and Our Lady of Peñafrancia
Entrance Song : Veni Sancte Espiritu
Candle Bearers
Flower Bearers
Incense Bearer
Image of the Divino Rostro carried by Young Professionals
Image of Our Lady of Peñafrancia
The flowers and candles are placed on a pre-determined place..
The images are enthroned on a prepared altar.
Presider:In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
All: Amen.
Presider:By God’s grace we have been called to live by example and
serve. God in our neighbors. May his grace remain strong in
us. May the Lord Jesus and the guidance of Mary our mother
be always with you.
All: And also with you
Presider:We are gathered here to manifest our oneness in faith with
our Mother, Our Lady of Peñafrancia and his beloved son
Jesus, in our midst. God communicates His Love and we
listen to Him. It is His desire that we strengthen further our
commitment to the gift we have received in our baptism. Let
the Word enlighten our minds and our hearts as we journey in
our life here on earth. Let us glorify God through our actions.
We pray for His guidance in our undertakings.
Presider:With faith in the power of the Spirit to enlighten our minds
and our hearts with the Truth proclaimed by Christ, we now
listen to the Truth contained in the Gospel.
The Gospel of the Lord.
After the Gospel the Presider invites the assembly to pray.
Presider:Almighty and eternal Father, you give us the Blessed Virgin
Mary to lead us all towards your Beloved Son. We offer our
prayers that we may all be united in your heavenly kingdom
in the love of our Blessed Mother. With her, we lift our voice
to you:
Reader:Almighty God, through your grace Mary became Christ’s
perfect disciple. Guide our Holy Father, John Paul II, our
Archbishop, Leonardo Legaspi, and all the bishops, the clergy
and the religious, in their commitment to a life of genuine
discipleship. We pray.
Almighty God, you made us a nation truly devoted to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Guide all the government leaders to
serve the Filipino people towards true progress and unity.
Keep them free from sinful acts of injustice, corruption, and
division. We pray.
Almighty God, you give us the Blessed Virgin Mary as our
Mother to care for our physical, material, and spiritual well-
being. Lead all those who encounter trials to her patronage,
guidance, consolation and healing. May her love in us lead
ourselves to comfort and intercede especially for the poor and
the sick, children and women, the unemployed and homeless.
We pray.
Almighty God, you continue to show your providential care
for the people of the Bicol Region whom you have placed
under the patronage of Our Lady of Peñafrancia. May our
ever-caring Ina strengthen us towards greater trust in your
divine love and in faithful service to your Beloved Son. We
Almighty God, through her FIAT, you made the Blessed
Virgin Mary the sign of unity for all believers. Keep all
devotees of Our Lady of Peñafrancia united in worshipping
your name and in spreading the Christian faith so that all
may believe and be saved in your Kingdom. We pray.
Presider:Almighty Father, we offer our prayers that, through our
devotion to Our Lady of Peñafrancia, we may faithfully
enrich our spiritual lives and truly be responsible for the
challenge of re-evangelization and renewal. We ask this
through Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.
Presider:Now summing up all our petitions we unite ourselves in
singing theprayer which our Lord Jesus taught us to pray.
All: Our Father…(sung)
Presider:Lord our God, we thank you for the Holy Spirit you sent to
the apostles so that they may faithfully imitate Jesus, your
Son. Pour out your Spirit over us too, to inspire each and
every one with a sense of mission and commitment. Let him
renew us day after day and bind us together as one family,
that we may be to the whole world the living signs that your
Son is alive and that he is our Lord now and forever.
All: Amen.
PRESIDER:Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessings.
Born of the Blesses Virgin Mary,the Son of God redeemed
mankind.May he enrich you with his blessings.
PRESIDER:You have come to rejoice at Mary’s feast. May you be filled with the joys of the spirit and the gifts of your eternal home.
PRESIDER:May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
PRESIDER:Go and let the love of Mary-Our Lady of Peñafrancia and her Son Jesus be your guide in serving one another.
All:Thanks be to God.
MASS Concerns
Venue:Covered Court or Seminary Chapel?
Main Celebrant:______
1st Reading:______
Psalm (to be sung):______
Prayers of the Faithful:______
Symbolic Offering(s):______
Liturgy Guide
-Prayers of the Faithful