Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form – APPLICATION STAGE

Guidelines for Completion of the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

In order to help us monitor equal opportunities, we would appreciate it if you would provide the information requested below. Any information provided will be stored and used in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, for the purposes of equal opportunities monitoring only. We must stress that this information is strictly confidential and will not be taken into account at any time when making the appointment or during any subsequent employment. We appreciate that some people may find some of the questions extremely personal and we must therefore re-iterate that you are under no obligation to answer any particular question(s) that you do not wish to answer. If you do not wish to answer any question(s), this will not affect your application in any way.

Post applying for
Age / Under 18 / 18 – 24 / 25-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / 65 and over
Gender / Nationality
Disability / The Equality Act 2010 defines disability as “a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial & long term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities”.
Yes / No
Ethnic Origin
Based on classifications recommended by the Commission for Racial Equality / Asian or Asian British: / Black or Black British: / Mixed Race:
Indian / Caribbean / White & black Caribbean
Pakistani / African / White & black African
Bangladeshi / White & Asian
Other Asian background / Other black background / Other mixed background
White British / White Irish / Other white background
Chinese / Any other background
Based on the classifications adopted in the ACAS Guide – Religion or Belief and the Workplace / Astaru / Baha’i / Buddhism
Christian / Hinduism / Muslim
Jainism / Judaism / Druidry
Paganism / Wicca / Odinism
Shamanism / Zoroastrian (Parsi) / Rastafarianism
Sikhism / Other
Sexual orientation / Heterosexual / Gay/Lesbian / Bisexual
Do not wish to answer
Please state where you read about this advertisement

Thank you for your time and co-operation in completing our form.