ENRICHMENT 4-4½ Year Old Classes
January- May 2015
Enrichment is a special program offered to children in the 4 year old and 4½ year old classes on Tuesdays from 11:25-1:40, Wednesdays from 10:10-12:25, Thursdays from 11:25-1:40 and Fridays from 10:10-12:25. It provides an opportunity for children to explore a special interest and make new friends. Children bring a lunch to school, eat together, and spend time in “hands-on” activities. Classes meet on a 13 session semester from September-January.
The fee for one semester is $345.00 and must be paid when registering. Enrollment in the classes is limited. PLEASE RETURN SECOND PAGE OF THIS FORM TO THE OFFICE BY Friday, January 16.
The following Enrichment classes are being offered January - May:
Tuesdays: Class Time: 11:25-1:40
¡Matematicas Mania! (integrating Spanish with math concepts, games, art and cooking)
with Mrs. Bonadies & Mrs. Hessemer Room 107
Wednesdays: Class Time: 10:10-12:25
¡Matematicas Mania! (integrating Spanish with math concepts, games, art and cooking)
with Mrs. Bonadies & Mrs. Parello Robinson Room
Thursdays: Class Time: 11:25-1:40
Author,Author! (discovering various authors and creating a journal of art and literature)
with Mrs. Pask & Mrs. Scaperrotta
Lower Westminster
Animal Habitats (discovering animals and their homes while recreating them in fun ways)
with Mrs. Barton & Mrs. Balak Room 107
Fridays: Class Time: 10:10-12:25
Author,Author! (discovering various authors and creating a journal of art and literature)
with Mrs. Dougher and Mrs. Hessemer Lower Westminster
Special Instructions:
· Drop off and pick up for all Enrichments is on the 1st play yard.
Tuesdays: Wednesdays: Thursdays: Fridays:
January 20 January 21, 28 January 29 January 30
February 3,10, 24 February 4,11, 25 February 5,12,26 February 6, 27
March 3,10,24,31 March 4,11,18, 25 March 5,12,19,26 March 6, 13, 20, 27
April 14, 21, 28 April 1, 15, 22, 29 April 2, 16, 23, 30 April 17. 24
May 5 May 6 May 7 May 1, 8, 15, 22
Please keep these dates for your calendar
ENRICHMENT REGISTRATION 4-4½ Year Old Classes January-May 2015
Please fill in this portion and return with a check in the amount of $345.00.
Please list your choices in order of preference (#1, #2)
If there are still spaces available after initial registration, you may enroll your child in a second Enrichment class by marking the space below.
Space in the classes is limited.
Tuesdays: Class Time: 11:25-1:40
¡Matematicas Mania! (integrating Spanish with math concepts, games, art and cooking)
with Mrs. Bonadies & Mrs. Hessemer Room 107
Wednesdays: Class Time: 10:10-12:25
¡Matematicas Mania! (integrating Spanish with math concepts, games, art and cooking)
with Mrs. Bonadies & Mrs. Parello Robinson Room
Thursdays: Class Time: 11:25-1:40
Author,Author! (discovering various authors and creating a journal of art and literature)
with Mrs. Pask & Mrs. Scaperrotta
Lower Westminster
Animal Habitats (discovering animals and their homes while recreating them in fun ways)
with Mrs. Barton & Mrs. Balak Room 107
Fridays: Class Time: 10:10-12:25
Author,Author! (discovering various authors and creating a journal of art and literature)
with Mrs. Dougher and Mrs. Hessemer Lower Westminster
Name of child______Allergies?______
Regular Class Teacher______
First Choice ______
Second Choice______
(If you would like a second enrichment, please list that choice below)
Second Enrichment:
First Choice ______
Second Choice______
Check Amount______