / Next Meeting / Update at next meeting
5 / Members to comment on the Draft NOS in Intercultural Working. / WRAG / 2 June / June 08 / Circulated to WRAG members
6 / A presentation on CILT’s National Occupational Standards in Intercultural Working to be arranged for the next WRAG meeting. / LLUK / Next Meeting / Possibly for February meeting?
6 / Meeting to be arranged between AoC, UNISON and LLUK to discuss case studies. / LLUK / 26 June / SR to follow-up
7 / Annual Diversity Workforce Profile to be included on agenda for next meeting / LLUK / Next meeting / 9 Sept.
9 / EHRC to be invited to next meeting to discuss compliance / LLUK to invite / Next meeting / SR to provide update on discussions
10 / SR to provide a written project progress report for the next meeting. / SR / Next meeting / 9 Sept.
1. Introductions
Mark Kaczmarek (MK) welcomed everyone and introductions were made by Group members.
MK gave some background to the WRAG for those new to the Group and who had been unable to attend for some time. MK emphasised that the Group is fundamental in driving forward the findings from the Workforce Strategy for the FE Sector in England and its subsequent Implementation Plan, and that all aspects of Equality and Diversity have been embedded into this Strategy. DIUS has asked LLUK, in providing secretariat to the WRAG, to support and lead on equality and diversity on behalf of the sector.
MK also emphasised that he expects members of the WRAG to represent their respective organisations fully and to have the authority to speak on their behalf.
2. Minutes of Last Meeting (21 February 2008)
In response to the question of resources for implementing the WRAG work plan, MK confirmed that DIUS have now discussed the issue with LLUK and funding has been allocated within LLUK's Grant Agreement to take this forward. LLUK invited Group members to prioritise actions for implementation, which are listed in the work plan and fit with the priorities of the Workforce Strategy.
Christopher Core (representing CEL) confirmed that the Executive Summary of CEL’s research on BME succession planning will be launched at CEL’s conference on equality and diversity on Wednesday 21 May.
Regarding the future WRAG structure (whether to form a single equality group), LLUK confirmed that they have circulated by email a summary of members’ views prior to the meeting. Five responses were received regarding the possibility of a single equality group. MK invited members who had not yet submitted their views to do so as soon as possible. In the meantime, the Disability Equality Implementation Group has confirmed that they would like to be a separate group for at least one year, so that they can implement the Commission for Disabled Staff’s recommendations. In light of this, it is expected that WRAG will continue for the same timescale, subject to ongoing review.
Action: Members to provide LLUK with any outstanding views on the future structure of the WRAG.
3. Progress Update by WRAG Members
Members were invited to give an oral update of progress in relation to their actions on the WRAG work plan.
3.1 CEL
a.) CEL will launch their research on succession planning at their Equality and Diversity conference on 21 May.
b.) A new ‘Introduction to Leadership’ programme is being launched soon.
c.) CEL are about to impact assess all their HR policies.
3.2 Association of Colleges
a.) AoC are completing a revision of the bullying and harassment guidance for the sector. This is a joint publication with trade unions.
b.) Training on equality impact assessments have been organised for the sector. 2 days have been organised so far (London and Manchester). It was suggested additional sessions should be organised in other areas. It was also suggested that impact assessment workshops could be held in colleges (possibly organised by AoC branches) and for clusters of colleges, particularly in rural areas.
c.) The AoC are also planning to organise an equality and diversity conference, specifically for the FE sector, at the end of 2008. Sessions on equal pay and job evaluation will be included at this event.
Action: Nicola Broady to feedback comments regarding Impact assessment training to relevant contact in the LSC.
3.2 LSC
a.) The LSC is running Single Equality Scheme Support programme as a model employer. 9 briefing sessions have been organised to date. This will be followed by regional seminars for providers to give feedback in July. There will also be an evaluation of these events.
b.) There will be an evaluation of the Single Equality Scheme in December which will go out to Tender. This will focus on what the LSC’s legacy can do for new organisations that will take forward this agenda.
3.3 UCU
a.) 4 Black Member Networks have now been developed across the country.
b.) UCU is currently undergoing a restructure and this process will be impact assessed.
c.) UCU is working with the AoC and are planning some joint activities on impact assessments.
d.) Regarding UCU structures, two places are reserved for BME and other diversity stands on the national executive committee.
a.) This is the first year since the merger of the four inspectorates into OFSTED. It is obviously a much larger organisation; consequently there was a need to update Ofsted’s equality schemes. Currently Ofsted has produced a new Race, Disability and Gender Equality Schemes. These have been signed off by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) as being compliant. All relevant internal policies and procedures have also been updated and impact assessments have been conducted.
b.) A workforce review is currently underway to assess the make up of OFSTED. Targets have been included in the Equality Schemes where there are gaps.
c.) OFSTED has developed guidance for inspectors and is providing ongoing training.
d.) Inspectors handbooks (which are public documents) are also in the process of being updated. This includes guidance on what inspectors look for and report on in terms of equality and diversity. The report structure and word count has been amended to give a dedicated minimum of 150 words to equality of opportunity in addition to the allocation for leadership and management to enable distinctions between social and educational inclusion in college inspections. OFSTED will be checking the impact of compliance. This handbook is due to be published end of June.
e.) OFSTED is also doing more work on promotion of equality within the curriculum.
Action: TC to send draft handbook, OFSTED guidance for inspectors, to Group members for consultation and feedback.
Action: DIUS and/or the LSC to provide an update on the ‘Single Voice’ agenda and ‘Framework for Excellence’ at the next WRAG meeting.
a.) NIACE are organising a conference on community cohesion on 16th June. Event details will be sent to Group members.
b.) NIACE are currently working on implementing the recommendations of the Commission for Disabled Staff in Lifelong Learning.
Paul Mackney (PM) noted the development of draft National Occupational Standards in Intercultural Working by CILT (National Centre for Languages). It was noted that the draft standards are currently out for consultation and the deadline for comments is 2 June. Copies were provided to members, who were encouraged to respond to the consultation. It was requested that the final standards be presented at the next WRAG meeting.
Action: Members to send comments directly to CILT regarding consultation on the Draft National Occupational Standards for Intercultural Working.
Action: A presentation on CILT’s National Occupational Standards in Intercultural Working to be arranged for the next WRAG meeting.
a.) Feedback from UNISON’s FE seminar for support staff on the Workforce Strategy was very negative. There is a general mistrust around Workforce Strategy and support staff feel that any professional developments outlined (CPD etc.) will benefit teaching staff only.
b.) There is an issue with BME support staff wishing to attend positive action programmes run by CEL, since very often they are not allowed the time off work by employers to attend.
(It has also been noted by UNISON that members have had to take annual leave in order to attend staff development events, such as the FE seminar.)
c.) UNISON members believe that CPD is not for support staff. This is a cultural issue and there is a need to change the culture as CPD has to be accessible to all.
MK commented that the Workforce Strategy for FE is a 5 year plan and prioritises leaders and teachers, due to the key drivers that influenced FE workforce reforms (Ofsted Inspections 2004, Foster, FE White Paper, Leitch). The Strategy will be reviewed and updated by LLUK annually and LLUK and DIUS will look at the issues affecting support staff when revising the Strategy.
3.7 Dawn Ward (Principal, Royal Forest of Dean College)
DW stated that learners are experiencing stereotyping when they go out to work. All learners now get an equality and diversity qualification, to support them. A Level 1 programme is currently being written for students.
It was suggested that AoC and LLUK to look into what colleges are doing around equality and diversity, stories from the grass roots perspective. It was suggested that UNISON could also be part of this.
Action: AL to arrange a meeting with AoC and UNISON to discuss the development of some good practice case studies.
3.8 LLUK
a.) The Workforce Strategy Implementation Plan was published on 31 March (hard copies were available at the meeting for members. LLUK is about to embark on a series of promotional activities for providers.
b.) The Annual Workforce Diversity Profile published at the end of last year. LLUK has now started work on this year’s profile (which will use data from the academic year 2006/06). It is due to be published by early September and its key findings will be presented at the next WRAG meeting.
c.) LLUK is working with UCU to begin a capacity building programme for FE colleges on improving their compliance with race relations legislation. This activity also applies to Strategic Aim 3 of the WRAG work plan, which addresses how organizations within the FE System achieve equality-led Human Resources processes and practices.
Action: Annual Workforce Diversity Profile 2008 to be included as an agenda item for the next meeting.
3.9 NBP
a.) Two cohorts of the ‘High Flyers’ programme have been delivered. These included 8-10 senior managers.
b.) Work is continuing on attracting BME governors.
c.) The NBM is re-launching its regional networks on 23rd May 2008.
d.) The talent management service has been launched.
4. Follow-up to UCU/CRE Monitoring Project
Chris Nicholas (CN) updated the Group on recent progress and explained that the final research report will be published soon. Delays have been a result of difficulties experienced in obtaining information from the EHRC - the new compliance body and successor to the Commission for Racial Equality.
CN confirmed that there was a variance between the amount of evidence submitted to the project team and this illustrated a variance between the level of understanding of compliance. It confirmed that no college that was reviewed produced satisfactory records of 3 completed impact assessments.
CN suggested that a representative of the EHRC be invited to the next WRAG meeting to present the Commission’s intentions to enforce compliance with legislation in the future. This suggestion was supported by Group members.
Action: LLUK to invite EHRC to next meeting to speak about how they will monitor compliance.
CN introduced Saheema Rawat, LLUK Policy Consultant (Race Equality), who then provided Group members with a short presentation outlining some of the key areas she will be working on following the UCU/CRE report.
SR outlined the following objectives to the project’s work:
a.) To ensure that Governors and SMTs at further education colleges adopt a reflective and integrated approach to Race equality implementation, going beyond minimum legal compliance;
b.) To build on past and existing work in this area and benchmark progress;
c.) To enable colleges to consider multiple identities in the context of Race equality;
d.) To ensure that colleges engage with BME staff in an effective way; and
e.) To develop a sustainable model of implementation that can be used in other equalities area.
Action: SR to provide a written project progress report for the next meeting.
5. Delivering on Diversity: The Skills and Cohesion Challenge
- presentation by Robin Landman, Network for Black Professionals
Full presentation available.
It was commented that BME representation may be low in colleges located in areas where there is a high proportion of failing colleges. It may be a leadership/management issue. It would be useful to map BME representation with inspection grades.
6. Any Other Business
There is room for discussion regarding an overarching group.
The date for the next meeting will be Tuesday, 9 September 2008 (11:00 – 14:00) and will be held at UNISON, London.
WRAG Minutes 20 May 2008