Enquiry No. : GDS/TE/213 /15-16 Dated 01/04/15 Due on 10/04/15




SILVASSA – 396 230.

PHONE NO. 0260 – 3293118,3293019

FAX NO. 0260–2641315

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Enquiry No. : GDS/TE/213/15-16 Dated 01/04/15 Due on 10/04/15



E-TENDER [THROUGH REVERSE AUCTION] FOR TRANSPORTATION OF CBFS/ELASTO 710 in tankers [18 MT/22MT] from Mumbai to Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd [BL] at Silvassa

Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd (A Government of India Enterprise) A Public Sector Undertaking comes under “Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas “ and one of the leading manufacturer of ‘Balmerol’ brand greases and lubricating oils.

Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd invites Two Part Bids are invited for transportation of CBFS/ELASTO 710 in tankers [18 MT/22MT] from Mumbai to Silvassa in bulk/tankers [18 MT/22MTCapacity having Multiple Compartment /Chambers Tankers.


Nos. of trips /annual: - approx 120 Trips


The tender documents will be available on any working day within period specified in Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), during office hours between 9.00 AMto 6.00 PM.only at the following address:

Purchase Department




SILVASSA – 396 230.

The tender document can also be downloaded from our website


  • Pre-Qualification Bids or Technical Bid[As per enclosed “Annexure-I] along with EMD amount in a sealed envelope duly mentioned “Tender Enquiry No: GDS/TE/213/14-15 dated 01/04/2015 “Tender for “TRANSPORTATION OF CBFS/ELASTO 710”.to be submitted on or before due date at our Silvassa Factory as per address given above. Please note you will not quote your rate anywhere in the prequalification bid. If any price bid found with the technical bid, it will go directly for rejection. One copy of the tender duly signed and stamped as token of your acceptance will also be submitted with Pre-qualification with all the documents to meet the Pre-qualification criteria.
  • Tenders received after the due date & time will not be considered.
  • The offers will remain valid for 60 days from the opening of Price Bid of tender unless extended by mutual consent in writing.
  • Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or in totality, or to negotiate with any or all the tenderers, or to withdraw/ cancel/ modify this tender without assigning any reason whatsoever.
  • Tenders received late for whatever reasons / without EMD / submitted at the wrong address / in open or stapled condition / incomplete in any other respect will not be considered.


  • Tenderer shall pay Rs. 15000/-EMD per tender by D.D drawn on any scheduled Bank payable at Silvassa in favor of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. payable at Silvassa . This should be submitted along with the Technical Bid. Bids submitted without EMD will be rejected.
  • EMD of successful bidder would be retained and adjusted in Security Deposit with written request of bidder.
  • EMD of unsuccessful bidder would be returned after the finalization of tender.


  • No. of Tank Lorries:- At least ten (10 Nos ) tank-lorries of 18MT /22 KL offered by the Tenderer must be owned by the Tenderer in their name (i.e. Firm or Partner or Director or Proprietor).the tenderer must provide minimum 6 lorries of the capacity of 18 MT tank lorries either in owned or attached category. Tankers should have multiple compartment /chambers. Tankers having Single chamber is not our requirement.
  • Age of Qualifications:-Age of vehicle offered should not exceed eight (8) years. The tank-lorries attaining the age of eight (8) years during the contractual period shall not be allowed to transport Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd ‘s materials.
  • Replacement of Tank Lorries: -Transporter should arrange the replacement of tank lorries in time before any tank lorry attains the age of eight (8) years. At the Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd’ s discretion, time period not more Thirty (30) days may be granted to replace the tank lorry attaining the age of eight (8) years.
  • Minimum Turnover: - The transporter should have a minimum turnover of Rs 2 Crores in any one of the last three financial years. Documentary evidence such as balance sheets of year 2011-12, 12-13 & 13-14 should be attached duly certified by auditor.
  • Experience:-The bidder shall have minimum 3 years experience in transportation of Base Oils/Petroleum products /Lubricants with Govt. Departments /PSUs /Reputed Companies [Copy of certificates in support of experience should be attached]
  • The estimated quantity to be delivered shown in tender document is indicative and is subject to change. Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd reserves the right to contract additional tank-lorries, if required, from Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd from the market.
  • Tenderer should submit all the details and enclosures as specified in the tender.
  • Tenderer may witness the opening of tender on the appointed date and time by sending authorized representative.
  • Tank-lorries quoted in the tender should have all valid documents such as calibration certificate; registration certificates etc as on the closing date of tender and shall remain valid throughout the tender of the contract.
  • The contractor’s tanker should be calibrated by weights and measures department, Govt. of Maharashtra/D&NH/Gujarat Or Any approved Government Institute and the certificate and calibrated dip rod must necessarily be accompanying the tanker. This documentmust be produced as required and it will be cross checked by Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.
  • Public Carrier Vehicle Operators (PCVOs) /Tank Lorries blacklisted by any of the Oil companies /Govt. Companies are not eligible to participate in the tender.


  • Bidders successfully meeting the pre-qualification criteria will be informed about date & time of Online Close Bid and Reverse Auction and shall be allotted ID log-in and password to enable them to participate in on-line bidding. The prices are to be quoted on-line only.
  • The offers will remain valid for 60 days from the opening of Price Bid of tender unless extended by mutual consent in writing.
  • Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders in part or in totality, or to negotiate with any or all the tenderers, or to withdraw/ cancel/ modify this tender without assigning any reason whatsoever.


  • Prices have to be quoted in Rs/MT basis.This should be valid for 18 MT & 22 MT both and company will pay the freight as per Rs/MT Basis.
  • The tenderer should quote for all locations in the tender schedule.
  • The rate should be quoted in the same units as mentioned in the tender schedule.
  • Rates offered would be valid and binding on the tenderer for 60 days from the opening date of Price Bid of this tender unless extended by mutual consent in writing. During the validity period, tenderer will not be allowed either to withdraw or revise his offer on his own. Breach of this provision will entail forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit. Once the tender is accepted and work awarded, the rates will be valid for the entire contractual period subject to escalation/de-escalation as per Schedule.
  • Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd reserves the right, at their sole discretion, and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to:
  • Negotiate with any or all tenderers,
  • Divide the work among Carrier(s),
  • Reject any or all tenders either in full or in part,
  • Assign the offered and accepted tank-lorries to any of the contracts, and
  • Engage additional Carriers/ tank-lorries at any time without giving any notice whatsoever to the Carrier/s already appointed against this Tender.
  • The tenderer should study all the operations/ local conditions at the loading/ unloading point/s and route/s.
  • Tenderers would be presumed to have acquainted themselves with the working conditions existing at the location, before submission of the tender.
  • Tenderer should quote the price bid in online well before the closing time and date in as mentioned. Online Price bid would not be accepted by System after the due date and time.
  • Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd will not be responsible for any delay under any circumstances whatsoever if the tender is not submitted before the closing date and time and in the correct manner.
  • Tenders not meeting the tender terms & conditions or incomplete in any respect or with any additions/ deletions or modifications are liable to be summarily rejected without any further communication to the tenderers and decision of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd in this respect will be final and binding.
  • RATES BASIS :-The Rate basis shall be as under:
  1. Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all charges.
  1. The rate quoted shall remain firm during the contract period, except for escalation/de-escalation clause as defined later.
  1. The rates quoted shall apply for delivery at consignee's factory
  1. Rates quoted shall be for Rs./MT basis for OIL .
  1. The company will cover transit Insurance.
  1. Rates quoted shall be valid for acceptance up to 60 days from the date of the on-line bidding.
  1. No shortage allowance shall be allowed.
  • The transporters shall quote their rate per KL basis and they will paid for a minimum load 20 MT/tanker.


  • Bidders successfully meeting the pre-qualification criteria will be informed about date & time of Online Close Bid and Reverse Auction and shall be allotted ID log-in and password to enable them to participate in on-line bidding. The prices are to be quoted on-line only.
  • The Start Bid Price (SBP) and Minimum Decrement amount shall be communicated on-line at the Commencement of the reverse auction.
  • Due Date: - The due date and time of opening of tender documents is as specified in NIT for all the locations stated above.
  • OPENING OF TENDER:-After scrutiny of the “technical bids‟ by Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd, the eligible tenderers will be notified regarding the date & time for the online price bid submission.
  • Clarification can be obtained in person/ writing from the undersigned during working hours before the last date of submission of bids.
  • The company reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers or split the order without assigning any cause. Incomplete offer


The escalation / de-escalation will be payable when diesel price differential exceeds Rupee

1.00/Litre from the reference diesel rate.

The reference Diesel rate shall be the ruling retail price of diesel charged by IOCL in Mumbai on

the date of bidding. The escalation / de-escalation shall be worked out rounded off to the

nearest rupee as per the following formula:

Differential = 0.25 x Original Contract rate x Increase/Decrease in Diesel rate

allowed in Reference Diesel Rate

contract rate



  • After completion of all relevant process the successful bidder has been notified by issuing P. O. / LOI.
  • Security Deposit: The successful bidder has to submit the 5% as a security deposit by demand draft or Bank guarantee towards the successful execution of contract. It has to be deposited within 10 days from the date of placement of Purchase order/LOI. In case of failure to submit the same, the Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. shall be entitled to terminate the contract and forfeit the EMD.
  • Contract would be valid for one year from the date of placement of P.O. / LOI.
  • After scrutiny vendor has to ensure that the tankers are placed after proper washing and cleaning. BL will give intimation to transporters in one day advance notice for placing the tanker.
  • The vendor will be required to weigh the tanker at our weigh bridge or the nearest public weighs bridge[ If our weigh bridge is not working/ under repair] before/ after delivery and the weigh slip (Gross/tare/Nett) together with supplier challans must be handed over to the receiving staff at the factory. Any variation found at any time will be deducted from freight as proportionately by quantity or weight.
  • The vendor will be held responsible for any damage done to the property of the company by his tanker and labour while operating inside the company premises. The vendorwill be advised in writing of such damages and the vendor should undertake repair to damaged property within 7 days of our intimation, failing which the company will be forced to carry out the repairs and recover the cost incurred from the vendor.
  • The vendor must agree to keep the company fully absolved from all legal responsibilities from any accident etc to his staff and /or laborers working during the operations.
  • The tankers employed for taking delivery must adequately be covered under the Motor Vehicle Act. Similarly drivers should have valid driving licenses. The contract will be placed on strict understanding that the venor has indemnified us against any Government action against him or his vehicle or his driver when on duty.
  • No detention charges whatsoever will be paid.
  • Public Carrier Vehicle Operators (PCVOs) /Tank Lorries blacklisted by any of the Oil companies /Govt. Companies are not to be placed.
  • In the event of unsatisfactory performance or development leading to creation of lack of confidence in the contractor at any stage of operation of the contract, the company reserves the right to cancel the contract. The company will be the sole judge in taking such a decision and will not be obliged to assign any reason for its action. Such cancellation will be without prejudice and entirely at Company’s discretion.
  • All the legal dispute would be resolved in Silvassa Judicial Region only.
  • The persons engaged by the vendor are responsible to abide by the all rules and regulation including all safety norms.

Transit Insurance will be covered by Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.. However, the vendors has to make necessary arrangement for conducting survey, lodge FIR for enroute claims, issue short/damage certificate towards any short delivery / damage during transit or at Customer’s end, within 30 days of occurrence of such incident. The vendor’s relevant bill for such cases will be settled only after the required documents are received. The vendor will have to comply with the insurance formalities to enable Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. to lodge the claims with the insurance company to make good any damage or loss of products or loss due to leakage/pilferage in transit. In case the vendor fails to provide such documentation as required by the insurance company, then Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. shall recover from the vendor the equivalent value towards the loss. Any damage / pilferage caused by the vendor's truck / workman within Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.spremises and /or at customer’s end.


Payment will be release by 30 days from the date of submission of bills along with supporting

documents i. e. bill copy mentioning with number , date , destination , P.O number , our Invoice

number along with Goods Consignment Note etc.

  • NON PLACEMENT OF TANKERS AND RISK PURCHASE.Transporter shall be required to place tankers promptly (preferably within 12 hrs from the call up in clean & dry condition. Transporter will have to provide the trucks as per daily call up for filling at Oil terminals. In case Transporter fails to place tankers as per BL’s call up even after 2 days from the call up date, BL shall be at liberty in transporting materialby engaging any other transporter at the risk and cost of the contractor without further reference to the transporter. If any moment, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd observes that loaded tankers are reporting late to Silvassa from Mumbai and taking abnormal transit time then company reserves the right to take necessary action and it could be cause of entire freight deduction for that trip.

In the event of unsatisfactory performance, Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. reserves the right to terminate the contract without any notice. In this eventuality the Security Deposit will be forfeited


Neither the Company nor the transporter shall, in any way, be held liable for non-performance either in whole or in part of this agreement or for any delay in the performance thereof in consequence of the following:

  1. Declared Strike / Bandhs/Lockout
  2. Natural Calamities
  3. Decrees of any Government or Governmental Authority.
  4. Revolution
  5. Wars
  6. Acts of enemies of the state.
  7. Riots

Any reason other than the above will not be considered as force majeure condition.

As soon as the cause of Force Majeure has been removed, the party whose liability to perform its obligation has been affected shall notify the other of such cessation and inform the other party through such notice the actual delay incurred in such affected activities. Any such event which is Force Majeure, wherever it occurs, provided that it prevents, affects or delays the parties in performing contractual obligation shall justify the affected parties claim of Force Majeure.


The contract period will be valid upto one year from the issuing of P. O. or L.O.I

For Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd

Shobhit Srivastava

Dy. Manager-Purchase

Note: Bids of any tenderer may be rejected if a conflict of interest between the bidders and company is detected at any.

Enclosure of Tender[Annexure-I]

  1. Covering letter listing all enclosures.
  1. Particulars of tank-lorry/s offered.
  1. Enclose EMD Demand Draft, which should be drawn In Favour of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Payable at Silvassa.If it is found that EMD paid through DD is not acceptable due to technical or any other reason, the tender will be rejected.
  1. Attested acknowledged copy of PAN card and Ward/Circle/District where assessed to Income Tax.
  1. Experience letter(s) at least three [Value of each Contract should not be less than 10 Lacs in last three Years] from contracting company on their letterhead for transportation of Bulk petroleum products along with attested copy of contract/LOI.
  1. Attested copy of previous three (3) years i.e. 2011-12, 12-13 -13-14 audited annual report having total turnover equal to or more than Rs Fifty (50) Lakhs and at least 2 crores in any of year.
  1. Attested copies of Trading License or Company Registration Certificate.
  1. Attested copies of Partnership Deed or Certificate of Incorporation.
  1. Attested copies of valid Registration Certificate, Insurance Policy and Calibration Certificate and fitness certificate for petroleum product for each of the tank-lorries offered.
  1. Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit (Attachment-6).
  1. Power of Attorney in favour of the person who will participate and manager the entire contract on behalf of transporter’s firm.
  1. Undertaking for the tank-lorries offered and valid RC documents.
  1. If any moment Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. finds that above said documents are illegal/forged/wrong/Incomplete/not valid /expired, Balmer Lawrie can cancel the contract and take necessary legal action & can also black list the company.

Above mentionedTECHNICAL QUALIFICATION/PRE BID CRITERIA enclosures have to be submitted in sealed bid and should reach to our office address on or before 10/04/15 [4.00 PM]