Caesar’s English Lesson 5
Prefix / Root / Suffix / Meaning / Word Wall ExampleLesson 1
com / together / commandeer
intra / within / intramural
cent / one hundred / centurion
ad / to / advocate
fer / carry / transfer
trans / across / transfer
bi / two / bilingual
sub / under / subordinate
de / down / depression
ion/tion/sion / noun / centurion/derision
pre / before / predecessor
or / person or thing that / predecessor
super / over / superfluous
ous / adj. full of/having / superfluous
Lesson 2
im / not, opposite / implacable
plac / to appease
able/ible / adj. capable of, given to
rid, ris / ridicule, to laugh / derision
vit, viv / life / vivacious
ious/ous / full of / procure/profound
pro / for/in favor of
digi / figure, number / prodigious
re / back, again / retort
tort / twist
ence/ance / noun / countenance
man, manu / obvious / manifest, manual
ish / adjective / languish
Lesson 3
vit, viv / life / revitalize
ize / verb
vid, vis / look / evidence
ex / out / expatriate
pater, patr / father
ate / adjective
mater, matr / mother / maternal
pop / people / populous
un / not / unequaled
inter / between / intermediary
semi / half / semicircle, semiarid
dis / away / dissuade
sym / together / symbiosis, symbiotic
Lesson 4
aud, aus / listen, hear / audible
able/ible / adj. capable of
bene / good / benevolent
vol / will
somn / sleep / somber/insomnia
stern, strat / stretch, spread out / prostrate
fund, fus / pour / profuse
serenus / dry, clear, calm / serene
acu / sharp / acute
grotto / hidden place/distorted / grotesque
scend / climb / condescend
con/com / together
de / down
od/odi / hatred / odious
ious/ous / adj. full of/having
Lesson 5
away / dislocation
over, above, more / surface, surfeit
pertaining to the face
other / altruism
system, manner, characteristic
against / contradiction
between / interstellar
person or thing that
bad / malapropism
for or forward
system, manner, characteristic
after, behind / posterior
person or thing that
equal / equitable
adj. capable of
before / antecedent
move, yield, go,
adjective from nouns or verbs
Answer Key Caesar’s English Lesson 5
Prefix / Root / Suffix / Meaning / Word Wall ExampleLesson 1
com / together / commandeer
intra / within / intramural
cent / one hundred / centurion
ad / to / advocate
fer / carry / transfer
trans / across / transfer
bi / two / bilingual
sub / under / subordinate
de / down / depression
ion/tion/sion / noun / centurion/derision
pre / before / predecessor
or / person or thing that
super / over / superfluous
ous/ious / adj. full of/having
Lesson 2
im / not, opposite / implacable, placate
plac / please, calm
able/ible / adj. capable of, given to
rid, ris / ridicule, to laugh / derision
vit, viv / life / vivacious
ious/ous / full of/having
pro / for/in favor of / procure/profound
digi / huge number / prodigious
re / back, again / retort
tort / twist
ence/ance / noun / countenance
man, manu / obvious / manifest, manual
languere / weakness / languor or languish
ish / adjective
Lesson 3
vit, viv / life / revitalize
ize / verb
vid / look / evidence
ex / out / expatriate
pater, patr / father
ate / adjective
mater, matr / mother / maternal
pop / people / populous
un / not / unequaled
inter / between / intermediary
semi / half / semicircle, semiarid
dis / away / dissuade
sym / together / symbiosis, symbiotic
Lesson 4
aud, aus / listen, hear / audible
able/ible / adj. capable of
bene / good / benevolent
vol / will
somn / sleep / somber/insomnia
stern, strat / stretch, spread out / prostrate
fund, fus / pour / profuse
serenus / dry, clear, calm / serene
acu / sharp / acute
grotto / hidden place/distorted / grotesque
scend / climb / condescend
con/com / together
de / down
od/odi / hatred / odious
ious/ous / adj. full of/having
Lesson 5
dis / away / dislocation
loco / place
ion/tion/sion / noun
sur / over, above, more / surface, surfeit
faci/o / pertaining to the face
ali, alter / other / altruism
ism / system, manner, characteristic
contra / against / contradiction
dic, dict / speak
ion/tion/sion / noun
inter / between / interstellar
stell / star
ar/er/or / person or thing that
mal / bad / malapropism
pro / for or forward
ism / system, manner, characteristic
post / after, behind / posterior
ar/er/or / person or thing that
equi / equal / equitable
able/ible / adj. capable of
ante / before / antecedent
cess, ced / move, yield, go,
ent / adjective from nouns or verbs