Ian Platt -Head of Housing - Department of Regeneration Housing and Planning
Paul Grey - AsstDirectorBuilding Control/Development ControlDepartment of Corporate Services
David Ball - Acting Head Strategic development and regeneration
Department of Regeneration Housing and Planning
Surjit Tour - Acting Director of Law HR Asset Management -Legal and Member Services - Department of Law HR Asset Management
Paul Ashcroft - Strategic Services manager -Departmental management team - Department of Children and Young People
Chris Hyams - Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development
Department of Law HR Asset Management
Chris McCarthy – Interim Director Technical Services
Department of Technical Services
Seven Officers above returned a nil return for conflicts of interest.
Robert Beresford - Head of Regulation - Department of Law HR and Asset Management
Name and address and nature of business of each company in
which you hold shares -Halifax Building Society Shares (Lloyds TSB), Santander Bank Shares.
Address or description of land or property in which you havean interest, the nature of the interest and the use to which theland is put - Own a residential property in Frankby Wirral
List any organisations with which you have membership orassociation, including clubs and societies - Member Lowlands Fiddle Association
Mark Camborne -Health safety and Resilience Manager in Departmentof Technical Services
Name and Address of additional business or other employment- London Borough of Merton
Nature of above - Assessor for the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS). No assessments undertaken for organisations that work for Wirral Council
Stephen Rowley - Head of Finance and Performance DepartmentAdult Social Services
List any voluntary bodies of which you have membership or association- I am a Trustee to a conservation group: Tigers4ever, the objectives of which are to preserve wildlife and communities in developing countries.
Dave Green - Director Technical Services - Departmentof Technical Services
Please give any further information you may wish to recordabout your business or financial interest. - Disclosable conflict is a contractual conflict with an employee of Colas Ltd.
Some further detail not disclosable as the Council considers that this information is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the FOIA as it contains personal data. The council considers that it would be unfair on the individual concerned to disclose this personal data and therefore would be in breach of the 1st principle of the DPA 1998.
Bill Norman – Director of Law HR and Asset Management
Conflict of interest category “other” for 2 occasions.
Detail not discloable as the Council considers that this information is exempt from disclosure under Section 40(2) of the FOIA as it contains personal data. The council considers that it would be unfair on the individual concerned to disclose this personal data and therefore would be in breach of the 1st principle of the DPA 1998.
You have the right under Section 17 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to ask for an internal review of the refusal to some of the information requested. Please would you direct any request for an internal review to Mr Michael Rowan, Legal and Member Services, Department of Law, HR and Asset Management, Town Hall, Brighton Street, Wallasey, CH44 8ED
You do also have the right to complain to the information Commissioner, if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of any internal review, whose office is situated at: Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Tel: 08456 30 60 60 or 01625 54 57 45
Fax: 01625 524510 www.ico.gov.uk <http://www.ico.gov.uk/>