St Michael Catholic School Council Minutes

September 11, 2017

Sue Majer / Ali Antonini
Gail Modolo / Sheena Bier
Lisa Brombal / Terra Drohan
Elisha Funk / Aileen Nelson
Shannon Holmes / Rae Ryan
Robbyn McLellan / Carolle Pringle
Kerry Marin
Agenda Item / Discussion / Lead/
Who / Action/Next Steps
Welcome Prayer and Welcome to A New School Year / Sue Majer
Principal’s Report / Yearbook
Thank you to the parent yearbook committee for their work on the yearbook. The yearbook looks great. If yearbooks are going to continue in the future, a parent committee will need to take this on.
New Staff
Mr. Belisle, Mr. Pellegrino (until Christmas), Mrs. Karkut (upon return from her maternity leave), Mrs. Camara, Mrs.Sharma, and Mme.Mesquita
Grade Structures and Classroom Assignments
The are 3 split, or blended, classes this year: a 1/2, a 4/5, and a 7/8. Many factors come into play when determining class structures including academics, academic groupings, and the chemistry of the class. The process of placing each student for the following year is a well thought out process.
Focus This Year
Staff will focus on knowing each student and how they learn, mathematics, and the idea of the school being a village where the students are the responsibility of everyone.
Camp Brebeuf
Students will be attending Camp Brebeuf (this was decided last year). There is discussion as to whether it is appropriate for the younger Grades or if another venue would be more beneficial to them.
Open House
September 28 5:30-7:00
  • Tools for Life materials that were thought to be distributed at Open House through our PRO grant have had a timing problem. Grant approvals will not be learned until October.
  • Spirit Wear Table
  • Snack Program Info Table. Educating families about the Snack Program.
  • Parent Club Table. A table asking parents for club ideas and asking parents to offer to share their knowledge and skills with a club at school.
Bishop’s Dinner
Takes place on October 5. Tickets are $95 each. Please consider attending. All money raised goes to worthy causes within our own community.
Walk To School Day
This will take place on October 4. St Michael has been asked to host this event. The mayor, School Board trustees, and radio stations will be a part of this day.
Please consider volunteering for StrongStart, a sounds and letters programs for young learners. The program is very easy to follow, has training, and makes a huge difference to the children in the program.
Along with QSP and the Dance-A-Thon, we will be doing a Fresh From the Farm Fundraiser. Ideas for fundraising initiatives include outdoor classroom seating, technology in classrooms, things like Sphero or Lego Robotics for clubs, and uniforms. / Sue Majer / Sue will contact the Board office to see if they are able to “spot” us the money to get these materials before Open House.
Sue will contact Dorothy, last year’s spirit wear coordinator, to see about Spirit Wear for this year.
Carolle will take this on.
Aileen will take this on.
Elisha will forward Sue information calling for volunteers for the newsletter.
Allergy Box / There is an issue in the school with allergic kids getting left out when various food treats are offered. An allergy box would be a box of safe non-food items so that these students have an option for something fun when these situations arise.
There was discussion of the need for parents to know about allergies in the class. / Aileen / Aileeen will make up an ‘Allergy Box’ as well as a list of safe foods for various allergies to be shared with the office.
Dates / Movie Night
November 23. We will decide on the movie at our next meeting.
Family Fun Night
Thursday June 21 / Aileen will check on the status of popcorn.
Next Meeting/Future Meetings / October 16
November 13
December 11 (Social)
January 15
February 5
April 9
May 14
June 4