Application to have a fire for an Event
Pursuant to Section 81 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act, 2005 and Section 6 of the Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016 a person must not cause or permit the burning of matter by a fire in the open on any premises without written consent given under this clause by the Authority or a council or council officer as delegate of the Authority.
The following conditions apply to the permit:
- Council reserves the right to grant or refuse any application at the Authorised Officer‘s discretion.
- A Risk Management Plan must be supplied with this application,when and where:
- The event is to occur on land under the care and control of the Mount Barker District Council.
- A considerable amount of general public members are expected to attend the event
- Or the event is a Fireworks Display (Site Map and Exclusion Zones required)
- The fire must not exceed the allocated times on the permit
- Only dry cured material can be burnt, NO green grass, leaves or garden waste.
NO treated wood, plastics, rubber, poly or similar material is to be burnt.
- Adjoining neighbours must be notified by you prior to the event.
- The land immediately around and above the relevant land must cleared of all flammable material to a distance of at least four (4) metres.
- At least one (1) person who is able to control the fire or such greater number of persons may be specified in the permit, must be present at the site of the fire from the time it is lighted to the time it is completely extinguished.
- An appropriate agent adequate to extinguish any escape of fire must be kept at hand.
- If the fire is to be lighted within the area of a CFS Brigade, the holder of the permit must (not more than seven (7) days and not less than two (2) hours before the fire is lighted) give notice of his or her intention to light a fire to an officer of the brigade and must include details of the place, date and time at which the fire will be lighted.
CFS Communications Officer Ph:8204 3782
Plus your local brigade:
Brukunga8388 6255
Echunga8388 8181
Hahndorf8388 7771
Littlehampton8391 2732
Macclesfield8388 9216
Meadows8388 3206
Mount Barker8391 1841
Nairne 8388 6246
Callington8538 5592
- The permit does not relieve the person to whom it is granted from liability for any loss or damage caused by any fire lit or maintained pursuant to this permit and the Council does not accept any responsibility for any such loss or damage.
- The permit is liable to be revoked if the permit holder fails to comply with any conditions or other justifiable circumstances.
- Failure to comply with any specified conditions of consent will result in the permit holder being liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 or 1 year imprisonment.
Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016
Fire & Emergency Services Act 2005
Applicant’s Name: Click here to enter text.
Telephone: Click here to enter text.
Person in charge of fire: Click here to enter text.
Mobile: Click here to enter text.
Postal: Click here to enter text.
Previous Permit No: Click here to enter text.
Address: Click here to enter text.
Location of Event (Address if different from above): Click here to enter text.
Size of Property (Sqm, Acres, Hectares):Click here to enter text.
Name of Event: Click here to enter text.
Type of Fire (e.g. Bonfire, Candles, Fireworks etc): Click here to enter text.
Pyrotechnics Number (Fireworks only): Exp Date: Click here to enter text.
Date Permit Required – From:Click here to enter text. To: Click here to enter text.
Estimated Times (am/pm): Start:Click here to enter text.Finish:Click here to enter text.
Estimated number of people attending event: Click here to enter text.
Number of personnel in control of fire: Click here to enter text.
List type of equipment to be used on site (Extinguishers, Knapsack, Spades, etc):Click here to enter text.
Iacknowledge that all the information I have supplied “above” is correct.
I have read through all conditions listed as part of the application process and will abide by them.
Name: Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter text.
Please email this form to or print and post to
Mount Barker District Council,PO Box 54, MOUNT BARKER SA 5251
Please allow up to 14 days for this application to be processed