Committee Members
Committee Members from Unions:
Panas, Todd–UEW-STE regional vice president, Prairie and northern region, Winnipeg.
Tourigny, Pierre – PIPSC, Ottawa, Co-chair
Committee Members from Management:
Grimes David – ADM (MSC) NCR, Co-Chair, Chairing
Poter, Virginia - ESB/DIE, Gatineau
Puckett, Keith – STB/DST, Downsview (replacing Charles Lin) / Absent:
Committee Members from Unions:
Cooper, Deborah - ACFO, Ottawa
Fletcher, Edward - IBEW, Ottawa
Dupont, Jacques – CAPE, Ottawa
Committee Members from Management:
Tremblay, Albin - (CEO), EB/DAL, Gatineau
Technical Advisors
Brunet, Sylvain – Corporate OHS, Gatineau (replacing Michel Labrecque)
Desormeaux, Manon – UEW, NCR
Latreille, Berny – Executive Director, Assets, Contracting and Environmental Management (replacing Karen Anderson)
Lessard, Pierre-Paul – Director, Security
Diane Umutesi-Gasana–Corporate OHS Administrative Assistant

1.Review and Approval of the Agenda

An update on the H1N1 pandemic was added to the agenda and agenda was approved.

2.Approval of last minutes

Minutes were reviewed by all members and approved.

3.Action Item Review

Action Item 2008-09-64: Firearms Policy – Update Status

P. Lessard provided an update on the policy document: it is to be presented at the next EMC meeting scheduled for December 2. (Editorial note: the Firearms Policy was approved at the 9 Dec EMC) He added supporting directives were being worked on and the Use and Training directive has already been drafted and circulated; so far it received good feedback. P. Lessard also mentioned that as part of the new legislation, the department had reported all its firearms and it proved to be an effective exercise. D. Grimes suggested P.Lessard provides an update on supporting directives so that the committee can stay informed on progress.

*New Action Item 2009.04.21: Firearms Policy – supporting Directives

Security to provide an update on progress of directives to committee

Action Item 2008-09-73: Regional OHS Committee Terms of Reference

D. Grimes suggested Corporate OHS canvass Regional OHS Committees (ROHSCs) for feedback regarding the upcoming review of the terms of reference. He also encouraged committee members to prepare to review the ROHSC terms of reference at the next committee meeting.

Action Item 2009-02-45: Violence in the Workplace and Lock-Down procedures

P. Lessard informed the group the working groupon violence in the workplace has come up with a 3rd draft (which was circulated to all members). A few comments were made by members: T. Panas shared he viewed lock-down procedures as having an integral part in a violence in the workplace program, since these arise from a potential emergency that may be caused by workplace violence. He referred members to Annex A in the Violence in the Workplace policy draft (working protocol for an integrated response to an incident of violence, p. 8) and suggested adding a step that would reflect a lock-down, if necessary. P. Tourigny added it would also be beneficial to have a list of alternates in cases of emergency. D. Grimes mentioned the issue of remote management would have to be analyzed to identify possible solutions. The final document should be brought to the committee for approval at the next meeting. As for lock-down procedures, he indicated the appropriate tool identified was the security manual and that this unit will be working on these procedures from this angle rather than as a part of violence in the workplace. D. Grimes invited P. Lessard to give members a timeframe on a final lock-down procedures document for committee review. P. Lessard responded such a document should be ready in the spring of 2010, i.e in two meetings. Members agreed such a document could be reviewed at the face-to-face meeting of 2010.

*New Action Item 2009.04.22: Lock-down procedures

Security to prepare a document to be reviewed by committee at the face-to-face meeting of 2010.

Action Item 2009-02-46: OHS Audit

S. Brunet updated members: the OHS audit has been approved and will be posted on December 4, 2009. He added some work still needed to be done about the management response. M. Labrecque will debrief committee members on OHS audit results at the next meeting.

Action Item 2009.03.17: Radon testing

S. Brunet informed members that M. Labrecque had contacted Health Canada to enquire about timeframe of testing and which EC buildings were being tested and is waiting for Health Canada’s response. A guide on radon testing and Health Canada’s testing project were circulated among members; as well as a deck containing information about radon. P. Tourigny asked if Corporate OHS knew of any buildings that might have been identified as priorities and S. Brunet responded that no official information was passed on to Corporate OHS regarding priorities or buildings at risk. M. Desormeaux suggested committee get an update at the next meeting on which buildings are being tested and what regions/buildings are at risk.

Action Item 2009.03.18: PeopleSoft – Training component

S. Brunet updated committee on PeopleSoft implementation: the OHS component was pushed forward and is expected to be functional in the fall of 2010. He also mentioned that the training component had to be a part of the larger OHS component. D. Grimes suggested Corporate OHS update the committee on the status of the training component at the face-to-face meeting of 2010.

Action Item 2009.03.20: Local OHS committees compliance Monitoring

Responsibility was transferred to ROHSC (regional OHS committees) and a report is to be sent to the National Policy Committee highlighting areas of concern/achievements and progress made by LOSHCs.

To conclude on action items, D. Grimes pointed out action items on peoplesoft, firearms directives and the lock-down procedures should be put on the agenda of the face-to-face meeting scheduled in the upcoming fall.

4. H1N1 Pandemic

P. Lessard updated the group: the virus' severity has remained stable and the spread has decreased in the southern hemisphere due to the end of winter there. The virus has been observed in the northern hemisphere during the fallbut appears to have peaked. Another wave is being expected over the winter, the typical flu season. The EC pandemic plan was published and the main feedback received was regarding the readiness level, which is presently at 2 and is unlikely to be upgraded. HRB has also published a guide intended for managers. T. Panas indicated that “Unions”were disappointed not to be part of the Regional Committees as OHS is a common committee for all employees. HRLMC was briefed on the Pandemic Plan on 24 Sept 09 .

5.NJOHSPC Communication Strategy

P. Tourigny suggested the committee create distribution lists for ROHSCs, and the ROHSCs could, in turn, create and maintain distribution lists for the local committees under their respective regions, while local committees could maintain lists of their own members (as many already do). This would allow messages from the national or regional OHS committees to be distributedquickly to members of regional and/or local committees (as appropriate). CIOB could be consulted to find best practice.

*New Action Item 2009.04.23: ROHSCs Distribution Lists

NJOHSPC Secretary to gather contact information for ROHSCs to ensure future communication is made easier.

6.PYR Computer room complaint resolution

Documentation on the nature and process of complaint was shared with members and P. Tourigny explained the response time from management about the water leak in a computer room in PYR was exceedingly lengthy. ROHSC was involved and investigated with management; which was composed of various branches (CIOB, ACEMD). He also noted that delays in response to complaints such as this one undermine the credibility and efficiency of the Internal Complaint Mechanism. B. Latreille informed the group CIOB was following up on the issue and ACEMD was awaiting instructions from CIOB. S. Brunet mentioned there was a lack of knowledge of roles and structure as such an issue should not have had to be raised up to the NJOHSPC; therefore there is a need to re-evaluate procedures and/or training. D. Grimes suggested Corporate OHS, with the assistance of ACEMD, perform a review of problems/breakdowns in procedures and identify how such situations can be avoided.

*New Action Item 2009.04.24: PYR Computer room complaint

Corporate OHS to verify with LOSHC and ROHSC what issues prevented this complaint from being resolved at the first level and then at the second level and identify solutions.

7. Hand Sanitizers

T. Panas informed the group that hand sanitizers are being installed in EC buildings

nationwide; however, there are concerns with the flammability of the alcohol used in hand sanitizer, which requires to be stored in specific identified areaswhen not exceeding 5 L and in special storage cabinets when the quantities exceed 5 L. He also recommended EC move towards a scent-free, alcohol-free product for hand sanitizing. S. Brunet mentioned Corporate OHS was made aware of issue with flammability and storage and has informed ACEMD. B. Latreille confirmed ACEMD was made ware of this issue by Corporate OHS and is currently working on it. He also agreed it would be desirable for EC to utilize alcohol-free and scent-free sanitizing products, if these areeadily available. P. Tourigny asked that, in the meantime, each worksite have a properly trained person to refill the sanitizers since letting them run out would obviously deter their purpose.

8.Face-to-face meeting 2010

T. Panas re-iterated a face-to-face meeting offered an opportunity to get more accomplished and get in-depth review of current issues. Members agreed on a face-to-face meeting in the fall of 2010.

9.Mould Issue in Winnipeg EC building

T. Panas shared there has been a mould issue in the Winnipeg VIA Rail building since EC moved in; however, recently Health Canada also issued a communiqué stating there was mould the building. Employees are concerned about the problem and there is no established timeframe as to when the mould will be removed. B. Latreille also informed members he was aware of this problem but it had been difficult to receive accurate information from PWGSC. In the meantime, communication was sent to employees to inform them of concerns and B. Latreille is expecting to hear back from the PWGSC Regional DG this week. D. Grimes also informed the group the Regional DG was also taking a lead in this issue and suggested T. Panas prepare a “lessons-learned” document highlighting problems encountered to avoid such situations in the future. This item was also sent to the ROHSC for action.

10.Changes on the Small Boat Safety program

S. Brunet informed the committee Corporate OHS modified the program to reflect the new Transport Canada legislation. The main modifications centred on training and equipment/boat requirements and definitions. V. Poter asked whether groups directly involved in boating activities were consulted for input. She pointed out, as an example, that for wildlife related work, employees can only use canoes to reach some areas. She also questioned the status of the equipment EC currently possesses (is there an inventory and how many are not in compliance of new legislation?). B. Latreille proposed help from ACEMD for data to get an overview of the dimension of the changes needed. He also added ACEMD could play a role in purchasing once changes are approved, to ensure conformity with legislation. Because these modifications entail changes for many programs involved in aquatic activities, D. Grimes suggested Corporate OHS consult branch heads and RDGs of programs concerned. A copy can also be sent to ROHSCs to keep them informed.

*NEW Action Item 2009.04.25: Changes to Small Boat Safety program

Corporate OHS to gather input from Branch Heads and RDGs of programs concerned to evaluate impact of changes.

11.Round Table

T. Panas: Attended the DFO meeting on the preparation for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and some OHS issues relating to employee safety were identified.

D. Grimes: Suggested to start the preparation for the 2010 face-to-face meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:20PM

David Grimes, ADM, MSC, Employer Co-ChairDate

Pierre Tourigny, PIPSC, Employee Co-ChairDate

November 23, 2009 - Draft Minutes - National Joint Occupational Health and Safety Policy Committee 1