ON 602Monday 1-3 pm

DR. JOHN D. CURRIDFall, 2014



This course is an examination and evaluation of the contributions of archaeology to our understanding of the history of the Bible. The archaeology of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Canaan, and especially Israel will be analyzed. We will pursue this study through various mediums, such as slide lectures, map analysis, and pottery presentations. Emphasis will be placed on the archaeological evidence that gives one greater understanding of the biblical narratives.


The following books are required for the course:

1.John D. Currid, Doing Archaeology in the Land of the Bible (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1999).

2.John D. Currid and David P. Barrett, Crossway ESV Bible Atlas (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2010).

3. John D. Currid, Against the Gods (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2013).

4.A. Hoerth, Archaeology and the Old Testament (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998).

These four books must be read by the conclusion of the course. The final examination will have a question regarding the percentage of reading that you have completed.


1.Each credit student is required to submit a research paper. It should be typewritten and be 15-20 pages in length. Below are some suggestions of possible topics, although students are not confined to them. The paper is due on December 1. The paper is worth 200 points.

Archaeology and the Patriarchs

Conquest of Palestine


Did the Walls of Jericho Fall Down?

The Tel Dan Inscription


Shechem and the Bible

Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls


Solomon's Building at Megiddo

2.Quizzes: each week there will be a quiz. Questions will be taken from the assigned reading from the ESV Bible Atlas for that week. There will be 11 quizzes, and the student will drop his/her lowest quiz grade during the semester. There will be no make-up quizzes. Each quiz is worth 20 points for a total of 200 points.

3.A final examination will be given during exam week. It will include both readings assigned and lecture material. It is worth 100 points.


1.August 25Introduction

Test Case: Carthage

Test Case: Bethsaida

2. September 1Test Case: ManahatAtlas, pp. 17-61

Geography of Israel

3. September 8Agriculture and HerdingAtlas, pp. 63-76

Water Supply

4.September 15Architecture of Ancient IsraelAtlas, pp. 77-91


5.September 22Temples and IdolatryAtlas, pp. 93-117

Burial Practices

6.September 29Writing PracticesAtlas, pp. 119-139

Introduction to Hieroglyphics

A Study of Jerusalem

7.October 13Jerusalem in the Biblical PeriodAtlas, pp. 141-153

Jerusalem in the Time of Herod

8.October 20Jerusalem in the Periods of Hadrian and Constantine

Jerusalem in the Times of Muhammed and the Crusades

Atlas, pp. 155-165

A Study of the Exodus

9.October 27The Splendor that was EgyptAtlas, pp. 167-177

Route of the Exodus

10.November 3Geography of the SinaiAtlas, pp. 179-186

Wilderness Wanderings

A Study of Paul's Missionary Journeys

11. November 10Wilderness WanderingsAtlas, pp. 187-203

Flora and Fauna

12.November 17Paul’s First and Second Missionary Journeys

13. November 24No Class (SBL)


13.December 1Doing Archaeology in IsraelAtlas, pp. 207-258
