English social studies ,Grade 6 2017-2018Revision sheet

Give one word :

1-It is a group of trees,plants ,animals and insects that live together and interact within their natural habitat. ( ecosystem )

2-means one organism eats another to survive. ( food chain )

3- It is color-coded zones using on maps to show the geography location of different ecosystems around the world. ( biomes )

4- General weather conditions which found in particular place. ( climate )

6-A set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics.

( species )

7-Animals eat meat. ( carnivores )

8-Animals eat plants. ( herbivores )

9-Animals eat meat and plants.( omnivores )

10- Nonliving organisms ( a biotic )

11- Living organisms.( biotic )

12-Humid and dark because the higher denser layers, All the plants and shrubs that adapted to catch a few sun rays to survive, the animals live there are Anacondas ,scorpions , army ants ,turtles , crocodiles and jaguars. ( forest floor )

13-Very humid, quite and dark , it includes trees that grow to reach the layer above, animals that live there are birds, butterflies ,snakes and poison frogs.

( understory )

14-The busiest part. Sunlight reaches it before any other part ....as a result it may be warmer and drier than the forest below .plants in it are the first to get wet when it rains.The Trees Tops shaped like umbrellas so rain drop fall on the canopy’s tree tops and then gently trickle down to the soil.A lot of animals,birds and insects live up there ...cockatoo, toucan,sloth, woolly monkey. ( canopy )

15-The highest in the rainforest ,this layer catches the most sunlight,it is also exposed to strong heat and wind ,it consists very few trees and they are high as skyscrapers,they have thick and waxy leaves that protected them from sun and winds.Animals that live there are eagles ,macaws and parrots.

( emergent )

16- It is an imaginary line that runs halfway across the globe and splitting into two hemisphere (northern and southern). ( equator )

18- The cutting down of trees in a large area or the destruction of forests by people. ( deforestation )

19- People who move from one place to another searching for food and water.

( nomads )

20-The shaking of the ground caused by the sudden movement of large blocks of rocks along the fault. ( earthquake )

21-An instrument that constantly records ground movements.

( seismograph )

22- The name of the place where earthquake occurs on the surface of the earth.

( lithosphere )

Complete :

1-All living organisms within ecosystem stay alive through a process called food chain where one organismeats another to survive

2-Ecosystem are different in climate ,vegetation ,species , landscape and wild life

3-The sun giving light and energy to the plant that can help it to make its own food and the plant called producer.

4- Rain forests, deserts and oceansare of many kinds of ecosystems.

Some ecosystem have a hot and dryclimate like deserts ,while others have a warm and humidclimate like rainforests.

5- Rain forestsare located around the equator in part of south America ,Africa,Asia and Australiaand the largest of them is the Amazon rainforest in Brazil ,It consists over 20 millions species of animals andplants.

6-Rainforest is always warmwithin average temperature that ranges between25 to 30 degrees centigrade. Seasons do not change the only element that changes is the amount of rainfall, climate alternates some seasons are wet and some seasons are dry.

7- The rainforests are divided into fourlayers

*The forest flooris humid and dark because the higher denser layers block out sunlight from reaching the ground.

*The understory also quite ,humid and darkit includes tree that grow to reach the layer above.

*Thecanopy is the busiest part, a lot of animals, birds and insectslive up there,it protect the soil fromerosionas the trees top shaped likeumbrellasso rain drop fall on the tree tops and then gently trickle down to the soil.

*Theemergentis the highest layer in the rainforest, it consists of veryfew treesand they are high as skyscrapers, this layer catches the most sunlight.

8- Rainforests are sometimes called the lungs of the worldbecause all there trees and plants produce oxygen , people and animals need oxygentobreath.

9-Some animals in the rainforests use camouflagefor protection, this means that they can change colorand patternto blend with their natural surrounding , which helps them tohidefrom a predator.

9- food and drink, medical benefits , tree and soil act as huge sponge and balance temperature are the uses of rainforests.

10-Rain forests are indanger ofdeforestationwhich causes threats towild life ,indigenous tribesand to nature and climate , logging companies cut thousands of rainforests trees, they cause a lot of animals and birds lose their shelters.

11-Many people care a lot about preserving our rainforests they do so by living an environmentally friendly lifestyle and recycle system which is very effective method of helping to preserve our rainforests.

12-The desert ecosystem is different from the rainforests inlocation , climate, landscape ,vegetation and wild life. Certain plants and animals can survive in the desert by holding waterinside of it for long periods of time such as thecamels and cactusplant.

13-Human who can survive and live there because they move from one place to anotherlooking forfood and water ,they buildtentsthat are made out ofcamel skin to shelter them fromwind and sand storm.

14-Desert climate is usually veryhotduring the day.

15-seismograph instrument is used to measure ground movements

16-Waves carry from place to placeenergy

17- The first scale developed to measure earthquakes wasRichter scale.

18-Seismographis the instrument used to measure ground movements.

19- The name of the place where earthquake occurs on the surface of the earth is thelithosphere.

The difference between the desert ecosystem and the tropical ecosystem:

Desert ecosystem / Tropical ecosystem
location / Concentrated in Middle East and Africa. / Surround the equator.
Landscape / Sand dunes and rocks. / Four layers with different characteristics .
Climate / Hot, dry and quite harsh. / Hot ,humid, rainfall all year long.
vegetation / Special kinds of plants that store water inside it. / Variety of plants and trees according to rainforests layers.
Wilde life / Animals that can cope with the heat as they do not sweat much and can store water inside it. / Variety of birds and animals according to rainforests layers.