Illustrating the Constitution

The United States government has determined that citizens lack a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution. You have been commissioned to design a poster that can be placed in schools and governmental buildings. Draw people in with your design so they can learn about its basic principles.


· Work in groups of 2-3

· Use large poster paper

· Communicate visually and with text the essence of the U.S. Constitution

· Use color

· Use your notes, the textbook, and the Constitution

· Equal work, equal participation

· The class will nominate a winner


1. Create a title for your poster.

2. Name the three parts (Preamble, Articles, and Amendments) and what they each do.

3. Include the Preamble’s six core purposes and draw an illustration for each.

4. Include the three branches of government and their powers; illustrate this.

5. Include what freedoms the Bill of Rights protect; choose three to illustrate.

6. Design it in simple terms so that it communicates its message easily to your audience.


· 5 pts The three parts are clearly written and defined

· 5 pts Preamble’s six core principles are accurate

· 5 pts Three branches of government/powers are articulated creatively

· 5 pts Freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are included

· 5 pts Illustrations are creative and support the requirement

Total: ____ __/ 2 5