EOY Certification Guidance for LEP Data
LEP Screen:
The LEP WOW screen is intended to serve as a record for students who have been identified as LEP through a formal identification process. The process of identification or designation is initiated when a Home Language Survey (HLS) indicates that a student meets the official definition of LEP as defined by NCLB. A screener is then administered to determine if a student is already proficient or could benefit from supplemental services. Students who score proficient on the initial language screener should not be identified as LEP. As a result, the LEP tab record should not be activated for the student. However, counties should retain copies of the screener assessment results in the original student file. The LEP tab should only be initiated when a student has been both identified through the HLS and the screener. A student who has qualified through both the HLS and the screener is now classified as LEP until re-designation or “exiting” occurs.
All students classified as LEP will have a LEP Screen. The student should also have an original screening date for when the ESL teacher or district coordinator administered the original language screening test. An ESL entry date indicates when the LEP student enters into a Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) or ESL program. In most cases the date will match that of the original language screening.
ESL Exit Date - The date that a LEP student successfully meets exit criteria. A student has met the criteria after (1) scoring “5” for two consecutive years on the WESTELL and (2) scores at “Mastery” level or above on the Reading Language Arts (RLA) section of the WESTEST 2. A student should only receive an exit date when both of these requirements have been fulfilled.
Designations & Status of Service:
Student Receiving Services – Any student enrolled in an LEIP or ESL program. This includes any student receiving services levels 1-5. Students receiving services will be coded with S. The student will show as an active record because the exit criteria have not been successfully met.
Removed at Parent Request – Any student who has been removed from a LIEP or ESL program at the request of a parent. This occurs after services had been initiated. The student is still required to take the annual language proficiency assessment (WESTELL). Students removed at parent request will be coded with R. The student will still show as an active record because the exit criteria have not been successfully met.
Parent Waiver - Any student who has been administered a language screening and has been determined to qualify for services whose parent refuses or waives the student’s right to participate in an LIEP or ESL program. The student is still required to take the annual language proficiency assessment (WESTELL). Students with services waived by the parent will be coded with W. The student will still show as an active record because the exit criteria have not been successfully met.
Exited - Any student who has successfully met the criteria to exit an LIEP or ESL program. Students who have exited will be coded with X. Any student coded as “Exited” must also have an exit date on the LEP screen. A student who has exited the program will show as a former LEP for two years. Note that transferring out of the county or state does not constitute exiting LEP status (See directions under transfer). Student graduation also does not constitute exiting LEP status (See directions under graduation).
Student Transfer:
Students who transfer out of school or out of county do notsatisfy the criteria for exiting LEP status. The LEP record will show as active as the student is LEP. Transfer designation is not a function of the LEP screen. Districts should consult with the school administrator and potentially the local WVEIS contact to ensure that the student is coded with transfer.
Student Graduation:
Students who graduate through nature of promotion do not satisfy the criteria for exiting LEP status, and will be counted as part of the LEP subgroup of graduates. The LEP record will show as active as the student is LEP. Graduation designation is not a function of the LEP screen. Districts should consult with the school administrator and potentially the local WVEIS contact to ensure that the student is coded for graduation.
Students Participating in Choice:
LEP students who might still be participating in School Choice are assigned to services at the school of enrollment. This is a function of the basic enrollment screen.
Private School Students:
LEP private student are assigned to services at the “R District”. Private school students are not part of the EOY certification at this time.
Clerical Activation Errors:
The LEP Screen section and the Designation & Status of Service section seek to clarify who should have an LEP record. In reviewing data, a county might encounter an LEP record that should not have been activated (e.g. a student was to have an IEP record not LEP record, student scored proficient on initial screener with data to substantiate and a LEP screen was activated prematurely). In these rare cases, the LEP Screen will need to be deactivated. Contact Robert Crawford at Mami Itamochi make this request. You will receive follow-up guidance. Note that removing a student at parent request or parent waivers do not constitute as clerical activation errors.
Interpreting the EOY LEP Certification Columns:
LEP 10/01 Enrollment – These enrollment numbers reflect the LEP students who were enrolled during the October 1 data collection. This column serves as a point of reference only.
LEP Live Enrollment – These enrollment numbers reflect the live enrollment data. Corrections to address inaccurate data reported on the live screen can be made through the source data file, STU.301. Once those changes have been made, the WOW data will be updated in CERT.EOY.
Title III Served – These enrollment numbers reflect any student who received services during the past school year. This column will include students who had an enrollment record at the county for any length of time during the school year.
Title III Former – These enrollment numbers reflect any student who has successfully exited LEP status through the established criteria. Note that a student will appear in the Title III Former for two years after successfully exiting the program.