For IEC use only


SUBJECTSMB Meeting 137, agenda item 9.2, Geneva
Report of TC 100/AGS after the meeting held 2009-10-18 inTel Aviv, Israel.
TC 100/AGS held a meeting 2009-10-18; its next meeting is planned for 2010-5-19at Hellenic Organisation for Standardization (ELOT)inAthens, Greece.
The report is in two parts:
Part A – Recommendation submitted to the SMB for formal approval:
Part B – Other items of interest
SMB members’ attention is drawn to the information given under item(s) B.2 and B.3 and the TC 100/AGS list of recommendations and action items given in Annex 1.
The SMB is invited to note the report from TC 100/AGS. Members are invited to inform the SMB Secretariat of any items in Part B of the report thatmembers would like to discuss further at the next SMB meeting before 2010-01-XX, using the IEC Technical Server, attention J. Lacroix.

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Part A: recommendations for approval

The SMB is invited to approve the membership listed given in Annex 1 submitted in accordance with Section 5 of Document AC(2002)27to this document Item 4.

TC 100 AGS Secretary received a new member nomination of Mr. Keith Jones from “The Australian Industry Group.” Considering all current AGS members are selected from three regions of Northern Hemisphere,the meeting adopted him as an additional AGS member from a new region, “Southern Hemisphere.”

Quoted from Document 100/1180/INF: TC 100 Guidelines and Procedures

4.3.2 Membership

The members of the AGS are:

Persons representing industry associations, where the members of the AGS should cover global regions (America, Europe and Asian-Pacific).

The Chairman, Secretary(ies) of TC 100.

IEC Central Office representative to give a strong support of the IEC Central Office.

Part B: other items of interest

B.1Follow-up of Response Plan on the PACT report

TC 100/AGS has started seekingnew standardization areas as post PACT activities as described in B.3 (2).

B.2Follow-up of other issues of the 25thmeeting

(1)Digital Cinema

-Reports of SMPTE 21DC and ISO/TC36 --- (M. Hyman) 100/AGS(Secr.)370

Mr. Hyman reported the standardization activities of SMPTE 21DC (former DC28) on digital cinema and ISO/TC 36 on cinematography. Although he left SMPTE, the meeting requested him to continue reporting these subjects.

(2)TC100 security

-Report of Ad-Hoc Group on TC100 security standardization (Revised 100/ AGS (Secr.) 345) --- (J. Yoshio and R. Atarashi) 100/AGS(Secr.)376

The meeting accepted 100/AGS376, that provides the proposed text for TC 100 security guidelines, sending it to AGM for reviewing.

(3)Energy efficiency

-Report of SMB/SG1 --- (J. Baronas) Decision 135/9 of SMB/4040/RM, 100/AGS(Secr.)380

The meeting received 100/AGS380 following SMB/4040/RMDecision 135/9made by SMB/SG1.In order to track political activities of SMB/SG 1, the meeting recommends Energy Efficiency Ad-Hoc, led by Ms. Jean Baronas, to keep the current formation, even though TC 100 has established TA 12 for developing energy efficiency standards.

-TC59 home network and its standby power consumption --- (N. Minami) 100/AGS(Secr.)371 (59/537/NP and59/540/CDV)

Mr. Norimasa Minami reported two activities in TC59 using 100/AGS371. In order to liaise with TC 59 on standby power consumption measurement methods defined by IEC 62301/Ed2/CDV, the meeting requested him to continue the liaison activities with TC 59.

-Contactless power transmission --- (N. Minami) 100/AGS(Secr.)372 (item17/SMB/4010A/DC and SB4 Rep.)

As described in 100/AGS372, SB 4 report (2009-04) includes the issue “power transfer by radio communication.” Item 17 of SMB/4010A/DC allocates the similar topic, “contactless power transmission” to TC 100 and TC 96. In order to respond these requests, TC 100 will prepare a position paper on this subject.

-International standardization for USB specifications --- (S. Hirakawa)

TC 100 Secretary sent back the liaison letter to USF IF (Implementers Forum) for responding the letter from it just before the AGS meeting requesting TC 100 to use USB-IF standards as normative references in the battery charging interface standard. AGS requests AGM to establish the formal liaisonship with USB-IF as soon as possible.

(5) High-level meeting of ITU-T, JTC1 and IEC/TC100

-Report of the high-level activity --- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)381

The second Ad-Hoc of IEC TC 100 High-level meetingwith ITU-T, JTC 1 and ETSI, will be held on October 25 at IEC Central Office. AGS expects an efficient meetingusing this framework and requests Dr. S. Hirakawa to encourage the coordination activities with these groups.

(6) New TC100 standardization model including IPTV, PC hardware and etc.

-Draft NP for new TC100 standardization model --- (J. Yoshio) 100/AGS(Secr.)377

AGS requests Mr. Yoshio to provide an NP on new TC100 standardization model including today's discussion on100/AGS377.

B.3New proposals

(1)Relationship between TC100 and TC108

-No modification of the TC100 scope --- (S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)379

After the last AGM meeting, TC 100 considered a scope modification in order to synchronise and collaborate with the TC 108 scope. However, TC 100 went a little bit faster than practical for TC 108 and was about to fail the synchronisation. More research is needed for a successful scope modification, especially in the area of the planned synchronization and collaboration with the IEC TC108. In addition, TC 100 received the comments from US NC about not changing the scope at this time. AGS understood the proposal from the Secretary not to change it at this TC 100 PL meeting.

(2)Post-PACT activities: user requirements for future TC100 standardization

-New Adhoc Group proposal --- (M. Mukai and S. Hirakawa) 100/AGS(Secr.)375

100/AGS375 provides the standardization activities within TC 100 inherited from PACT report. Considering the termination of PACT, TC 100 decided to establish an ad-hoc group for discussing new standardization areas, while similar activities are continued by MSB.

This group will be led by Mr. Mukai, reporting mainly users’ requirements of new expected technical standards within TC 100. It is understood that this activities are different from B.2 (6).

(3)Terminology for multimedia home network configuration

-Requirements for a terminology standard on multimedia home network configuration --- (J. Yoshio and R. Atarashi)100/AGS(Secr.)378

100/AGS378 provides the necessity to create a standard for terminologies of multimedia home network configuration that is observed during the PT activity. The meeting suggestedaddinga new part to accommodate terminologies in the standard of this PT.

B.4Reports on related activities

AGS received the following 2reports:

(1)Report on accessibility project --- (J. Baronas) 100/AGS(Secr.)374

(2)CEA 3D Update --- (J. Fairhurst) 100/AGS(Secr.)382

B.5Next Meeting schedule

The next meeting is on May 19th2010, at Hellenic Organisation for Standardization (ELOT) inAthens, Greece.

The second next meeting is on October 11th, 2010 in Seattle, USA, in conjunction with the 74thIEC General Meeting.

B.6Proposed Modification of Document 100/1180/INF Sec 4.3.2

According to the request from AGS, TC 100 Secretary proposes the following modification to Section 4.3.2 of 100/1180/INF.

4.3.2 Membership

The members of the AGS are:

・Persons representing industry associations, where the members of the AGS should cover global regions. Regions include: America, Europe, Asia and Oceanic.
The AGS reviews and considers additional members periodically.

・The Chairman, Secretary(ies) of TC 100.

・IEC Central Office representative to give a strong support of the IEC Central Office.

The following are the agreed action items as the result of the meeting:

Review of agreed action items

Chairman presented the following 16 action items as the conclusion of this AGS meeting and AGS approved them.

Recommendations and agreed action items, at the 26thAGS meeting on October 18, 2009

  1. AGS accepts Mr. Keith Jones as an AGS member from South Hemisphere region and requests secretary to propose an amendment for 5.4.2 of TC 100 Guidelines and Procedures.
  2. AGS requests Mr. Hyman to report of updated information on SMPTE and ISO TC 36 digital cinema.
  3. AGS accepts 100/AGS376 additional texts on TC100 security into the next revision of TC100 guidelines and procedures and requests AGM to review it.
  4. AGS requests Ms. Baronas and Dr. Grant to propose text regarding the consideration of accessibility/usability for AGS review. If AGS generally agree, the text would be forwarded to the AGM for discussion and possible activities to the next revision of the IEC TC100 guidelines and procedures.
  5. AGS appreciates the activities of the adhoc group on energy efficiency and requests the group to continue its activity particularly for responding to SG1.
  6. AGS requests the TAs to discuss which standards and activities would be appropriate contribution to the SMB SG3 Smart Grid framework to Ms. Baronas.
  7. AGS requests Mr. Minami to keep a liaisonship with TC59 for harmonization on IEC 62301/Ed2/CDV standby power consumption.
  8. AGS appreciates the SB4 report and SMB new field proposal (SMB/4010A/DC) on contactless power transmission, AGS requests its secretary to create a TC100 position paper on this topic.
  9. AGS requests AGM to establish a liaisonship with USB Implementers Forum to develop international standards on USB technology.
  10. AGS expects the works of the high-level meeting and requests Dr. Hirakawa to encourage the coordination activities with ITU-T, JTC1 and ETSI.
  11. AGS requests Mr. Yoshio to provide an NP on new TC100 standardization model including today's discussion on doc.377.
  12. AGS identifies the importance of user requirements for future TC100 standardization and asks Dr. Mukai to establish an adhoc group to discuss and report user requirements for future TC100 standardization.
  13. AGS accepts the requirements for a terminology standard on multimedia home network configuration and requests Mr. Yoshio to propose an additional part for developing the standard.
  14. AGS requests Ms. Baronas and Dr. Grant to report of updated information of TC100 accessibility.
  15. AGS requests Mr. Fairhurst to report of updated information of CEA 3D activities.
  16. AGS expresses its appreciation to Israel National Committee for handling arrangements of the AGS meeting.

Annex 1 (for approval)

The list of TC 100 AGS members

Chairman / Mr./Dr. Yushi Komachi / JP NC
Secretary / Mr./Dr. Shuji Hirakawa / TC 100 Secretary
AGS Secretary / Mr. Norimasa Minami / TC100 Assistant Secretary
Members / Mr. Mark Hyman / TC 100 Chairman
Mr. Tadashi Ezaki / TC 100Assistant Secretary
Mr. Matei Cocimarov / IEC/CO
Ms. Jean Baronas / North America –US NC
Mr. Karl Brookes / Europe – DigitalEurope
Mr. David Felland / North America –US NC
Ms./Dr. Kate Grant / Europe –UK NC
Ms. Megan Hayes / North America –US NC
New member for approval / Mr. Keith Jones / Oceania– AU NC,Adopted by AGS
Mr. Shuichi Matsumura / Asia-Pacific – JP NC
Mr./Dr. Mikio Mukai / Asia-Pacific – JP NC
Mr. Eric van Nijhuis / Europe – DigitalEurope
Mr. Pekka Talmola / Europe – DigitalEurope
Mr. Dietrich Westerkamp / Europe – DigitalEurope
Mr. Junichi Yoshio / Asia-Pacific – JP NC
Mr. Subing Zhang / Asia-Pacific – CN NC


Annex 2

Attendees at Tel Aviv/Israelmeeting

Name / Title / Function
Participating members (15)
Mr./Dr. Yushi Komachi / AGS Chairman
Mr./Dr. Shuji Hirakawa / TC 100 Secretary
Mr. Norimasa Minami / AGS Secretary
(TC 100 Assistant Secretary)
Mr. Mark Hyman / TC 100 Chairman
Mr. Tadashi Ezaki / TC 100 Assistant Secretary
Mr. Matei Cocimarov / IEC/CO
Ms. Jean Baronas / AGS
Mr. Karl Brookes / AGS
Ms. Megan Hayes / AGS
Mr. Keith Jones / New AGS adopted at the meeting
Mr. Shuichi Matsumura / AGS
Mr./Dr. Mikio Mukai / AGS
Mr. Eric van Nijhuis / AGS
Mr. Pekka Talmola / AGS
Mr. Junichi Yoshio / AGS
Not participating members (4)
Mr. David Felland / AGS / With regret
Ms./Dr. Kate Grant / AGS / With regret
Mr. Dietrich Westerkamp / AGS / With regret
Mr. Subing Zhang / AGS / With regret
Guest (5)
Mr./Dr. Jae-Young Lee / TA 4 TAM
Mr. Lauri Halme / TA 5 TAM
Mr. Hideki Ohtaka / TA 6 TAM
Mr. James Williamson / TA 9 TAM
Mr. John Fairhurst / TA 12 TAM
Observers (17)
Mr. Hiroyuki Iga / TA 1 TS
Mr. Choi Kwang-SOON / TA 4 TS
Mr. Eero Sorri / TA 5 TS
Mr. Hironori Sakakihara / TA 8 TS
Mr. Mark Yonge / TA 12 TS
Mr./Dr. Ren Chen / China NC
Mr. Zhang Hong / China NC
Mr. Jiang Tian / China NC
Mr. Andreas Schneider / DE NC
Mr. Takahito Iida / JP NC
Mr. Kazuhiko Inagaki / JP NC
Mr. Satoshi Kageyama / JP NC
Mr. Koji Tsukada / JP NC
Mr. Nam Ock-Woo / KR NC
Mr. Jack Holm / US NC
Mr. Jeff Howell / US NC
Ms. Grace Wei / US NC


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