English Worship Celebration
We Worship God through…
Meditation Together
Opening Prayer Together
Prayer Mary Teh
The Lord’s Supper James Yu
Scripture Exodus 6:28 - 7:13
God’s Word – "" Marcus Lee
Announcements/Benediction Marcus Lee
Are you new to CCIC? WELCOME, and thank you for worshiping God with us! After the worship service, please join us in the Welcome Reception Room upstairs in Room 311 for refreshments and fellowship. Askanyone with a badge or name tag for directions or assistance.
Sunday School Classes For March 2012 through May 2012: Class A: Journey through the New Testament: 1 Corinthians -2 Thessalonians; 3rd floor Conference Room. Class B: Esther; Room 323.
Adult Sunday School Classes: Today is the last day of our Spring Quarter Sunday School. Two new classes will be offered for the Summer Quarter:
1) “Journey through the New Testament: 1 Timothy – Revelation” to be taught by Pastor Bruce Wong, Matthew Sommer, Peter Lindstrom and Justin Chang; and 2) “David: Developing a Heart for God” to be taught by Marcus Lee. For more details, please refer to the insert.
Duckwater Short-Term Mission Trip: Today is the deadline for signing up. English Congregation will be teaming again with the Youths this summer to support our missionaries Marvin & Linda Ming. We will leave on Friday, July 13 and will return on Monday, July 16. If you're interested in participating in our 3rd annual short-term mission trip to Duckwater or want to help, please contact Pastor Marcus, to sign up and for more information.
Class Act Campaign to Stop SB48: Blank petition forms available on the first floor until the official deadline, July 11th. CLASS Act advocates an accurate teaching of history. This initiative ensures that persons included in the social science curriculum are included for their contributions to society, not their sexual orientation. 700,000 signatures are needed by July 11, 2012 to put this initiative on the ballot in November.
Church Facility Manager: Our church Facility Manager, Jung Chen will be retiring effective July 31st after 13 years of faithful and wonderful service. David Yau from our Mandarin Congregation will fill up the position.
Boy Scout T495’s Court of Honor: Saturday, June 2 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at Sanctuary B. This event is a review and ceremony for the half year achievement of Boy Scout T495. It would be a great opportunity for family with young boys to come and observe how the boy scouts doing.
CIA Parents Appreciation Night: Saturday, June 2 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Sanctuary A.
AWANA Graduation Award Night: Friday, June 8 from 7:45 pm to 9:00 pm at Sanctuary A. All AWANA parents are invited to attend.
Special Worship Service and Celebration: We will welcome high school graduates to English Congregation on Sunday, June 10 from 9:15 am to 11:45 am.
Next Week’s Speaker and Scripture: Bruce Wong (Romans 12:1-13)
Abound Fellowship (College and Young Professionals): Wednesday, 7:30pm in the Fireside room on the 2nd floor. For more information, contact Marcus Lee at .
Men's Ministry: Monthly small group meetings for spiritual growth through sharing, Biblical application, and mutual accountability. Contact Khuan Tan at , or Patrick Lo at .
Women’s Ministry: Monthly small group meetings for spiritual growth, life applications & encouragement.Contact Maria Chan at or Mary Yee at .
Friday Night Bible Study: 7:45 pm in Room 313, every Friday. Contact Bruce Wong at .
Prayer Ministry: For ministry and any personal urgent prayer requests, please fill out a prayer card or contact Bruce Wong at or Marcus Lee at .
Homegroup Ministry - Serving families in CCIC. Bible study, prayer support and mutual care. Contact Mary Teh at .
Sports Ministry: Basketball - Sundays, 4:15 - 6:15pm, at the Campbell Community Main Gym. Contact Sunny Yee at .
Ping Pong - Sundays, 3 - 6pm, at CCIC, first floor dining area. Contact TC Chai at . Tennis - Mondays, 7:30 - 10pm, at the Campbell Community Courts. Contact Marcus Lee at .
Sunday Services / Nursery / Donut/Coffee/Tea / Usher / Lunch / Shuttle
May / PJers / HG2 / Theophilus / HG2 / N/A
June / Living Water / BOAZ / Lydia / BOAZ / Joshua + Humphrey + John 6/3 only
English Ministry 英語部
Worship : Sunday 9:15 am - 10:30 am
Christian Education : Sunday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Communion : 4th Sunday during worship
Prayer Meeting : 4th Sunday 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Youth Ministry 英語青少年部
Worship : Sunday 10:45 am - 12:00 noon
Sunday School : Sunday 9:15 am - 10:15 am
Christians In Action (CIA) : Friday 7:45 pm - 9:30 pm
Children Ministry 兒童部
Worship 兒童崇拜 : Sunday 主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am
Sunday School 主日學 : Sunday 主日 10:45 am - 12:00 noon
AWANA 兒童團契 : Friday 週五 7:30 pm (September-June)
主日奉獻 Sunday Offering
Last Sunday上主日 / Month-to-Date
本月累積 / Monthly Need
每月所需 / Still Needed
General Fund
經常費 / 17,319.07 / 67,704.44 / 110,000.00 / 42,295.56
宣道基金 / 1,305.00 / 6,560.00 / 12,000.00 / 5,440.00
2012 Church Theme
“Living out the transforming power of the Gospel”
1 Corinthians 9:23
05 – 27 – 2012
1490 Saratoga Ave., San Jose, CA 95129
Tel: (408) 364-2242 Fax: (408) 364-2226
Web Site: www.ccic-sj.org
1. 歡迎新朋友:感謝 神,您能來與我們一同敬拜 神,如果您還沒有填寫來賓卡,請向招待的弟兄姊妹領取並填寫以便聯絡。會後請留步,在一樓餐廳備有午餐,歡迎一同進餐。
2. 粵語部禱告會於今晚7:30 pm 在二樓Fireside room舉行,請弟兄姊妹和各部同工踴躍參加。
3. 粵語夏令會將於6/8-6/10(週五-週日)在Mission Springs營地舉行,報名費:個人 $10,家庭 $20,講員為曾祥新牧師。聯絡人:陳大衛弟兄,請弟兄姊妹們踴躍參加並儘快報名。
4. 在教會擔任總務的陳榕生弟兄將於今年七月底退休,我們感謝他過去十幾年在主裡忠心的服事。國語組的姚登衛弟兄將接替陳榕生弟兄擔任教會總務的工作,他將在六月一日開始,求神帶領他前面的服事。
5. 國語部禱告會於本週三晚8:00 pm 在321教室舉行,請弟兄姊妹和各部同工踴躍參加,同心為個人需要及教會的事工仰望主。
6. CCIC的童子軍(495團)將於6月2日週六下午1-4pm在B堂舉辦頒獎禮。歡迎弟兄姐妹帶孩子們一起來觀禮。
7. CIA家長感恩會將於6月2日週六晚上7-9pm在一樓餐廳舉行,歡迎CIA家長們踴躍參加。
8. AWANA畢業及頒獎之夜: 6月8日(週五)7:45-9:00pm在A堂舉行,敬請所有家長們預留時間參加。
9. 灣區培靈會將於6/7-6/10晚上7:30pm在基督之家第五家10340 Bubb Road,Cupertino舉行,講員為麥希真牧師,主題是「卓越的神國子民」,將設有幼兒照顧,請弟兄姊妹們踴躍參加。
10. 歡迎弟兄姐妹到教會一樓門口書架上索取保障兒童學習準確社會科學法案 (Class ACT) 簽署請願書表格直到7月11日止。請自行寄出或交與Christina Yip 。
本主 日 膳食/ 交 通 :錫安二/良友三 六月週五顧嬰:錫安第六組
下主 日 膳 食 / 交 通 :青年組/粵語組 六月接待新人:錫安第六組
主日崇拜 第一堂 : 主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am
第二堂 : 主日 10:45 am - 12:00 noon
主日學 : 主日 9:15 am - 10:30 am
基本要道主日學 : 主日 10:45 am - 12:00 noon
禱告會 : 主日 8:30 am, 週三8:00 pm
擘餅聚會 : 第一 週三8:00 pm, 第三主日崇拜時
姊妹會 : 週二 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
錫安團契 : 週五 7:30 pm
就業青年團契 : 週五 8:00 pm
良友團契 : 每月 第二、四個週六 6:00 pm
長青團契 : 每月 第三個週三 10:00 am
9:15 崇拜程序
詩 歌 祢的信實廣大(教會聖詩7首) 會 眾
禱 告 主 席
詩 歌 耶和華是我的牧者(教會聖詩24首) 會 眾
讀 經 詩篇第八十七篇 會 眾
詩 歌 怎能如此(教會聖詩182首) 會 眾
信 息 我今日成了何等人 焦惠東弟兄
迎新、報告 主 席
詩 歌 榮耀歸於天父(聖詩9首) 會 眾
禱 告 主 席
詩 歌 奇異恩典(聖詩209首) 會 眾
讀 經 詩篇第八十七篇 會 眾
獻 詩 惟有基督 詩 班
信 息 我今日成了何等人 焦惠東弟兄
迎新、報告 主 席
祝 禱 黎煥森長老
司事 / 本主日 9:15am / 本主日10:45am / 下主日 9:15am / 下主日 10:45am講員 / 焦惠東弟兄 / 焦惠東弟兄 / 文恩賦牧師 / 文恩賦牧師
主席 / 呂清輝 / 呂清輝 / 呂清輝 / 呂清輝
司琴 / 顧 韡 / 顧 韡 / 顧 韡 / 顧 韡
招待 / 汪原瑾
趙雅琴 / 錢 鋒、劉燕燕
尹 欽、沈琦玲 / 關婷婷
何潤芳 / 夏又新、杜 敏
顧嬰 / 黃東生、張 鋒
黃素香 / 胡美紅、文惠蘭
楊 軍
序 樂 安靜默禱 會 眾
詩 歌 禱告良辰(教會聖詩320首) 會 眾
愛 我願意
禱 告 領 詩
啟應經文 詩篇第九十七篇 會 眾
詩 歌 我寧願有耶穌(教會聖詩411首) 會 眾
信 息 即或不然 李忠勇長老
經文:但以理書 3:15-18
歡迎及家事分享 李忠勇長老
祝福頌 願神天天賜福保護你, 會 眾
結束禱告 李忠勇長老
本主日 下主日
講 員 李忠勇長老 牧者高嘉文
領 詩 陳大衛 林正邦
司 琴 陳賀寶華 蘇彰道
影 音 黃海明 葉沛泉
招 待 梁郭群娣、黃淑珍 高建枝、吳斯萍
顧 嬰 黃東生、張 鋒、黃素香 胡美紅、文惠蘭、楊 軍
主日崇拜 : 主日10:45 am - 12:00 noon
主日學 : 主日9:15 am - 10:15 am
禱告會 : 每月第二主日1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
第四主日7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
擘餅聚會 : 第二主日崇拜時
成人團契 : 週五 7:45 pm – 9:30 pm
青年團契 : 每月第一、三、五週五 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
迦勒團契 : 每月第三週六 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
姊妹會 : 週二10:00 am – 12:00 noon