All correspondence relating to this tender should be addressed to:

John Brown

Procurement Manager

Canal & River Trust

First Floor (North)

Station House

500 Elder Gate

Milton Keynes




Section 1Introduction

section 2INSTRUCTIONS to Organisations

section 3about Canal & River Trust


SECTION 5the procurement process








This Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) dated29th January 2016is issued to Organisations who have expressed an interest in providing works & services to refurbish Sabrina 5into a flexible space for use as an educational & meeting facility to Canal & River Trust(CRT). (“The Services”).

This ITT is the First stage of the tender process and responses to this ITT will enable CRT to assess the ability, competence and financial standing of Organisations.

Following an assessment of responses to this ITT, a minimum of three top scoring Organisations will be invited to participate in the second element of this process – presentations.




This ITT is issued by CRTfor the exclusive use of Organisationswho expressed an interest in tendering for the contract to provide the works & Services (the “Contract”) and their advisers. It has been prepared for the purpose of providing information in connection with that Contract. If there is a need for any changes to this ITT, Organisations will be informed of the changes and given adequate time to respond.

This ITT (and the information contained in it) does not form the basis of any contract nor does it constitute an invitation or offer to participate in the Contract.

CRTreserves the right to terminate the tender (or part of it), to change the tender basis or procedures, to procure the project by other means, or to do any combination of these.

CRTalso reserves the right to procure any of the services referred to in this ITT separately.

2.2Conflicts of Interest

Organisations are required to notify CRT immediately of any actual or potential conflicts of interest in relation to this tender process that it becomes aware of. CRTrequires all actual or potential conflicts of interest to be resolved to CRT’ssatisfaction prior to the delivery of the Organisation’s response to this ITT. Failure to declare any such conflicts and/or failure to address such conflicts to the reasonable satisfaction of CRTcould result in an organisation being disqualified.


CRTreserves the right to disqualify (without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to CRT and without prejudice to any criminal liability which such conduct by anOrganisation may attract) any Organisation who, in connection with this ITT:

Offers any inducement, fee or reward to any member or officer of CRT or any person acting as an adviser for CRT in connection with this ITT;

Does anything which would constitute a breach of the Bribery Act 2010; or

Contacts any officer of CRTprior to financial close about any aspect of the ITT in a manner not permitted by this ITT, unless advised otherwise during the course of the tender.


CRTreserves the right to disqualify (without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to CRTand without prejudice to any criminal liability which such conduct by anOrganisation may attract) any Organisation who, in connection with this ITT:

Fixes or adjusts theirtender by or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other Organisation;

Enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other Organisation to the effect that they shall refrain from making a tender or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted;

Causes or induces any person to enter such agreement as is mentioned in either bullet point above; or

Communicates to any person other than CRT the amount or approximate amount of their proposed tender (except where such disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of a tender).

2.5Intellectual Property

The copyright in this ITT is vested in CRT and may not be reproduced, copied or stored in any medium without the prior written consent of CRT except in relation to the preparation of a tender. All documentation supplied by CRT in relation to this ITT is and shall remain the property of CRT and must be returned on demand, without any copies being retained.


Organisations shall not undertake (or permit to be undertaken) at any time, whether at this stage or after financial close, any publicity activity with any section of the media in relation to the Contract other than with the prior written agreement of CRT. Such agreement shall extend to the content of any publicity. In this paragraph the word "media" includes (without limitation) radio, television, newspapers, trade and specialist press, social media, internet and email accessible by the public at large and the representatives of such media.

2.7CRT’s Right to Reject Tenders

CRTreserves the right to reject or disqualify anOrganisation where:

Atender is submitted late, is completed incorrectly, is materially incomplete or fails to meet CRT’s submission requirements;

TheOrganisation is guilty of material misrepresentation in relation to its application and/or the process;

TheOrganisation contravenes any of the terms and conditions of this ITT; or

There is a change in identity, control, financial standing or any other factor impacting on the selection and/or evaluation process affecting the Organisation.

The disqualification of anOrganisation will not prejudice any other civil remedy available to CRT and will not prejudice any criminal liability that such conduct by anOrganisation may attract.


The information in this ITT is confidential and is made available to each Organisation on this basis. Please see Section 7.2 for further details of the confidentiality requirements.

2.9No Liability for Information Provided

None of CRT, its advisers or any of their respective directors, officers, employees and agents owes any duty of care to any Organisation either in relation to this ITT or any other information that they are provided with at any time, other than as may arise out of a written agreement between the relevant parties at some future date. Organisations must undertake such investigations as they see fit before entering into any contract.

None of CRT, its advisers or any of their respective directors, officers or employees or any other person makes any express or implied representation or warranty and no responsibility or liability (except in the case of fraud) is accepted by any of them with respect to the adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the contents of this ITT or the facts, opinions, estimates, forecasts, projections or other information included within this ITT or of any other information (written or oral) supplied at any time in connection with the tender procedure.


Organisations will be solely responsible for all costs incurred in developing, preparing and submitting any response to the ITT. CRTwill not in any circumstances accept responsibility for any costs incurred by Organisations.

2.11Submission of the completed ITT

A complete ITT document (Less than 10mb) should be emailed to the contact in paragraph 2.12 before 12:00 on 29th February 2016.

  • Any queries in relation to this tender process should be directed in writing (email) & not telephone to the CRT Contact. This a matter of transparency and equal fairness to all Organisations
  • Your tender document should be in one document not a series of documents.
  • All questions should be asked as soon as possible but at the latest before 12:00 on 22ndFebruary 2016otherwise a reply cannot be guaranteed.

2.12CRT Contact

John Brown

Procurement Manager

Canal & River Trust

First Floor (North)

Station House

500 Elder Gate

Milton Keynes





Canal & River Trust (CRT)

The Canal & River Trust is the new charity set up to care for England and Wales’ wonderful legacy of 200-year-old waterways, holding them in trust for the nation forever. The Canal & River Trust is among the UK’s biggest charities, with responsibility for 2,000 miles of canals, rivers, docks and reservoirs, along with museums, archives and the country’s third largest collection of protected historic buildings. The Canal & River Trust formally took over the responsibilities of British Waterways in England and Wales on 2 July 2012.

We help transform places and enrich lives by creating, caring for and giving everyone access to living waterways, today and tomorrow. We aim to:

  • Breathe new life into our canals and rivers
  • Ensure our canals and rivers are cherished by and make a difference to the communities they serve
  • Help more people discover and enjoy the magic of the waterways
  • Increase access to our canals and rivers for current and future generations

Our work

Our canals and rivers are today used by more people and for a wider variety of purposes than ever before, with over 35,000 boats and 10 million towpath visitors using them as an escape from the hurly burly of modern life. Once Britain’s most important transport system, our waterways are now a focus for economic renewal in the towns and cities they helped to create.

The Canal & River Trust is the guardian of a 200-year old working heritage, a remarkable legacy of the Industrial Revolution, and a nationally important wildlife corridor. It is responsible for an enormous network of bridges, locks, embankments and reservoirs and for maintaining them for the benefit and safety of our millions of visitors and neighbours.

Our museums, collection and audiences

The Gloucester Waterways Museum is one of three museums owned and run by the Canal & River Trust (CRT). The Gloucester Museum is housed in Llanthony Warehouse, an impressive Grade II listed building at the heart of Gloucester's docks, beside the Gloucester & Sharpness Ship Canal and close to the River Severn. The museum houses a significant part of the Canal & River Trust’s (the Trust) ‘Designated Collection’ of waterway artefacts considered to be of significant importance by the Arts Council England (ACE). The collection is recognised as being of national importance because of its wide range of items illustrating all aspects of inland waterways, a topic which is not covered by other national collections. The museum is open all year round to visitors.

This commission is as a result of a Second Round approval by the Heritage Lottery Fund for a Heritage Grant to revitalise the Gloucester Waterways Museum, both internally and externally. During the Development Phase (funded by the HLF development grant) the barge was surveyed, with a view to us understanding the condition of the vessel.

As part of the project we intend working with our existing museum audiences (families and enthusiasts), including volunteers, plus engaging with new audiences. The adaptation of Sabrina 5 is an important part of the engagement of the project and we would welcome ideas for the boatyard as to how to maximise this.



Sabrina 5 - Proposed refurbishment and new use works


The document describes the works necessary to bring Sabrina 5 to a safe condition to remain as a floating exhibit. The document also describes a second phase for the proposed conversion to an education and function space.


Sabrina 5 (National Historic Ships, NHF certificate no. 623) is part of the national collection of the Inland Waterway Museums and represents water transport on the River Severn during WW2. The vessel is one of a number built by Charles Hill of Bristol to transport goods from Bristol to Worcester and then the goods were transhipped on to Birmingham and the Black Country. Another craft, Sabrina 6 has already been converted to a floating clubhouse in Bristol Docks by others.

Phase 1 - Works to stabilise vessel fabric

It is essential that the fabric of the existing vessel is stabilised and repaired to maintain the vessel at its present location. To do this the vessel will have to be dry docked before pressure washing the external hull. The hull will require a condition survey both visually and with the use of an ultra sound thickness meter. It will then require hydro blasting before hull plating repairs and the painting of the bottom and top sides. All external underwater connections and valves will require servicing. Internally hydro blast bilges and areas of rust and paint throughout.

Item no. / Work activity description
1 / Transport craft to your location
2 / Dry dock and prop/support
3 / Hydro blast all external steel surfaces to SA2 specification
4 / Conduct hull, steering and anchor surveys and produce report
5 / Repair hull using steel plate to EN125 S275 to match existing thickness
6 / Repair deck plates
7 / Spray paint bottom with Jotun paint system (or similar) to a dry film thickness of 450 microns using one coat of Jotamastic 87 aluminium and two coats of Jotamastic 87 GF grey and black
8 / Spray paint deck with Jotun paint system (or similar) to a dry film thickness of 380 microns using one coat of Jotamastic 87 aluminium, one coat of Jotamastic 87 GF grey and one coat of Hard top HB to shade.
9 / Spray paint topsides with Jotun paint system (or similar) to a dry film thickness of 380 microns using one coat of Jotamastic 87 aluminium, one coat of Jotamastic 87 GF grey and one coat of Hard top HB to shade.
10 / Service and make good skin fittings (suction and overboard discharge)
11 / Remove extraneous materials from inside vessel and dispose of in skips or leave for museum (to be agreed)
12 / Remove hold floor timbers, label and store for repair and refit following painting works
13 / Remove concrete from the sides of the craft below the hold timbers and dispose
14 / Remove aft cabin fitting and timbers, label and store
15 / Remove fittings and timbers from wheelhouse, label and store
16 / Hydro blast all internal steel surfaces to SA2 specification including interior, forward store space, aft cabin space and wheelhouse
17 / Spray paint bilges with Jotun paint system (or similar) to a dry film thickness of 450 microns using one coat of Jotamastic 87 aluminium and two coats of Jotamastic 87 GF grey and black
18 / Spray paint interior with Jotun paint system (or similar) to a dry film thickness of 270 microns using one coat of Pengaurd HB, one coat of Jotamastic 87 and one coat of Pilot II to shade.
19 / Replace internal hold floor and make good any defective boards
20 / Refit aft cabin fittings and timbers. Repair any defective timber parts. Varnish\paint appropriately.
21 / Refit wheelhouse fittings and timbers. Repair any defective timber parts. Varnish\paint appropriately.
22 / Refurbish deck fittings including winches and steering gear. Paint and grease appropriately.
23 / Sign write ships name and draft marks to original specification
A / Total for repairs to vessel

Phase 2 - Works for change to education and function space

Insulate and line out interior, construct stairs and companionways, provide disabled access, fit toilet systems, lay flooring, line out and provide permanent water tight hatch and cover. Add new electrics including shore supply, low energy high efficient lighting suitable for dual use of a classroom and an exhibition\event venue.

Item no. / Work for change of use and allow access into vessel – Conversion and fitting out.
24 / Make two companionway hatch openings and three skylight openings in hatch boards
25 / Secure hatch boards in position
26 / Lay 18mm plywood over hatch boards and fibre glass over
27 / Manufacture and fit two companionway hatches cutting through steel coaming to keep height to a minimum
28 / Manufacture and fit three wooden skylight hatches in a similar style to wheelhouse joinery
29 / Fit new hatch cover to show appearance of original hatch cover
30 / Manufacture safety compliant stairways and landings to hold
31 / Install wheelchair lift (suitable for public use) combined with stairway and companionway entrance (in collaboration with wheelchair lift manufacturer).
32 / Install new pipework for FW, grey water and black water services
33 / Install bilge pumping system
34 / Batten ship sides before insulation to attach lining
35 / Insulate ship sides with King span insulation
36 / Fit lighting, emergency lighting and ring main wiring in position
37 / Line ship sides with wide board softwood planks to give appearance of ships hold
38 / Paint internal ship sides with wood grain and deck head boards white
39 / Fit light fittings, sockets and fuse boards with 230 volt shore supply
40 / Fit emergency lighting
41 / Fit computer Wi-Fi network \ AV wiring systems
42 / Fit heating and ventilation system including vent trunking and ducts.
42a / Boat builder support to heating contractor and ventilation contract – supplying access and facilities, welding brackets, cutting holes etc.
42b / Ventilation system design, supply and installation - Contractor
42c / Heating system design, supply and installation - Contractor
43 / Install toilet, black water tank and pump out systems
44 / Fit-out chair\coat storage area with hooks\racks.
45 / Install food preparation area
46 / Supply and install two aluminium gangways in line with companionway openings suitable for disabled access
47 / Return craft to Gloucester Waterways Museum
B / Total for additional works for conversion
Totals and accumulative total
Total A + Total B =

Due to the size of the Sabrina 5 and its present condition it is not deemed wise to move the vessel too far for work to be carried out.

Cost breakdown
Labour Costs / Hours / Rate (for project) / Total = hour x rate
Contractors -
heating & ventilation
wheelchair lift
Project management
Materials -
Electrical system
Plumbing system
Heating system
Ventilation system
Wheelchair lift

The programme for the repair and adaptation requires the craft to be away from the museum by the end of June 2016 and returned in winter 2016/17.

Time from start of contract and duration (Weeks)
Item Description / Week number
Dry docking
Hull repairs
Painting exterior
Interior blast cleaning work
Painting interior
Fitting out timber
Electrical works
Plumbing works
Installing stairs and lift

As part of your proposal please indicate with skills and trades you have in-house.