EPD Network Meeting 17.06.2015


Enys Delmage (chair)

David Kingsley

Anna Pascall

Heidi Hales


Helen Gosney

Cesar Lengua

Oliver White

Mark Morris

Boris Iankov

Albert Akoye

Katya Polyakova-Nelson

Alison Westman

Simon Hill

  • Minutes of last meeting (234.03.2015) discussed and agreed as correct;
  • Discussed matters arising including the nature of the group and how to structure ourselves (see item 1) as well as BIGSPD progress – ED has contacted Steve Pearce and Tom Mullen and Kath Lovell (current shared presidents of BIGSPD) again but has had no response as yet re: whether the EPD group could be part of BIGSPD – MM recommended trying to join the BIGSPD committee where we might be able to run part of the BIGSPD conference as a child and adolescent-specific half-day (“little SPD”) and provide some education/forum component for interested parties;
  • Agenda items:

1)Discussion of the nature of the group – is it sensible to mirror the AFPSIG and have a small number of “steering group” members who can get involved in the strategic direction of the group and a larger number of members who are interested parties but may not have time to commit to strategic work;

The group discussed the options and felt that we needed to involve community CAMHS as well as inpatient, extend this to generic CAMHS, and also involve non-medical professionals – HH discussed the dangers with becoming a “silo” and raised the question of the nature of the interface with AFPSIG – the two groups have different aims but ED will look at the AFPSIG – the EPD group has a focus on sharing expertise, research and development of wider links for those interested in working with EPD groups and would broadly mirror the ToR for BIGSPD, its adult analogue.

2)If there is a small strategic board, who will do what? Roles might include training/teaching, social events, conferences (?nested within BIGSPD at first), research);

The group also felt that the idea of a central steering committee for strategic guidance would be useful – likely to include the current group – roles have not yet been allocated but ED would appreciate volunteers for: research lead, training and conference lead, and meeting coordinator;

3)Who else should be invited? Community psychiatrists, non-psychiatrists, non-clinicians?

See above.

4)Research updates;

ED discussed the clozapine research and updated that the data collection for the St. Andrew’s patients was complete and had been entered into SPSS – ED will send this to Simon and Ollie so that we can collate with their data. HH suggested that the next logical step might be a qualitative piece of research for which we could get IRAS approval – this might then lead on to a formal RCT and we might be able to approach the IoP and Wellcome Trust, or float it as an innovation fund piece of work – may be some scope for a research assistant or two at St. Andrew’s. HH also advised that there are a number of issues re: when to stop Clozapine once someone has recovered, and how to assess what a therapeutic dose is – ED, OW and SH to consider this and feed it in to future projects – DK also keen to be involved in research of this nature which will be circulated to all EPD and AFPSIG members before commencement in any case;

5)Sharing of good practice in terms of psychological therapies;

This was not discussed at length but will be included as an agenda item for next time – consideration of DBT and MBT which are widely used but ?evidence base and again HH suggested a qualitative piece of research for young people, though HG reflected that some may not be cognisant of the elements that have in fact been useful for them;

6)DK to discuss his step-down service and the Cheadle Royal model.

DK did this and many thanks to him as host for the day.

  • AOB: ZI suggested a “journal club” element every 2nd or 3rd meeting to share information/articles, and HH suggested a CBD be added to this day – all in agreement.

Next Meeting: ?25th August – venue to be arranged – volunteers to host would be appreciated!!! Please get back to ED before end of July if you would be prepared to host us.