Entrepreneruship, Curriculum Mapping Grades 10 – 12(Page 1 of 4)

Content / Skills / Assessments / Standards
Y / Introduction:
  • What is an entrepreneur?
  • What characteristics do entrepreneurs possess?
  • Are you an entrepreneur?
  • Entrepreneurs in American History
  • Areas of entrepreneurial opportunity
  • Differences between working for yourself and someone else
  • Case studies
Choose a business you would like to develop:
What is a Business Plan?
  • Parts of a business plan
  • How to develop a business plan
  • Obtaining financing
  • Business cards
  • Mission statement
  • Executive summary
  • Resume
Create a name for your business
Where will it be located? Cost of rent?
Business ethics / Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point
Case studies
Microsoft Publisher /
  • Completion of handouts
  • Class discussion
  • Team debates
  • Case study presentations
  • Outline for business plan
  • Create a business card
  • Internet research
  • Company name
  • Company logo
  • Draft-mission statement
  • Draft-executive summary
  • Business resume
/ Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Standard1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design
Standard 2: Information System
Standard 5: Technology
Standard 6: Interconnectedness – Common themes
Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Career Development and Occupational studies:

Standard 1: Career development

Stanadard2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Social Studies:

Standard 4: Economics

English Language Arts:
Standard1: Language for Information and Understanding
H / Location of Your Business
  • Layout planning
  • Layout needs and possibilities
  • Draw your inner and outer layouts
Legal Forms of Business Ownership
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Corporation
  • C-Corporation
  • S-Corporation
  • Franchise
Entrepreneurhip in today’s economy
  • Goods and services
  • Scarcity
How Free Enterprise Works:
  • The profit motive
  • The role of competition
  • Supply and demand
  • Role of marketing
Promotional Plans
  • Advertising
  • Sales promotion
/ Microsoft Word
Microsoft Paint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Front Page
Internet /
  • Create an inner and outer layout for your business
  • What is your form of business
  • Supply and demand curve for your business/products
  • Create a flyer
  • Draft-marketing plan
  • Web Page
  • Survey
  • Target market
  • Create an advertisement

Mathematics, Science, and Technology

Standard1: Analysis, Inquiry and Design
Standard 2: Information System
Standard 3: Mathematics
Standard 5: Technology
Standard 6: Interconnectedness – Common Themes
Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Career Development and Occupational Studies:

Standard 1: Career Development

Standard 2 : Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills

Social Studies

Standard 4: Economics

English Language Arts:
Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding
L / Using Math in Business Management
  • Profit and loss
  • Break-even point
  • Interest
Using Math for Sales Transactions
  • Purchase orders
  • Sales tax
  • Sales slips
Math for Pricing
  • Markup
  • Markdown Discounts
  • Discounts
/ Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Publisher /
  • Create financial Statements
  • Completed mission statement
  • Create a purchase order
  • Letter to the bank for financing
/ Mathematics, Science, and Technology:

Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design

Standard 2: Information System
Standard 3: Mathematics
Standard 5: Technology
Standard 6: Interconnectedness – Common Themes
Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Career Development and Occupational Studies:

Standard 1: Career Development

Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Social Studies:

Standard 4: Economics

English Language Arts:
Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding
Y / Financial Statements
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow statement
  • Preparing a profit and loss statement
/ Microsoft Excel
Internet /
  • Create financial statements
  • Completed executive summary
/ Mathematics, Science, and Technology:

Standard1: Analysis, Inquiry and Design

Standard 2: Information System
Standard 3: Mathematics
Standard5: Technology
Standard 6: Interconnectedness – Common Themes
Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Career Development and Occupational Studies;
Standard 1: Career Development
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Social Studies:
Standard 4: Economics
English Language Arts:
Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding
E /
  • Final Case Study Analysis
  • Paper Presentation
  • Business Plan Presentation
/ Mrs. Fields cookies
Mentor graphics
Microsoft Power Point
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Paint
Microsoft Front
Inspiration / Presentations / Mathematics, Science, and Technology:
Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry and Design
Standard 2: Information System
Standard 5: Technology
Standard 6: Interconnectedness – Common Themes
Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving
Career Development and Occupational Studies:
Standard 1: Career Development
Standard 2: Integrated Learning
Standard 3a: Universal Foundation Skills
Social Studies:
Standard 4: Economics
English Language Arts
Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding