مديرية خانيونس- مادة تدريبية لصف 11 فصل اول و ثاني 2013/2014

Enrichment Material For The Eleventh Grade


قسم الاشراف- خانيونس

1- Answer the following questions:

1-Where does Silas live?What is Silas's job?

2-Describe Silas.

3-What did Silas suffer from?

4-Who is Sara?

5-How did the people of the village treat Silas at first?

6-What trouble did William Dane cause to Silas?

7-Why did William Dane cause trouble to Silas?

8-What happened to the old man?

9-Why was Silas called to the chapel? What did the minister accuse him of?

10- wHAT happened to the old man's money?

11-Where did they find Sila's knife?

12- How will the minister decide whether Silas is a theif or not?

13-What was the result of drawing lots?

14-What did Silas do when the lots didn't show the truth?

15- What massege did Sara send to Silas?

16- What did Silas decide to do?

2- Complete:

1-Silas was accused of stealing the old man's money because ------

2-William was jealous of Silas because Silas was------so he------

3-All the counters the men tiik from the bag were------

4-The minister accused Silas of------

5-The minister said Silas had taken the money from the drawer because------

6-Silas was looking after the old man, when he awoke,------

7-At the end of ch 1 Silas was angry from the people of Lantern Yard so------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

  1. Silas is engaged to Sarah. ( )
  2. Silas found the empty money bag in the drawer ( )
  3. William Dane came to take Silas's place to look after the old man. ( )
  4. When Silas went into a trance, he could not hear or see anything. ( )
  5. William borrowed Silas's knife. ( )
  6. Silas's friends did not believe he was guilty. ( )
  7. At the end, Silas is still engaged to Sara. ( )

4- Choose the correct answers:

  1. The people of the village were angry with Silas because

a- he suffered a strange illness c- he lent William his knife c- they thought he stole the money

  1. William was Silas's friend but

a- he stole his money b- he was jealous of him c- he didn't come to the old man's house

  1. Silas will not believe in God because

a- he is a thief b- Sara left him to marry William c- God didn't help him

  1. Silas was accused of stealing the old man's money because

a- they found his knife near the empty money bag b- the old man died c- he went into a trance

5- Read the following quotations then answer the questions below.

1- '' The lots have not shown the truth. God has betrayed me"

a- What has happened?

b-What will Silas do after that?

2- '' Where did you find it? I usually keep it in my pocket''

a- Who is the speaker? When did he say this?

b- What does he keep in his pocket? How does he use it?

1-Answer the following questions:

1)Where did Silas go?

2)How was the village of Raveloe?

3)What were the most important buildings in the village?

4)Where does Silas live now? What is next to his cottage?

5)Why was the Squire respected by the people of Raveloe?

6)Why did Silas work on Sunday?

7)How did Silas change?

8)How old is Silas now? Describe him.

9)Did Silas get married?

10)Why was Silas well known? What did he do with the money?

11)How much money did he save?

12)Where does Silas keep his money?

13)What did Silas do every night?

14)Why did the weaver work hard? How is money for him?

15)Why will Silas's life change?

2- Complete:

1)The most important buildings in Raveloe were------

2)To Silas money was like his------

3)The loom could be heard on Sunday because------

4)Silas keeps his two leather bags of gold coins------

5)His life is going to change because------

6)Every night, Silas locked the door and------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

  1. No one at Raveloe knew Silas was. ( )
  2. The village children loved Silas and played with him. ( )
  3. Silas was interested in his money more than in his neighbours. ( )
  4. Silas went to church on Sunday. ( )
  5. No one in Raveloe knew Silas's story. ( )
  6. Silas now is married. ( )
  7. Silas has a lot of friends in the new village. ( )

5- Read the following caption then answer the questions below

''To Silas gold seemed alive''

1-Did Silas have any relation with his neighbours?

2-How much money did Silas have?

3-Where did he keep the money?

4-What did Silas do every night?

5-What did Silas consider his money?

1- Answer the following questions:

1-Who are the two sons of the Squire? Describe them.

2-How is the relation between the Squire's sons?

3-What did Godfrey want from Dunstan?

4-What is the secret that Dunstan knew about Godfrey?

5-Godfrey has lent something to Dunstan. What is it , why does he want it back ?

6-What will happen if the Squire knew this secret?

7-What did Dunstan suggest to solve the problem of money?

8-Where would Dunstan sell Wildfire?

9-What idea came to him while he was riding the horse?

10- How did Dunstan ride?

11-What happened to the horse?

12-What did Dunstan decide to do after he fell down? How did he go there?

13-How was the weather? Where did Dunstan arrive?

14-What did the weaver discover when he looked at the bags of money?

15-What happened to Silas? Where did he go?

16-Is it easy for them to discover the thief? Why?

3-Choose :

1- Godfrey couldn't tell his father he was married because-

a) he was engaged to another girl. b) Dunstan would tell his father c) his father would be very angry

2- Dustan discovered Silas's hiding place inside the cottage easily and quickly because:
a) the fire lighted it well enough b) the cottage was small c) he was alone in the cottage.

d)he remembered that country people often hid their money under the floor.

3- Dunstan rode too fast and------

a) he fell down and broke his leg b) the horse fell down and broke its leg c) got lost

2- Complete:

1-Godfrey had fallen in love with a------

2-If the Squire knew that Godfrey married a servant girl, ------

3-According to Dunstan the solution was to------

4-Dunstan was holding a------

5-Dunstan promised the farmer------

6-Dunstan was tired from walking so he------

7-When Silas discovered his money was stolen he------

8-No one could think who had taken the money because------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

  1. Dunstan was married to Molley Farren. ( )
  2. Dustan didn't care about the horse's death because it had been Godfrey's. ( )
  3. The Squire knew that Godfrey is married and had a child. ( )
  4. Dunstan would enjoy telling Godfrey about Wildfire's death ( )
  5. Silas answered when Dunstan knocked on the door. ( )
  6. Dunstan found Silas's money under the floor. ( )
  7. The village people knew who robbed Silas. ( )

4- Read the following quotations then answer the questions below

'' Ive been robbed…anyone who can help me''

1-When did Silas say these words?

2-Why does he ask the people for help?

3-Who robbed Silas?

4-Was the thief discovered? Why not?

1- Answer the following questions:

  1. Did Dunstan return to Raveloe? Why?
  2. Why no one worried about Dunstan?
  3. Describe Squire Cass.
  4. How did Godfrey feel when he heard his horse was dead?
  5. What was the Squires opinion in his sons?
  6. What did The Squire expect the people to do?
  7. When did Godfrey decide to tell his father the bad news?
  8. How was the old man's temper usually? And how was he when Godfrey saw him?
  9. What did Godfrey tell his father?
  10. Is Squire Cass clever. Prove that.
  11. What did the Squire ask Godfrey to do?
  12. Why couldn’t Godfrey ask Nancy to marry him?
  13. Why did the Squire describe his sons as fools?
  14. Did Godfrey agree? Why?
  15. How did the villagers feel towards Silas?

2- Complete:

  1. Godfrey was nearly 26 but he was still------
  2. Godfrey told his father two pieces of bad news the first was that------and the second is------
  3. Wildfire died when------
  4. Godfrey gives Dunstan money as------
  5. Squire Cass doubts that Godfrey gave Dunstan money because------
  6. To get his money back Squire Cass told Godfrey to------
  7. The people of Raveloe were ------and the kindest woman was------
  8. Silas didn't go to church on Christmas day, he just------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

  1. Godfrey wasn't afraid of his father. ( )
  2. Squire Cass was proud of his two sons. ( )
  3. The Squire was sure the news was good ( )
  4. Everyone at the village worried about Dustan's absence. ( )
  5. Godfrey is more careful than Dunstan. ( )
  6. Silas went to church on Christmas. ( )

4- Choose the correct answers:

1-. The next morning Godfrey tells his father that

a- he has done something wrong b- he is married to a servant c- Wildfire is dead.

2- Squire Cass thinks Godfrey should:

a- marry Nancy Lammeter b- tell him his secret c- pay him for Wildfire

5- Read the following quotations then answer the questions below

1- '' I'm sure it won't be good news''

a- Who said this? To whom?

b- Why was the speaker sure the news is bad?

c- What was the news ? was it bad or good news?

d- What was the Squire's reaction to this news?

2-'' Everyone needs rest and cheerful company''

'' Come on to church on Christmas Day, and you'll hear more.''

a- Who says this to whom? And why?

b- How is Raveloe different from Lantern Yard?

3- '' You must be a fool to let him ride Wildfire''

a- Who is the speaker? About whom is he speaking?

b- What did Dunstan do to be described '' Careless"?

4-'' You've done something wrong and you were paying Dunstan to keep your secret"

a- Was the Squire right? What was that secret?

1- Answer the following questions:

1-Did Dunstan return t the village in the New Year’s Eve?

2-Why did Godfrey think his secret was safe?

3-What did the Squire do every year on New Year's Eve?

4-How did the Squire celebrate the New Year’s Eve?

5-Why was Nancy looking forward to the party?

6-Why Nancy was upset and angry with Godfrey ?

7-Why would she very cold to Godfrey?

8-Why couldn't Godfrey ask Nancy to marry him at first?

9-Did Molly know about the party at the Red House ?

10-What did Molly decide to do that night ?

11-How did Molly decide to harm Godfrey ?

12-How did Molly’s child look like ?

13-What did Molly take from her pocket ?/ What did she drink

14-How did she feel when she drank the drug?

15-What happened to the child when Molly fell asleep ?

16-Why did Molly decide to come to the party? Who did she bring?

17-Did she reach the Red House? Why? What happened to her?

18-What happened to Molly when she drank?

19-What happened to the child?

20-Why did the child go to the weaver's cottage?

21-Where did she sleep?

22-Why did Silas open his door?

23-What happened to Silas when he was watching the snow ?

24-What did Silas think he found when he came out of his trance ?

25-Why was the child crying?What did Silas do when the child cried?

26-How did the child eat the porridge?

27-How and where did Molly lay?

28-Why didn't Silas see the child when she came in?

29-What did he find in the snow?

2- Complete:

1-Godfrey thought his secret was safe because------

2-Nancy was looking forward to the party as------

3-After Molley had drunk opium, she------

4-When Silas opened to watch the snow, he------

5-When Silas saw the child's golden hair, he thought------

6-Silas followed the child's footprints in the snow and ------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

1- Nancy Lammeter wasn't invited to the Red House?

2-Squire Cass always gave a party on New Year's Eve. ( )

3- Silas thought that his money returned to him ( )

4- Molly reached the Red House. ( )

5- Read the following caption then answer the questions below

''Gold! His gold has come back"

1-What did Silas think?

2-Why did he think his gold come back?

1- Answer the following questions:

  1. Where was Godfrey ? Why was he happy at first?
  2. Why was Godfrey frightenedwhen Silas came into the hall of the Red house?
  3. Why couldn't Godfrey go into the weaver's house at?
  4. Why did the doctor ask them to fetch Dolly Winthrop?
  5. What did Godfrey suggest to do with the child?
  6. What does Silas want to do with the child?
  7. What did Godfrey give Silas?
  8. What does Godfrey decide to do?
  9. Why was Godfrey safe now?
  10. Why doesn't Godfrey want Nancy to know he has a child?
  11. What does Godfrey decide to do after Molley's death?

2- Complete:

  1. Godfrey was terrified when Silas comes into the Red house because------
  2. Godfrey couldn't go into the weaver's house at first because------
  3. The child came in place of Silas's------
  4. Godfrey gave Silas money to------

3- Write T or F next to the following:

  1. When the doctor arrived, Molly was still alive. ( )
  2. Silas gave the child to the doctor's wife. ( )
  3. Godfrey decides to tell Nancy he has a child. ( )

5- Read the following quotations then answer the questions below

a- '' I need him quickly, I must see the doctor''

1-Who said this? To whom?

2-Why does the speaker need a doctor?

b- ''I want to look at her,''

  1. Who said this? To whom?
  2. To whom does her refer?
  3. Why do you think the speaker wants to look at her?

1- Answer the following questions:

1-Who arranged for Molly to be buried ?

2-How old was the child when Silas Marner looked after her ?

3-What did Silas decide to do with the child?

4-How did Silas treat Eppie?

5-Who helped Silas Marner to look after the child ??

6-How did Dolly help Silas?

7- How many Children did Dolly have ?

8- Why did Dolly want to take the child ?

9-Did Silas agree for Dolly to help him look after her?

10-How will Silas watch the child when he is working?

11-What would Dolly teach Eppie?

12-What did Silas want to call the child at first? Did Dolly agree?

13-Why didn’t Dolly didn’t agree to call the child Hephzibah ?

14-What name did Silas choose for the child? Why?

15-Why doesn’t Silas love gold as much as he used to?

16-How does Eppie change Silas's life?

17-Why did Dolly ask Silas to smack Eppie ?

18-Why didn’t Silas smack Eppie and was too gentle to the child ?

19-Did Silas agree to smack Eppie?

20-What did Silas do often? Where did Silas and Eppie go?

21-What did Dolly do to punish her son Aaron ?

22-Why did Dolly put Aaron in the coal-hole?

23-• The Child Changed the life of Silas Marner . Explain

Silas in the Past
1- He only loved his money and gold
2- He worked all day and night
3- He stayed all time in his cottage
4- He was sad and lonely.

5- He didn't need other people's help.

6- He didn't go to church.

7- Children were afraid of him
Silas after he had the child
1- He loved Eppie.
2- He didn’t care about the loss of his money.
3- He didn’t work all day and night.
4- He often left his cottage and walked in the sunshine with Eppie.
5- He was happy to walk in the warm sunshine, pick flowers and listen to the song of the birds .

6- He needed the help of other people e.g Godfrey, Dolly…………

7- He takes Eppie to church.


1-Silas will watch Eppie when he is working by ------

2-Silas often left the cottage and------

3-According to Dolly the best punishment is ------

4-When Dolly punishes Aaron she putshim in ------

5-Silas didn’t smack the child because ------

6-Silas called the child Eppie after------

7-Silas called the child Eppie because ------.

8-Eppie is now three years old and she is------

True or False:

1- Silas's life didn't change after Eppie lived with him. ( )

2- When Eppie was three years old, she very naughty. ( )

3- Silas will smack Eppie to teach her right and wrong.( )

4- The people of Raveloe were not surprised of Silas's decision to keep Eppie. ( )

5- Silas still loves money more than everything else. ( )

5- Read the following quotations then answer the questions below