Clinics and Externships/Internships for Credit
Bankruptcy Court Clerkship
The United States Bankruptcy Courts have jurisdiction over claims arising under federal bankruptcy law. Cases in these courts present issues arising not only under the Bankruptcy Code, but also in many other areas, such as secured transactions, contract law, labor law, and tax law. Student interns will, among other duties, observe court proceedings, assist in writing legal memoranda, and draft opinions. Catalog #8877
Contact: Professor Ken Ferguson at or 816/235-2386
Class Level:2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required: 70 hours, plus monthly conferences with professor
Course Credit: 2 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites:Secured Transactions and Debtors & Creditor’s Rights
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:Must submit cover letter detailing interest and resume
Entrepreneurial Legal Services Clinic
The mission of the Kansas City Entrepreneurial Legal Clinic Services is to deliver legal advice and facilitate the delivery of professional business planningto owners of small businesses, both existing and start-ups, who cannot afford the market rates for such services. The faculty of the UMKC School of Lawwill supervise law students as they provide legal and professional services to qualified clients. See website at
Contact: Professor Tony Luppino at or 816/235-6165; or Professor Judy Sharp at or 816/235-6140
Class Level:
Internship Hours Required:80 hours (20 class, 20 client, 40 drafting)
Course Credit:2 hours; pass/fail
Co-requisites: Business Organizations, Federal Taxation
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:
Entrepreneurial Law & Practice Clinic
Under faculty supervision, students will counsel start-up companies and their owners and implement business planning advice by drafting articles of incorporation and organization, by-laws, partnership agreements and other business contracts. Other business-related matters ranging from regulatory, consumer, licensing, and taxation requirements; copyrights, trademark, and patent creation; and 501(C)(3) applications for non-profits may also be covered in this course. Clinic students will also receive classroom instruction in the areas of client counseling and business planning and drafting of business documents. Catalog #8757R.
Contact: Professor Tony Luppino at or 816/235-6165; or Professor Judy Sharp at or 816/235-6140
Class Level:
Internship Hours Required:
Course Credit:2-3 hours; pass/fail
Semester(s) Offered:
Co-requisites:Business Organizations, Commercial Transactions, Professional Responsibility; Missouri Supreme Court Rule 13 certification required for in-court representation
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:
Federal Public Defender Trial Clinic
Students will be assigned to work in the Federal Public Defender's Office. Under the supervision of the Federal Public Defender, a student will prepare pleadings and represent federal indigent criminal defendants. Students will be expected to perform legal research, to write memoranda, motions and briefs, to observe and to appropriately participate in trials, pre-trial hearings, motion hearings and, in general, to assist in litigation. Students must meet eligibility requirements and be certified in compliance with Local Federal Rules of Court. Limited enrollment of 3 students. Catalog #8656R.
Contact: Professor William Eckhardt at or 816/235-2377
Class Level:Must have completed 3 semesters of law school
Internship Hours Required:80 hours minimum (6 hours/week for 14 weeks) plus conferences with supervising attorney and faculty supervisor
Course Credit:2-3 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: Criminal Law, Legal Writing I and II
Co-requisites: Evidence, Criminal Procedure I, Professional Responsibility
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
When to Apply: March (Fall semester) and October (Spring semester)
Special Requirements: Must be in upper half of class
Website: None
Jackson County Prosecutor Clinic
As permitted by Missouri Supreme Court Rule 13, senior law students, under supervision, appear in court and assist the Jackson County Prosecutor's Office with the duties and functions the office provides the community. Students receive individual mentoring, instruction and guidance from assistant prosecutors. Limited enrollment. Catalog #8656P.
Contact: Associate Dean Jeffrey Berman at or 816/235-1640
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:10 hours/week for 2 semesters; plus 8 mandatory classes per semester
Course Credit:3 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites:Rule 13 certification; Evidence, Professional Responsibility, Criminal Procedure I; Constitutional Law;
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply: Statements of Intent are due mid-March followed by interviews
Special Requirements:
CRIMINAL LAW (continued)
Innocence Project Clinic
Students, under supervision, provide investigative and legal assistance to prisoners with persuasive actual innocence claims. Students meet weekly with the director of the program for training and evaluation. Assigned tasks depend on the needs of the Innocence Project, and may include interviewing potential clients, gathering records, investigating actual innocence claims, consulting with experts, drafting post-conviction and/or clemency pleadings, and appearing at court hearings. Limited enrollment to 8 students. Catalog #8713P.
Contact: Professor Laura O’Sullivan at or 816/235-1006
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:180 hours/semester or 14 hours/week
Course Credit:4 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: Criminal Law
Co-requisites:Criminal Procedure I, Wrongful Convictions
Semester(s) Offered: Spring
When to Apply: Spring semester enrollment
Special Requirements: Professor approval
Public Defender Trials Clinic
As permitted by Missouri Supreme Court Rule 13, senior law students, under supervision, handle cases referred from the Public Defender. Students enroll for two semesters and are required to devote at least 10 hours per week to applied skills, weekly conferences, and lectures. Limited enrollment. Catalog #8656
Contact: Professor William Eckhardt at r 816/235-2377
Class Level:2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:10 hours/week (120 hours/semester) for 2 semesters
Course Credit:3 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: Criminal Law, Legal Writing I and II
Co-requisites: Criminal Procedure I, Evidence, Professional Responsibility
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
When to Apply: March of previous academic year
Special Requirements: Must be Rule 13 certified
Website: None
CRIMINAL LAW (continued)
Death Penalty RepresentationClinic
Students work with the Death Penalty Litigation Clinic (DPLC), a non-profit law firm representing individuals, and offering support to defense attorneys who represent individuals, who are sentenced to death row. DPLC specializes in: post-conviction defense and mitigation investigation; pre-authorization mitigation investigation; clemency; and tracks all Eighth Circuit death penalty cases and publishes a newsletter of updates on capital defense within the Eighth Circuit. Interns conduct legal research and assist attorneys in writing motions and briefs. Additionally, interns are involved in factual development and investigation, which may include accompanying attorneys on client and witness interviews, obtaining social history records, and reviewing and summarizing transcripts and records. Catalog #8713.
Contact: Jennifer Merrigan at
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:
Course Credit: 1-2 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: Criminal Procedure
Co-requisite(s):Criminal Procedure
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply: During the semester prior to the intern term
Special Requirements:
Environmental Law Clinic
Student(s) perform clinic activities, under the supervision by the Central Regional Environmental Chief Coordinating Attorney, at the United States Army Environmental Office, including performing legal research, writing position papers, attending state and federal regulatory hearings, participating in planning conferences and assisting with litigation. Catalog #8773R.
Not currently offered
U.S. EPA Law Clinic National Agricultural Compliance Assistance Center
Students will be assigned to work with EPA’s National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center (AG Center). Under the supervision of an attorney with the Ag Center, a student will be expected to perform legal research, write memoranda, develop compliance assistance materials, respond to inquiries from the regulated community, and participate as appropriate in meetings, conferences, and training sessions with EPA, other federal agencies, trade associations, etc., and, in general, assist in the activities of the AG Center. Catalog #8782R
Contact: Professor William Eckhardt at r 816/235-2377
Class Level: Must have completed 3 semesters of law school
Internship Hours Required:Minimum 80 hours/semester (6 hours/week for 14 weeks)
Course Credit:2 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: None
Co-requisites:Environmental Law and Administrative Law
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
When to Apply: March (Fall semester) and October (Spring semester)
Special Requirements: None
Website: None
U.S. EPA Clinic, Region VII
Students will be assigned to work at the EPS’s Region VII Headquarters in Kansas City, KS. Under the supervision of an EPA attorney, students will be expected to perform legal research, write memoranda, develop compliance assistance materials, respond to inquiries from the regulated community, and participate as appropriate in meetings, conferences, and training sessions with EPA. Limited enrollment.Catalog #8782S.
The EPA Region VII Headquarters is moving to a new building in Summer 2012 and at present, is not accepting new externs for Fall 2012
Child & Family Services Clinic
Students have the opportunity to establish an attorney-client relationship and practice all the skills they will need to be successful practitioners in a supervised “protective” environment. The student attorneys enter into employment agreements with clients, conduct factual investigations, develop case strategies, prepare written discovery, study relevant substantive and procedural law, draft and file pleadings, prepare witnesses and present evidence in actual court hearings. Students also have an opportunity to learn what happens after the hearing by advising clients of relevant appeal issues and timeframes, taking steps to effectuate the court’s orders (eg. income assignments for child support), preparing proposed judgments and sending closing letters with case documents to their clients. Catalog #8752S.
Contact: Professor Mary Kay O’Malley at or 816/235-6336
Class Level:
Internship Hours Required:
Course Credit:
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:
Family Court Clerkship
Students will serve as law clerks to judges and commissioners in the Family Court of Jackson County. Catalog #8662F.
Contact: Associate Dean Barbara Glesner Fines at or 816/235-2380
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:60??? Or 80?? hours plus attendance at review conferences and required reflective journal
Course Credit:2-3 hours; pass/fail
Co-requisites: Civil Procedure, Family Law; faculty advisor recommendation
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements: Cover letter detailing interest and resume by??? Followed by interview???
FAMILY LAW (continued)
Guardian ad Litem Workshop
Students will engage in an advanced study of guardian ad litem practice. Topics may include adult and child orders of protection, requirements for guardian ad litem appointments, role of the GAL, ethical considerations, working with social workers and other professionals, and best practices in investigation, recommendation, and representation. Students will partner with volunteer attorneys to act as guardians ad litem in order of protection cases.Catalog #8752G.
Contact: Professor Mary Kay O’Malley at or 816/235-6298
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:30 hours minimum of field work in addition to in-class coursework and required reflective journals
Course Credit:
Semester(s) Offered:Fall semester only
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:
Jackson County Prosecutor Clinic-Family Law Prosecution
As permitted by Missouri Supreme Court Rule 13, senior law students, under supervision, appear in court and assist the Jackson County Prosecutor's Office, Child Support Division, in prosecuting cases involving paternity establishment and child support. Support services are provided without charge to custodial parents living in JacksonCounty. Limited enrollment. Catalog #8656C.
Contact: Professor Mary Kay O’Malley at
Class Level: 3L
Internship Hours Required: 10 hours/week for 2 semesters
Course Credit:2-3 hours; ungraded; pass/fail
Co-requisites: Rule 13 certification; Evidence, Professional Responsibility, Criminal Procedure I, and Family Law
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:
U.S. Attorney's Office Law Clinic
Selected students, under supervision by an Assistant United States Attorney, work in the United States Attorney's Office for the Western District of Missouri with members of the Strike Force, Narcotic Unit, General Crimes Unit or Civil Division. Activities include legal research and writing, consisting of memoranda, motions and briefs; observations and participation in trials, pre-trial hearings and motions, as appropriate; and assistance with litigation. Limited to 4 students. Catalog # 8637R.
Contact: Professor William Eckhardt at r 816/235-2377
Class Level: Must have completed 3 semesters of law school
Internship Hours Required:80 hours minimum: 6 hours/week for 14 weeks plus conferences with supervising attorney and faculty supervisor.
Course Credit:2-3 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: Minimum 3.25 GPA
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
When to Apply: Applications must be received early February of prior academic year for both Fall and Spring semesters of the following academic year.
Special Requirements: All applicants must participate in a personal interview with a designee from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The interviews will take place in early March of the prior academic year. Final selection of candidates is made by the U.S. Attorney’s Office
Website: None
Federal Court Internship
Students serve in a clerkship with a judge or magistrate of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, or the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. Students work at least 70 hours at the court, and attend review conferences over the course of the semester. Catalog #8662.
Contact: Professor William Eckhardt at r 816/235-2377
Class Level:2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:70 hours minimum plus review conferences
Course Credit:2 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: None
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements:Student must have 3.0 GPA
Website: None
GOVERNMENT (continued)
Missouri Attorney General's Office Clinic
Students, with supervision, work at the Attorney General's Office in Kansas City assisting with the duties and functions of the office provides the community. Students are required to devote at least 6 hours per week to formalized instructions, individual mentoring, and instruction and guidance from assistant attorney generals. Limited enrollment. Catalog #8656A.Not currently offered
Appellate Practice Clinic
Description….. Catalog #8814E.
Contact: Associate Dean Jeffrey Berman at or 816/235-1640
Class Level:
Internship Hours Required:
Course Credit:2 hours; pass/fail
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply: During the semester prior to the intern term
Special Requirements:
Department of Labor Clinic
Students work with the solicitor's Office of the United States Department of Labor assisting attorneys enforcing federal labor statues, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, OSHA, ERISA, and the Davis-Bacon Act. Under the supervision of the Deputy Regional Solicitor, students perform legal research relating to enforcement actions, draft discovery requests review documents, participate in client and staff conferences, and assist in the investigation of violations. Catalog #8768R.Contact: Professor Mark Berger at or 816/235-2374
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:120 hours plus bi-weekly conferences with faculty supervisor; required student activity log
Course Credit:3 hours; pass/fail
Pre-requisites: None
Semester(s) Offered: Fall and Spring
When to Apply: During course enrollment
Special Requirements: Must have a minimum 2.7 GPA. Must submit resume and agree to submit transcript to Department of Labor
Website: None
Legal Aid Clinic
At the offices of Legal Aid of Western Missouri, students receive instruction in basic poverty law representation and techniques for experiential learning and, depending on placement, are given supervised instruction and practice opportunities in client counseling, fact investigation and discovery, case preparation and pleadings, community advocacy and trial techniques. Limited enrollment. Catalog #8790.
Contact: Associate Dean Barbara Glesner Fines at or 816/235-2380
Class Level: 2L or 3L
Internship Hours Required:90 hours (for 2 credit hours); 135 (for 3 credit hours); required submission of reflective journal and time records
Course Credit:2-3 hours; pass/fail
Co-requisites: Missouri Supreme Court Rule 13 certified
Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
When to Apply: For Fall: April 1; for Spring: October 15; for Summer: March 1
Special Requirements:
Kansas City Tax Clinic
At the Kansas City Tax Clinic, students assist qualifying taxpayers in resolving their federal and state tax controversies. The Kansas City Tax Clinic provides free, high quality representation to those who cannot otherwise afford professional assistance, while equipping students with practical skills training and an understanding of the importance of pro bono representation. Limited enrollment of 11 students. Catalog #8834R.
Contact: Professor Tony Luppino at or 816/235-6165; or Professor Ed Hood at or 816/235-2394
Class Level: 2L, 3L or L.L.M.
Internship Hours Required:85 hours, minimum (for 2 credit hours); plus 15 class hours (10 hours for orientation; 5 hours on tax procedure)
Course Credit:2-4 hours
Co-requisites: Federal Taxation
Semester(s) Offered:
When to Apply:
Special Requirements: