Enterprise Systems Subcommittee
December 12, 2014, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m., SSB 324
Attending: Angela Bender, Cindy Hejl, Mike Hart, James Lyall, Lee Taylor, Rick Beck, Michael Erskine, John Carter, Randy Hyman, Kevin Taylor, Christina Nguyen, Joal McCann
Absent: Nicole Tefft, Nancy Sayer, Jason Janke, Judi Diaz Bonacquisti, George Middlemist, Rae Shevalier, Patsy Hernandez, Laura Cline, Sally Ballbaki
- Kevin Taylor is the new Associate Director for ITS Applications Services.
- ITSOC meeting debriefing: The November meeting was cancelled. At the January ITSOC meeting we will discuss committee memberships. We should have a representative from the School of Education.
- Office 365 employee email migration update: All of the individually assigned accounts have migrated except for some in LAS, which will be done Sunday night and Tuesday night for a total of 500 people. The completion of the migration will allow us to turn off servers that have been in place since 2008. We will eventually roll out additional features. With the cloud features of Office 365, the individual is in control of theirown back-ups.
- Quicklaunch Single Sign On Project: We had to do a lot of prep work, which was done by Ellucian. We now have all of that ready so the vendor who does Quicklaunch will work on this beginning next week. We should have it done by January 12th. In MarCom, theywill do a roll-out with new Student Hub in the Spring. We are trying to decide what links go directly into Banner self-service and have reviewed a detailed list of links that go into Banner (i.e. register, pay tuition). It was taking too many clicks for students who were trying to navigate through it.
- Banner/ODS, etc. upgrade review: Rick distributed a list of all upgrades done between July 1st and now; 12 upgrades since July 1st and all of the upgrades we have planned between now and Feb. 28th, which is a total of 15. We will start the ODS/EDW upgrades next Saturday. We have fallen behind in our ODS upgrades and are having Ellucian do for us.
- Process improvements for employees provisioning: Is working very well. We are getting people to their accounts much quicker and supervisors arecleareron what do to.
Procedural Items:
- Review of Minutes from last meeting. John Carter moved to approve. John Carter seconded. Unanimously approved.
Items for Discussion/Recommendation:
- BDMS (Banner Document Manager System)/Xtender Demo: BY Joal McCann, our Banner document management guru. She worked with these systems in government prior to MSU Denver. We’ve had Xtender since we converted back in 1999. We converted from our own system in 1994. You can look at transcripts and all documents on each student. Examples of the types of uses include the following. She is working with Christina Nguyen on required financial forms and Alumni is going to do a history of the university. All of that will be stored in BDMS/Xtender. Lloyd Moore had HIPAA documents that he wants stored. We want to raise awareness of what services we have available. Applications are easy to build, it’s the use and training that takes time. Most multifunction printers are able to scan into Xtender. Document preparation is the most time consuming part of the scanning. The only thing you need to add is the document tab. Christina would like to have social security numbers hidden. They can be masked. Xtender is used most by the banking industry. We currently have 250 people who use the client server app, 850 users overall. We prefer that functional users use the WebXtender app through their browser as it requires less maintenance by staff when upgrades are applied.
- Ellucian Action Planning: Their response was that we need to hire more services from them to analyze. A Banner Manager subcommittee is looking at all of the baseline changes. They have had 2 meetings and concluded that some of the changes are no longer needed.
- Application Services Director position. Rick is retiring at the end ofJanuary. Kevin is going to be taking over Rick’s duties and there will be a search. Kevin will take over as co-chair of this group.
Next Meeting – Call for Agenda Items:
- Our next meetings are Feb. 20thand April 17th1 – 2 p.m., SSB330C.
- Agenda items for our next meeting: Banner Training – Ellucian has a subscription library. Quicklaunch – where we’re at. ODS Data Warehousing/Cognos, hoping to go live in February.
- Other:
- Question about the Rowdy project: Most of the problems with Rowdy are contractual not technical. We are meeting with avendor next week to talk about standing up new environments. We will have a better update at the next meeting.