Lessons Learned from BIS 300: Advice offered by students who have previously taken this course.

  • Start working from day one – do not procrastinate about your readings or your assignments. It is very easy to fall behind, and then you will be overwhelmed. Consistency and steady work pays off in this course!!!!
  • There is lots of writing in this course. You need to start thinking about each paper even before it is assigned.
  • Work at a steady pace and give yourself plenty of time - you will need it.
  • Read the syllabus regularly and carefully; it is the contract between you and your professor. It lays out everything you need to do in the course to get a good grade.
  • Listen carefully to your professor’s explanations of course topics and assignments. His discussion will guide you in understanding and completing your assignments.
  • It is okay not to know or understand. This is why you are here.
  • Ask questions if you are confused. The only dumb question is the one not asked.
  • If you are having problems with the assignments or the course, meet with your professor and discuss your concerns with him. He will work with you to help you to meet the course requirements. I know because I had to do this.
  • DO NOT MISS CLASS! Participation is a significant part of your grade, and you will miss important exercises and discussions that are very relevant to your assignments and your success in the BIS Program.
  • Review the assigned readings several timesand think of how these apply to yourself and the BIS program. You will more readily see the utility of doing this nearer the end of course and when you move on in your BIS Program.
  • Don't feel anxious when the paper you worked on so hard is returned with lots of red marks - it's just constructive comment by the professor and meant to help you become a better writer and critical thinker. It showed me he cared.
  • This class will be different from any other class you have taken. Although intensive, it will open your eyes to a whole new world of scholarship you are now entering, and you definitely will enjoy the class interaction and discussion.
  • No, you are not in the wrong class. Yes, everyone else is just as challenged as you are. And yes, it is all going to work out.
  • Reread this sheet often. We all have been there!