AMV Assessment Exemplar: Key Stage 3 Unit 7

Title: How do people express their beliefs and identities?Areas of Enquiry: C&D
Investigation of religious and non-religious worldviews:a: give different views on how faith may play a vital part in people’s identity;And d: use reasoning and examples to express insights into the relationship between beliefs, teachings and ethical issues;Christianity a: describe and compare ways in which different Christian groups express their identity; Buddhism Hinduism Humanism Islam Judaism Sikhism b: explain how and why people express beliefs, values and ideas of spirituality through ceremonies, festivals and other creative ways;Throughout:use reasoning and examples to express their own views on how Christianity and other the tradition(s) being studied have affected the world.
Context / Prior Learning: Students have studied how Christians from Evangelical backgrounds and non-Evangelical backgrounds use language, with particular theological emphases. This will include an analysis of hymns/worship songs in those traditions. They will have discussed how people use language to identify themselves as belong to particular groups (such as political and cultural groups).
Student will also have explored the role of a ceremony or festival in one non-Christian religious or belief tradition and how it has become associated with specific beliefs and ideas. They will also have looked at how this is ceremony or festival is celebrated by specific traditions in different ways, or why it isn’t celebrated at all by some traditions. They will understand that religions and belief traditions are dynamic and culturally shaped and shaping and that it is this process that explains, to some extent, difference within a tradition.
Assessment Activity – Students: / Developing – Students: / Secure – Students: / Exceeding – Students:
  • analyse the way that Christians talk about becoming Christian from two distinct traditions;
  • choose a ceremony/festival from one non-Christian religion or belief tradition and write some notes comparing different ways of celebrating it by different groups within the religion or tradition, (or providing reasons why it may not be celebrated by some members within the tradition)??
  • or – how about something comparing speeches given by different religious leaders, e.g., Dalai Lama, Archbishop of Canterbury, Pope, MLK, … ??
  • identify how language is used to define a person’s Christian identity;
  • describe how a ceremony/festival can be a way of teaching an important belief held by that tradition.
  • identify key ideas in the language used by different Christians and how they can be used to differentiate Christian denominations, e.g., ???
  • compare how the same ceremony/festival is celebrated by different groups within a religious or belief tradition and how that reflects different theological, anthropological or philosophical starting points of the different groups, e.g., ????.
  • identify the origins of different Christian languages as a result of the Reformation and how that continues to have an impact on Christian self-identity;
  • historically contextualise the theological, anthropological or philosophical starting points of different groups within a religious or belief tradition and how that informs current practice.

Key Concepts
  • that religious traditions have particular ways of using language that enablepeople to identify with a specific group or tradition.
/ Students’ Attainment (names)

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