Picton Medical Centre

Practice Health Champions Meeting

Date: Wednesday 7th January 2015 Time: 10.00 – 11.00


Apologies: Serish Yasmin, Jasmine Basha, Anna Cherian, Hasan Hanif

Present: Kathy Higgins, Ann-Marie Mitchell, Nick Haley, Noussrat Khan, Uzma Irum, Emma Holmes

1.  Sub Groups

·  Knit and Natter – To continue on Wednesday afternoons 1.30 – 3.00. Uzma said that numbers have been steadily increasing. Kathy Higgins will contact another knitting group in the local area which runs on Thursdays and invite along to Pictons knitting group on Wednesdays. Refreshments will be provided at the group

·  Coffee mornings - To continue to be held monthly on Wednesday mornings. Emma Holmes will display new posters in the waiting areas

·  Walking Group - A walk leader meeting is being held tomorrow and they will discuss getting this walk going again and maybe changing it to Wednesdays to link in with other walkers.

2.  Walk Leader Training – Monday 26th January 2015

Any champions interested in becoming a walk leader and supporting a walk in Lister Park please contact or call 01274 322662 for an application form

3.  Appointment Guide

The appointment guide was developed to help patients make the most of their consultation with doctors and nurses. Picton Medical Centre will launch the guide on Monday 12th January. It would be great if champions could be available in the waiting area to promote the guide with patients and explain how to use it. I have attached the guide and also an information sheet about it.

While in the waiting area promoting the appointment guide it would be really helpful if champions could also promote the online services that Picton Medical offer and sign them up. This means patients will be able to book appointments and order prescriptions online.

The Practice would also like champions to promote the Pharmacy First service that is being offered at the practice to patients.


I have also attached a rota, can you please let me know if you can volunteer anytime to be in the waiting area to promote the appointment guide.

4.  New PHC Training – Thursday 29th January 2015

We are currently recruiting for more Practice Health Champions at Picton Medical Centre. If you speak to any patients who would be interested in becoming a Practice Health Champion please ask them to contact

or call 01274 322662 for an application pack.

5.  AOB

Name badges are at the surgery for Practice Health Champions to collect from Kathy Higgins and in around 3 weeks time we should have lanyards for all Practice Health Champions. This will make you more visible in the waiting area when speaking to patients.